
Filtering by Subject: Physical Sciences and Mathematics

Crack to pulse transition and magnitude statistics during earthquake cycles on a self-similar rough fault

Elias Rafn Heimisson

Published: 2019-10-08
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Engineering, Geophysics and Seismology, Mechanical Engineering, Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Tectonics and Structure, Tribology

Faults in nature demonstrate fluctuations from planarity at most length scales that are relevant for earthquake dynamics. These fluctuations may influence all stages of the seismic cycle; earthquake nucleation, propagation, arrest, and inter-seismic behavior. Here I show quasi-dynamic plane-strain simulations of earthquake cycles on a self-similar and finite 10 km long rough fault with [...]

Asperity failure control of stick-slip along brittle faults

Xiaofeng Chen, Brett Carpenter, Zeev Reches

Published: 2019-10-08
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Geology, Physical Sciences and Mathematics

Stick-slips are spontaneous, unstable slip events during which a natural or man-made system transitions from a strong, sticking stage to a weaker, slipping stage. Stick-slips were proposed by Brace and Byerlee (1966) as the experimental analogue of natural earthquakes. We analyze here the mechanics of stick-slips along brittle faults by conducting laboratory experiments and by modeling the [...]

Metastable olivine wedge beneath the Japan Sea imaged by seismic interferometry

Zhichao Shen, Zhongwen Zhan

Published: 2019-10-08
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Geophysics and Seismology, Physical Sciences and Mathematics

The metastable olivine wedge (MOW) within subducted slabs has long been hypothesized to host deep-focus earthquakes (>300 km). Its presence would also rule out hydrous slabs being subducted into the mantle transition zone. However, the existence and dimensions of MOW remain controversial. Here, we apply inter-source interferometry, which converts deep earthquakes into virtual seismometers, to [...]

Non-stationary teleconnection between the Pacific Ocean and Arctic sea ice

David Bonan, Eduardo Blanchard-Wrigglesworth

Published: 2019-10-08
Subjects: Atmospheric Sciences, Climate, Oceanography and Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology, Other Oceanography and Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology, Physical Sciences and Mathematics

Over the last 40 years observations show a teleconnection between summertime Pacific Ocean sea-surface temperatures and September Arctic sea-ice extent. However, the short satellite observation record has made it difficult to further examine this relationship. Here, we use 30 fully-coupled general circulation models (GCMs) participating in Phase 5 of the Coupled Model Inter-comparison Project to [...]

Redox-informed models of global biogeochemical cycles

Emily Zakem, Martin Polz, Mick Follows

Published: 2019-10-08
Subjects: Biogeochemistry, Earth Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Physical Sciences and Mathematics

Microbial activity mediates the global flow of carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, and other elements, including climatically significant gases. However, non-photosynthetic microbial activity is typically not resolved dynamically or mechanistically in global models of the marine and terrestrial biospheres, inhibiting predictive capability. Understanding the global-scale impact of complex microbial [...]

Deep Low-Frequency Earthquakes Associated with the Eruptions of Shinmoe-dake in Kirishima Volcanoes

Ryo Kurihara, Kazushige Obara, Akiko Takeo, et al.

Published: 2019-10-06
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Geophysics and Seismology, Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Volcanology

Deep low-frequency (DLF) earthquakes occur beneath the Kirishima volcanoes in southwest Japan at depths of 10–30 km. In this study, we aim to reveal the relationship between DLF earthquakes and volcanic activity including eruptions by relocating the hypocenters of the earthquakes using the network correlation coefficient method and detecting the earthquakes comprehensively using the matched [...]

Climate change resilient agricultural practices: A learning experience from indigenous communities over India

Amitava Aich, Arindam Roy, Dipayan Dey

Published: 2019-10-06
Subjects: Agriculture, Biodiversity, Environmental Indicators and Impact Assessment, Environmental Monitoring, Environmental Sciences, Life Sciences, Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Sustainability

The impact of climate change on agricultural practices is rising question marks on future food security of billions of people in tropical and sub-tropical region. Recently introduced, Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) techniques encourages the practices of sustainable agriculture, increasing adaptive capacity and resilience to shocks at multiple levels. However, in reality, it is extremely [...]

Controls of River Dynamics on Residence Time and Biogeochemical Reactions of Hydrological Exchange Flows in A Regulated River Reach

Xuehang Song, Xingyuan Chen, John M. Zachara, et al.

