Inferring Long-Term Tectonic Uplift Patterns from Bayesian Inversion of Fluvially-Incised Landscapes

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Bar Oryan, Boris Gailleton, Jean-Arthur Olive, Luca Malatesta, Romain Jolivet


Earth surface processes encode the combined forcing of tectonics and climate in topography. Separating their contributions is essential for using landscapes as quantitative records of crustal deformation. Here, we develop a method for inverting fields of long-term rock uplift from fluvially-incised landscapes, while accounting for spatial variability in climatic conditions and rock erodibility. Our approach operates in the χ-space reference frame and handles spatial variability in key geomorphological parameters using B-spline interpolating functions. Through inversions of 170 synthetic landscapes, we demonstrate that our method accurately captures spatial variations in landscape properties, even when applied to settings that deviate from the ideal model of equilibrated detachment-limited channels, which underpins the χ-space framework. Consequently, we apply our inversion to five natural landscapes shaped by normal faults (half-grabens), and to a 200 km wide region of the Himalayas. We show that our inversion can resolve the effect of climate and lithology while extracting uplift fields that are consistent with patterns expected from upper crustal flexure and previous estimates of uplift derived from geomorphological markers. The success of our method in recovering uplift patterns, isolated from the effects of climate and erodibility, highlights its applicability to settings where long-term uplift trends are unknown, paving the path to deciphering time-averaged tectonic fingerprints recorded in landscapes over tens of thousands of years.



Earth Sciences



Published: 2024-10-15 09:02

Last Updated: 2024-10-15 16:02


CC-By Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International

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