
Filtering by Subject: Software Engineering

SpartANN - Spectral Pattern Analysis and Remote-sensing Tool with Artificial Neural Networks

Marco Dinis, Pedro Tarroso

Published: 2025-01-28
Subjects: Environmental Sciences, Geography, Remote Sensing, Software Engineering

Remote sensing, particularly from satellite observation, has become the standard tool for monitoring the planet with a steady increase of data production, and has seen wide application in ecosystem services analysis and management. Many remote sensing applications involve image classification, using methods from simple regressions to complex machine learning approaches that require advanced user [...]

An updated version of the SZ-plugin: from space to space-time data-driven modeling in QGIS

Giacomo Titti, Liwei Hu, Pietro Festi, et al.

Published: 2025-01-15
Subjects: Geology, Geomorphology, Software Engineering, Statistical Models

The geospatial community usually makes use of GIS environments to handle databases and pre-process their information. Actual analyses, especially data-driven ones, are performed outside GIS platforms. This interrupts the flow of information and the processing chain in a number of I/O operations that inevitably slow down the overall analytical protocols. The first version of the SZ-plugin [...]

Integrating Conversational AI Agents for Enhanced Water Quality Analytics: Development of a Novel Data Expert System

Gabriel Michael Vald, Muhammed Yusuf Sermet, Jerry Mount, et al.

Published: 2024-06-01
Subjects: Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, Civil Engineering, Databases and Information Systems, Environmental Engineering, Hydrology, Software Engineering

Despite advancements in environmental monitoring, the gap between data collection and user-friendly data interpretation remains a significant challenge, especially in the domain of water quality management. This paper introduces the Artificial Intelligence Data Expert (AI-DE), a novel data analytics system that is designed to facilitate on-demand analysis of time-series sensor data related to [...]

River Morphology Information System: A Web Cyberinfrastructure for Advancing River Morphology Research

Yusuf Sermet, Chung-Yuan Liang, Sayan Dey, et al.

Published: 2024-05-23
Subjects: Civil and Environmental Engineering, Databases and Information Systems, Geographic Information Sciences, Software Engineering

The study and management of river systems are increasingly challenged by the complexity and volume of data required to understand and predict river morphology changes. The River Morphology Information System (RIMORPHIS) is introduced as a transformative solution to these challenges, serving as an open-access web-based cyberinfrastructure designed to enable advanced research in river morphology [...]

Open-source approach for reproducible substrate mapping using semantic segmentation on recreation-grade side scan sonar datasets

Cameron Scott Bodine, Daniel David Buscombe, Toby D. Hocking

Published: 2023-12-21
Subjects: Analysis, Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, Databases and Information Systems, Environmental Monitoring, Hydrology, Natural Resources and Conservation, Numerical Analysis and Computation, Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing, Programming Languages and Compilers, Software Engineering, Terrestrial and Aquatic Ecology, Water Resource Management

Knowledge of the variation and distribution of substrates at large spatial extents in aquatic systems, particularly rivers, is severely lacking, impeding species conservation and ecosystem restoration efforts. Air and space-borne remote sensing important for terrestrial and atmospheric measurements are limited in benthic environments due to river stage, turbidity, and canopy cover, requiring [...]

EZ-InSAR: An Easy-to-use Open-source Toolbox for Mapping Ground Surface Deformation using Satellite Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar

Alexis Hrysiewicz, Xiaowen Wang, Eoghan P. Holohan

Published: 2023-01-11
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Software Engineering

Satellite Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) is a space-borne geodetic technique that can map ground displacement at millimetre accuracy. Via the new era for InSAR applications provided by the Copernicus Sentinel-1 SAR satellites, several open-source software packages exist for processing the SAR data, obtaining high- quality ground deformation maps but still requires a deep [...]

Automated stratigraphic correlation and model building using chronostratigraphic principles

Zoltan Sylvester

Published: 2022-08-08
Subjects: Sedimentology, Software Engineering, Stratigraphy

Stratigraphic correlation of geophysical well logs is one of the most important - and most time-consuming - tasks that applied geoscientists perform on a daily basis. Using the dynamic time warping (DTW) algorithm, automated correlation of two wells is a fairly simple task; DTW can also be used to correlate a large number of wells along a single path. However, errors accumulate along a path and [...]

Airborne laser scanning proxies of canopy light transmission in forests

Adam Michael Erickson, Nicholas Coops

Published: 2021-10-29
Subjects: Biodiversity, Biogeochemistry, Computer Sciences, Earth Sciences, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Environmental Sciences, Forest Sciences, Life Sciences, Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Plant Sciences, Software Engineering, Statistics and Probability

Reliable estimates of canopy light transmission are critical to understanding the structure and function of vegetation communities but are difficult and costly to attain by traditional field inventory methods. Airborne laser scanning (ALS) data uniquely provide multi-angular vertically resolved representation of canopy geometry across large geographic areas. While previous studies have proposed [...]

