Comment on “Long-term strain oscillations related to the hydrogeological interaction between aquifers in intra-mountain basins: A case study from Apennines chain (Italy)” by Devoti, Riguzzi, Cinti and Ventura

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Marco Moro, Michele Saroli, Christian Bignami, Matteo Albano, Emanuela Falcucci, Stefano Gori


The paper by Devoti et al. (2018) analyses the GPS time series from seventeen stations located inside and in the neighboring of the L’Aquila intermountain basin. The authors suggest that the observed movements are due to regional hydrological processes likely associated with multi-annual climatic variations. The analysis performed by Devoti et al. (2018) contains an issue in the GPS-InSar comparison that invalidates their conclusions. Moreover, the model contains geological and hydrogeological inconsistencies that make the analysis not robust. In this comment, we describe these two points and show that the data do not support the conclusions of hydrological response instead of preseismic behavior.



Earth Sciences, Geology, Geomorphology, Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Tectonics and Structure


GPS, InSAR, groundwater, Preseismic


Published: 2019-03-28 12:01

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