Published: 2019-10-06
Subjects: Biogeochemistry, Earth Sciences, Hydrology, Physical Sciences and Mathematics

Residence Time Distributions (RTDs) exerts an important control on biogeochemical translations in watershed systems. RTDs tend to follow time-invariant exponential, lognormal, or heavy-tailed RTDs that have power-law behaviors for long tails in headwater or low-order streams. However, there is increasing recognition that RTDs can be more complicated and time-variable in response to dynamic [...]

The water planetary boundary: interrogation and revision

Tom Gleeson, Lan Wang Erlandsson, Sam Zipper, et al.

Published: 2019-10-03
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Hydrology, Physical Sciences and Mathematics

The planetary boundaries framework has proven useful for many global sustainability contexts, but is challenging to apply to freshwater, which is spatially heterogeneous, part of complex socio-ecological systems and often dominated by local dynamics. To date, the planetary boundary for water has been simplistically defined by as the global rate of blue water consumption, functioning as a proxy [...]

Does a damaged fault zone mitigate the near-field landslide risk during supershear earthquakes?—Application to the 2018 magnitude 7.5 Palu earthquake.

Elif Oral, Huihui Weng, Jean Paul Ampuero

Published: 2019-10-03
Subjects: Civil and Environmental Engineering, Earth Sciences, Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Physical Sciences and Mathematics

The impact of earthquakes can be severely aggravated by cascading secondary hazards. The 2018 Mw 7.5 Palu, Indonesia earthquake led to devastating tsunamis and landslides, while triggered submarine landslides possibly contributed substantially to generate the tsunami. The rupture was supershear over most of its length, but its speed was unexpectedly low, between the S-wave velocity Vs and [...]

Grain-scale deformation mechanisms and evolution of porosity in experimentally deformed Boom Clay

Bernhard Schuck, Guillaume Desbois, Janos Urai

Published: 2019-10-03
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Tectonics and Structure

Boom Clay is a soft, slightly overconsolidated, uncemented claystone considered as potential host material for a radioactive waste repository in Belgium. We studied the evolution of microfabrics in samples which were shortened to 20% bulk strain in consolidated-undrained (CU) triaxial experiments at effective confining pressures of 0.375, 0.750 and 1.5 MPa, respectively. Results show a [...]

Integrating the water planetary boundary with water management from local to global scales

Sam Zipper, Fernando Jaramillo, Lan Wang Erlandsson, et al.

Published: 2019-10-03
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Hydrology, Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Sustainability, Water Resource Management

The planetary boundaries framework defines the ‘safe operating space for humanity’ represented by nine global processes which can destabilize the Earth System if perturbed. The water planetary boundary attempts to provide a global limit to anthropogenic water cycle modifications, but it has been challenging to translate and apply it to the regional and local scales at which water problems and [...]

Research trends in the use of remote sensing for inland water quality science: Moving towards multidisciplinary applications

Simon Nemer Topp, Tamlin M. Pavelsky, Matthew R.V. Ross, et al.

Published: 2019-10-03
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Hydrology, Physical Sciences and Mathematics

Remote sensing approaches to measuring inland water quality date back nearly 50 years to the beginning of the satellite era. Over this time span, hundreds of peer reviewed publications have demonstrated promising remote sensing models to estimate biological, chemical, and physical properties of inland waterbodies. Until recently, most of these publications focused largely on algorithm [...]

An empirical approach to estimating hydrocarbon column heights for improved pre-drill volume prediction in hydrocarbon exploration

Isabel Edmundson, Roy Davies, Lars Frette, et al.

Published: 2019-10-03
Subjects: Analysis, Earth Sciences, Geology, Mathematics, Physical Sciences and Mathematics

Estimating pre-drill volumes in hydrocarbon exploration involves dealing with geological and technical uncertainties. The prediction of the hydrocarbon column height is widely recognized as the primary driver of uncertainty in volumetric estimates. The oil and gas industry continues to renew efforts to limit such uncertainties because of the potential economic costs of inaccurate estimation, yet [...]

Key controls on hydrocarbon retention and leakage from structural traps in the Hammerfest Basin, SW Barents Sea: implications for prospect analysis and risk assessment

Isabel Edmundson, Atle Rotevatn, Roy Davies, et al.

Published: 2019-10-03
Subjects: Analysis, Earth Sciences, Geology, Geophysics and Seismology, Mathematics, Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Tectonics and Structure

Evidence of hydrocarbon leakage has been well documented across the SW Barents Sea and is commonly associated with exhumation in the Cenozoic. However, further study is required to understand what specific mechanism(s) facilitate such leakage, and why this occurs in some locations and not others. We use seismic and well data to quantify fault- and top-seal strength based on mechanical and [...]


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