
Filtering by Subject: Physical Sciences and Mathematics

Active deformation of Malawi Rift’s North Basin hinge zone modulated by reactivation of pre-existing Precambrian shear zone fabric

Folarin Kolawole, Estella A. Atekwana, Daniel A Lao-Davila, et al.

Published: 2018-02-19
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Geology, Geophysics and Seismology, Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Tectonics and Structure

Key Points: 1. Filtered aeromagnetic data elucidates the relationship between earthquake surface ruptures and buried faults along the North Basin hinge-zone, Malawi Rift. 2. Fault segments align with basement shear zone fabric. 3. Strain accommodation in the North Basin hinge zone is modulated by reactivation of the underlying Precambrian shear zone fabric. Abstract: We integrated temporal [...]

Fracture patterns associated with the evolution of the Teton anticline, Sawtooth Range, Montana, USA

Caroline M Burberry, David Cannon, Terry Engelder, et al.

Published: 2018-02-16
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Tectonics and Structure

The Teton anticline and adjacent structures at the deformation front of the Sawtooth Range fold-thrust belt in Montana are fractured in such a way that some have used these as a model for the fractures that propagate during buckle folding. However, advances in understanding both the process of folding in forelands and the evolution of fracture patterns found within these folds suggests that it [...]

On the reduction of trend errors by the ANOVA joint correction scheme used in homogenization of climate station records

Ralf Lindau, Victor Venema

Published: 2018-02-16
Subjects: Climate, Oceanography and Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology, Physical Sciences and Mathematics

Inhomogeneities in climate data are the main source of uncertainty for secular warming estimates. To reduce the influence of inhomogeneities in station data statistical homogenization compares a candidate station to its neighbors to detect and correct artificial changes in the candidate. Many studies have quantified the performance of statistical break detection tests used in this comparison. [...]

Aggradational lobe fringes: the influence of subtle intrabasinal seabed topography on sediment gravity flow processes and lobe stacking patterns

Yvonne T. Spychala, David Hodgson, Christopher Stevenson, et al.

Published: 2018-02-16
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Sedimentology

Seabed topography is ubiquitous across basin-floor environments, and influences sediment gravity flows and sediment dispersal patterns. The impact of steep (several degrees) confining slopes on sedimentary facies and depositional architecture has been widely documented. However, the influence of gentle (fraction of a degree) confining slopes is less well-documented, largely due to outcrop [...]

Multi-scale modeling of the urban meteorology: integration of a new canopy model in the WRF model

Dasaraden Mauree, Nadège Blond, Alain Clappier

Published: 2018-02-16
Subjects: Atmospheric Sciences, Climate, Oceanography and Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology, Physical Sciences and Mathematics

Urban parametrizations have been recently proposed and integrated in mesoscale meteorological models for a better reproduction of urban heat islands and to compute building energy con- sumption. The objective of the present study is to evaluate the value of the use of a module able to produce highly resolved vertical profiles of these variables. For this purpose, the Canopy Interface Model (CIM) [...]

Global assessment and mapping of changes in mesoscale landscapes: 1992–2015

Jakub Nowosad, Tomasz Stepinski, Pawel Netzel

Published: 2018-02-15
Subjects: Categorical Data Analysis, Computer Sciences, Earth Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Geographic Information Sciences, Geography, Longitudinal Data Analysis and Time Series, Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing, Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Social and Behavioral Sciences, Spatial Science, Statistics and Probability

Monitoring global land cover changes is important because of concerns about their impact on environment and climate. The release by the European Space Agency (ESA) of a set of worldwide annual land cover maps covering the 1992–2015 period makes possible a quantitative assessment of land change on the global scale. While ESA land cover mapping effort was motivated by the need to better [...]

Towards machine ecoregionalization of Earth’s landmass using pattern segmentation method

Jakub Nowosad, Tomasz Stepinski

Published: 2018-02-15
Subjects: Categorical Data Analysis, Computer Sciences, Earth Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Geographic Information Sciences, Geography, Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing, Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Social and Behavioral Sciences, Spatial Science, Statistics and Probability

We present and evaluate a quantitative method for delineation of ecophysigraphic regions throughout the entire terrestrial landmass. The method uses the new pattern-based segmentation technique which attempts to emulate the qualitative, weight-of-evidence approach to a delineation of ecoregions in a computer code. An ecophysiographic region is characterized by homogeneous physiography defined by [...]

