Filtering by Subject: Engineering
Energetic Formulation of Large-Deformation Poroelasticity
Published: 2022-01-03
Subjects: Engineering
The modeling of coupled fluid transport and deformation in a porous medium is essential to predict the various geomechanical process such as CO2 sequestration, hydraulic fracturing, and so on. Current applications of interest, for instance, that include fracturing or damage of the solid phase, require a nonlinear description of the large deformations that can occur. This paper presents a [...]
Agricultural Flood Vulnerability Assessment and Risk Quantification in Iowa
Published: 2021-12-31
Subjects: Engineering, Physical Sciences and Mathematics
Agricultural lands are often impacted by flooding, which results in economic losses and causes food insecurity across the world. Due to the world’s growing population, land-use alteration is frequently practiced to meet global demand. However, land-use changes combined with climate change have resulted in extreme hydrological changes (i.e., flooding and drought) in many areas. The state of Iowa [...]
European carbon storage resource requirements of climate change mitigation targets
Published: 2021-12-28
Subjects: Engineering
As a part of climate change mitigation plans in Europe, CO2 storage scenarios have been reported for the United Kingdom and the European Union with injection rates reaching 75 – 330 MtCO2 yr-1 by 2050. However, these plans are not constrained by geological properties or growth rates with precedent in the hydrocarbon industry. We use logistic models to identify growth trajectories and the [...]
Towards a predictive multi-phase model for alpine mass movements and process cascades
Published: 2021-12-22
Subjects: Engineering
Alpine mass movements can generate process cascades involving different materials including rock, ice, snow, and water. Numerical modelling is an essential tool for the quantification of natural hazards, but state-of-the-art operational models reach their limits when facing unprecedented or complex events. Here, we advance our predictive capabilities for process cascades on the basis of a [...]
Red noise in steady-state multiphase flow
Published: 2021-12-21
Subjects: Engineering, Physical Sciences and Mathematics
Understanding the interaction between competing fluids in the pore space of rocks is key for predicting subsurface flow and trapping, such as with CO2 in a saline aquifer. These processes occur over a large span of timescales (from seconds to thousands of years), and length scales (from microns to kilometres). Understanding the link between these temporal and spatial scales will enable us to [...]
Understanding process controls on groundwater recharge variability across Africa through recharge landscapes
Published: 2021-12-21
Subjects: Engineering
Groundwater is critical in supporting current and future reliable water supply throughout Africa. Although continental maps of groundwater storage and recharge have been developed, we currently lack a clear understanding on how the controls on groundwater recharge vary across the entire continent. Reviewing the existing literature, we synthesize information on reported groundwater recharge [...]
Copper availability governs nitrous oxide accumulation in wetland soils and stream sediments
Published: 2021-12-15
Subjects: Biogeochemistry, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Earth Sciences, Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Geochemistry, Life Sciences
Denitrification is microbially-mediated through enzymes containing metal cofactors. Laboratory studies of pure cultures have highlighted that the availability of Cu, required for the multicopper enzyme nitrous oxide reductase, can limit N2O reduction. However, in natural aquatic systems, such as wetlands and hyporheic zones in stream beds, the role of Cu in controlling denitrification remains [...]
Adaptive Mesh Refinement Strategies for a Novel Modelof Immiscible Fluid Flow in Fractures
Published: 2021-12-13
Subjects: Civil and Environmental Engineering, Computational Engineering, Engineering
In this paper, we consider two Adaptive Mesh Refinement (AMR) methods to simulate flow through fractures using a novel multiphase model. The approach represents the fluid using a two-dimensional parallel-plate model that employs techniques adapted from lattice-Boltzmann simulations to track the fluid interface. Here, we discuss different mesh refinement strategies for the model and compare [...]
Evaluating essential features of proppant transport at engineering scales combining field measurements with machine learning algorithms
Published: 2021-12-06
Subjects: Civil and Environmental Engineering, Earth Sciences, Engineering, Environmental Sciences, Geology, Hydraulic Engineering, Oil, Gas, and Energy, Sustainability
The characterization of the proppant transport at a field-engineering scale is still challenging due to the lack of direct subsurface measurements. Features that control the proppant transport may link the experimental and numerical observations to the practical operations at a field scale. To improve the numerical and laboratory simulations, we propose a machine-learning-based workflow to [...]
Spatio-temporal clustering of seismicity enabled by off-fault plasticity
Published: 2021-12-06
Subjects: Applied Mechanics, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Dynamics and Dynamical Systems, Earth Sciences, Engineering, Engineering Mechanics, Engineering Science and Materials, Geophysics and Seismology, Mechanical Engineering, Mechanics of Materials, Other Mechanical Engineering, Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Tribology
While significant progress has been made in understanding earthquake source processes in linear elastic domains, the effect of more realistic rheologies including plasticity is poorly understood. Here, we simulate sequence of earthquake and aseismic slip of a 2D antiplane rate-and-state fault embedded in a full-space elastic-plastic bulk. We show that off-fault plasticity may lead to partial [...]
Soil Excavation pH level Modification
Published: 2021-12-06
Subjects: Engineering
Territories are becoming new areas for conservationist replanting and forestation. Excavators are capable of producing entrainment s for new reservations. There lacks knowledge of soil conditions and methods of measurement of fertility of the developments. This research improves knowledge on the subject of excavations. To decide on territories which can be a best fit for excavations.
An Online-Learned Neural Network Chemical Solver for Stable Long-Term Global Simulations of Atmospheric Chemistry
Published: 2021-12-02
Subjects: Engineering, Physical Sciences and Mathematics
A major computational barrier in global modeling of atmospheric chemistry is the numerical integration of the coupled kinetic equations describing the chemical mechanism. Machine-learned (ML) solvers can offer order-of-magnitude speedup relative to conventional implicit solvers, but past implementations have suffered from fast error growth and only run for short simulation times (<1 month). A [...]
Optimizing nature-based solutions by combining social equity, hydro-environmental performance, and economic costs through a novel Gini coefficient
Published: 2021-11-15
Subjects: Civil and Environmental Engineering, Civil Engineering, Computational Engineering, Engineering, Environmental Studies, Geographic Information Sciences, Geography, Nature and Society Relations, Operations Research, Systems Engineering and Industrial Engineering, Physical and Environmental Geography, Social and Behavioral Sciences, Systems Engineering
A robust multi-functional framework for widespread planning of nature-based solutions (NBS) must incorporate components of social equity and hydro-environmental performance in a cost-effective manner. NBS systems address stormwater mitigation by increasing on-site infiltration and evaporation through enhanced greenspace while also improving various components of societal well-being, such as [...]
Elastoplastic constitutive behavior and strain localization of a low-porosity sandstone during brittle fracturing
Published: 2021-11-11
Subjects: Engineering, Mechanics of Materials
We investigated the elastoplastic behavior and strain localization of the Zigong sandstone (porosity: 6.5%) during brittle fracturing based on two series of axisymmetric compression experiments. The experiments were conducted under various confining pressures (σ3 = 0 ~ 80 MPa). For each confining pressure, the sandstone specimens were deformed under constant axial and circumferential strain [...]
The future of Alpine Run-of-River hydropower production: climate change, environmental flow requirements, and technical production potential
Published: 2021-11-10
Subjects: Engineering
Past studies on the impacts of climate change (CC) on Alpine hydropower production have focused on high-head accumulation power plants. We provide one of the first comprehensive, simulation-based studies on CC impacts on Alpine Run-of-River (RoR) production, also considering effects of environmental flow requirements and technical increase potential. We simulate future electricity production [...]