Ten Simple Rules for Researchers Who Want to Develop Web Apps

Sheila M. Saia, Natalie G. Nelson, Sierra N. Young, et al.

Published: 2021-07-18
Subjects: Agricultural Science, Agriculture, Applied Statistics, Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, Bioresource and Agricultural Engineering, Computer Sciences, Databases and Information Systems, Environmental Monitoring, Graphics and Human Computer Interfaces, Natural Resources and Conservation, Software Engineering, Terrestrial and Aquatic Ecology, Water Resource Management

Growing interest in data-driven, decision-support tools across the life sciences and physical sciences has motivated development of web applications, also known as web apps. Web apps can help disseminate research findings and present research outputs in ways that are more accessible and meaningful to the general public--from individuals, to governments, to companies. Specifically, web apps enable [...]

fv3gfs-wrapper: a Python wrapper of the FV3GFS atmospheric model

Jeremy James McGibbon, Noah D. Brenowitz, Mark Cheeseman, et al.

Published: 2021-03-06
Subjects: Atmospheric Sciences, Software Engineering

Simulation software in geophysics is traditionally written in Fortran or C++ due to the stringent performance requirements these codes have to satisfy. As a result, these codes are often hard to understand, hard to modify and hard to interface with high-productivity languages used for exploratory work. \texttt{fv3gfs-wrapper} is an open-source Python-wrapped version of NOAA's FV3GFS global [...]

Inversionson: Fully Automated Seismic Waveform Inversions

Solvi Thrastarson, Dirk-Philip van Herwaarden, Andreas Fichtner

Published: 2021-03-03
Subjects: Geophysics and Seismology, Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing, Software Engineering

We present Inversionson, a Python package that fully automates modern full-waveform inversions (FWI). It supports traditional FWI, which uses the same set of events and a single simulation mesh in each iteration, as well as more advanced workflows that exploit the use of dynamic mini-batches and wavefield-adapted meshes. These recently introduced advancements can be time-consuming and [...]

LASIF: LArge-scale Seismic Inversion Framework, an updated version

Solvi Thrastarson, Dirk-Philip van Herwaarden, Lion Krischer, et al.

Published: 2021-01-07
Subjects: Geophysics and Seismology, Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing, Software Engineering

Recent methodological advances and increases in computational power have made it feasible to perform full-waveform inversions (FWI) of large domains while using more sources. This trend, along with the increasing availability of seismic data has led to an explosion of the data volumes that can, and should, be used within an inversion. Similar to machine learning problems, the incorporation of [...]

A Serious Gaming Framework for Decision Support on Hydrological Hazards

Yusuf Sermet, Ibrahim Demir, Marian Muste

Published: 2020-03-17
Subjects: Civil and Environmental Engineering, Computer Sciences, Databases and Information Systems, Engineering, Environmental Education, Environmental Engineering, Environmental Sciences, Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Software Engineering, Sustainability, Water Resource Management

In this study, a web-based decision support tool (DST) was developed for hydrological multi-hazard analysis while employing gamification techniques to introduce a competitive element. The serious gaming environment provides functionalities for intuitive management, visualization, and analysis of geospatial, hydrological, and economic data to help stakeholders in the decision-making process [...]

Digital photogrammetry of historical aerial photographs using open-source software

Jose Ramon Martinez Batlle

Published: 2018-07-07
Subjects: Computer Sciences, Earth Sciences, Geomorphology, Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Programming Languages and Compilers, Software Engineering

Several collections of aerial photographs have been acquired in the Dominican Republic during the last 70 years. Although many of these sources are increasingly becoming available as scanned images, limited digital photogrammetric processing has been done, mainly because of the unaffordable prices of proprietary software licenses and the lack of clear workflows for processing historical photos. [...]

Fish species classification in underwater video monitoring using Convolutional Neural Networks

Frederik Kratzert, Helmut Mader

Published: 2018-05-16
Subjects: Animal Sciences, Aquaculture and Fisheries Life Sciences, Computer Sciences, Environmental Monitoring, Environmental Sciences, Life Sciences, Other Life Sciences, Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Software Engineering

This report presents a case study for automatic fish species classification in underwater video monitoring of fish passes. Although the presented approach is based on the FishCam monitoring system, it can be used with any video-based monitoring system. The presented classification scheme in this study, is based on Convolutional Neural Networks that do not require the calculation of any [...]

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