Global inventory of landscape patterns and latent variables of landscape spatial configuration

Jakub Nowosad, Tomasz Stepinski

Published: 2018-02-15
Subjects: Biodiversity, Earth Sciences, Environmental Indicators and Impact Assessment, Environmental Sciences, Geographic Information Sciences, Geography, Life Sciences, Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Social and Behavioral Sciences, Spatial Science

We present a regionalization of the entire Earth’s landmass into land units of homogeneous landscape patterns. The input to the regionalization is a high resolution Global Land Cover (GLC) dataset. The GLC is first divided into local landscapes – small non-overlapping square blocks of GLC cells. These blocks are agglomerated into much larger land units using a pattern-based segmentation [...]

Outcrop-scale tomography: insights into the 3D structure of multiphase boudins

Christoph von Hagke, Bob Bamberg, Simon Virgo, et al.

Published: 2018-02-15
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Tectonics and Structure

We analyze the 3D geomorphology of a boudinaged amphibolite layer encased in marble using meter-scale tomography by serial sectioning, high resolution imaging and 3D reconstruction of a 2 m³ block from a quarry in the high-grade core of the Naxos core complex. Local uncertainties in the model are resolved by dissolution of marble in selected slabs, yielding a large, highly accurate 3D [...]

What is users next best alternative to the use of dynamical seasonal predictions?

Matteo De Felice, Carlo Buontempo

Published: 2018-02-14
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Physical Sciences and Mathematics

The recent development of climate predictions has shown their potential in providing users with information that could be used to inform decision on a seasonal time-horizon. This in turns offers a way of developing resilience to climate change through adaptation to seasonal variability. An effective way to assess to value of this information is to compare the quality of the forecast (assessed by [...]

Application of discrete-element methods to approximate sea-ice dynamics

Anders Damsgaard, Alistair Adcroft, Olga Sergienko

Published: 2018-02-14
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Glaciology, Oceanography and Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology, Other Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Physical Sciences and Mathematics

Lagrangian models of sea-ice dynamics have several advantages over Eulerian continuum models. Spatial discretization on the ice-floe scale are natural for Lagrangian models and offer exact solutions for mechanical non-linearities with arbitrary sea-ice concentrations. This allows for improved model performance in ice-marginal zones. Furthermore, Lagrangian models can explicitly simulate jamming [...]

Erosion-initiated stromatolite formation in a recent hypersaline sabkha setting (Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates)

Andreas Paul, Stephen W. Lokier, Wesley M. Court, et al.

Published: 2018-02-13
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Environmental Microbiology and Microbial Ecology Life Sciences, Life Sciences, Microbiology, Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Sedimentology

Laminated microbial mats and microbialites are documented from a variety of coastal marine environments. These features form through: a) the combination of trapping and binding of allochthonous grains, and b) microbially-mediated or controlled precipitation of a variety of minerals, including high-magnesium calcite and dolomite. Intertidal pools and associated microbial features have been [...]

Selection of hydrological signatures for large-sample hydrology

Nans Addor, Grey Stephen Nearing, Cristina Prieto, et al.

Published: 2018-02-12
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Hydrology, Physical Sciences and Mathematics

Hydrological signatures are now used for a wide range of purposes, including catchment classification, process exploration and hydrological model calibration. The recent boost in the popularity and number of signatures has however not been accompanied by the development of clear guidance on signature selection, meaning that signature selection is often arbitrary. Here we use three complementary [...]

Plio-Quaternary extensional tectonics of the Central Anatolian Plateau: a case study from the Tuz Gölü Basin, Turkey

Erman Özsayin, Attila Çiner, F. Bora Rojay, et al.

Published: 2018-02-08
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Geology, Physical Sciences and Mathematics

The Tuz Gölü Basin is the largest sedimentary depression located at the center of the Central Anatolian Plateau, an extensive, low-relief region with elevations of ca. 1 km located between the Pontide and Tauride mountains. Presently, the basin morphology and sedimentation processes are mainly controlled by the extensional Tuz Gölü Fault Zone in the east and the transtensional İnönü–Eskişehir [...]

Overview to the Regional Thrust Wedge Tectonics in Indonesia: Similarities and Differences in Orogenic Belts

Aldo Febriansyah Putra, Salahuddin Husein

Published: 2018-02-06
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Geology, Geomorphology, Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Tectonics and Structure

Overview to the regional thrust wedge tectonics in Indonesia attempts to compile and review geologic settings related to the development of compressive structures. Comprehensive overview will be represented in six orogenic belts of various geologic settings: Langsa Fold-Thrust Belt (North Sumatra Basin), Banyumas Fold-Thrust Belt (Western Central Java), Kutei Basin, West Sulawesi Fold-Thrust Belt [...]


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