
Filtering by Subject: Hydrology

What Role Does Hydrological Science Play in the Age of Machine Learning?

Grey Stephen Nearing, Frederik Kratzert, Alden Keefe Sampson, et al.

Published: 2020-02-21
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Hydrology, Physical Sciences and Mathematics

We suggest that there is a potential danger to the hydrological sciences community in not recognizing how transformative machine learning will be for the future of hydrological modeling. Given the recent success of machine learning applied to modeling problems, it is unclear what the role of hydrological theory might be in the future. We suggest that a central challenge in hydrology right now [...]

Tracking Flooding Phase Transitions and Establishing a Passive Hotline with AI-Enabled Social Media Data

Ruo-Qian Wang, Yingjie Hu, Zikai Zhou, et al.

Published: 2020-02-21
Subjects: Civil and Environmental Engineering, Earth Sciences, Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Environmental Monitoring, Environmental Sciences, Hydrology, Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Water Resource Management

Flooding management requires collecting real-time onsite information widely and rapidly. As an emerging data source, social media demonstrates an advantage of providing in-time, rich data in the format of texts and photos and can be used to improve flooding situation awareness. The present study shows that social media data, with additional information processed by Artificial Intelligence (AI) [...]

The effect of surge on riverine flood hazard and impact in deltas globally

Dirk Eilander, Anaïs Couasnon, Hiroaki Ikeuchi, et al.

Published: 2020-02-21
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Hydrology, Physical Sciences and Mathematics

Current global riverine flood risk studies assume a constant mean sea level boundary. In reality high sea levels can propagate up a river, impede high river discharge, thus leading to elevated water levels. Riverine flood risk in deltas may therefore be underestimated. This paper presents the first global scale assessment of the joint influence of riverine and coastal drivers of flooding in [...]

Comparison of permeability predictions on cemented sandstones with physics-based and machine learning approaches

Frank Male, Jerry L. Jensen, Larry W. Lake

Published: 2020-02-06
Subjects: Chemical Engineering, Earth Sciences, Engineering, Hydrology, Multivariate Analysis, Petroleum Engineering, Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Statistics and Probability

Permeability prediction has been an important problem since the time of Darcy. Most approaches to solve this problem have used either idealized physical models or empirical relations. In recent years, machine learning (ML) has led to more accurate and robust, but less interpretable empirical models. Using 211 core samples collected from 12 wells in the Garn Sandstone from the North Sea, this [...]

Integrating suspended sediment flux in large alluvial river channels: Application of a synoptic Rouse-based model to the Irrawaddy and Salween rivers

J. Jotautas Baronas, Emily I. Stevenson, Chris Hackney, et al.

Published: 2020-02-03
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Geochemistry, Geology, Geomorphology, Hydrology, Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Sedimentology

A large portion of freshwater and sediment is exported to the ocean by a small number of major rivers. Many of these mega-rivers are subject to substantial anthropogenic pressures, which are having a major impact on water and sediment delivery to deltaic ecosystems. Due to hydrodynamic sorting, sediment grain size and composition varies strongly with depth and across the channel in large rivers, [...]

Sensitivity Analysis of a Conceptual, Lumped Model Using VARS-TOOL Applied to Western Ghats Catchments of India

Krishna S, Surajit Deb Barma, Mahesha Amai

Published: 2020-01-30
Subjects: Civil and Environmental Engineering, Earth Sciences, Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Environmental Sciences, Hydrology, Other Civil and Environmental Engineering, Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Water Resource Management

The present work considers the application of Variogram Analysis of Response Surfaces Toolbox (VARS-TOOL) to identify the sensitive parameters of a rainfall-runoff model in the Netravati river basin of Karnataka, India using the global sensitivity analysis method. The statistical bootstrapping method is used to obtain the confidence intervals around each of the sensitivity indices. The VARS-TOOL [...]

High Attenuation Recycled Materials as landfill liners (the HARM project) – A new concept for improved landfill liner design

Mercedes Regadío, Alex Cargill, Jonathan A. Black, et al.

Published: 2020-01-28
Subjects: Bioresource and Agricultural Engineering, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Earth Sciences, Education, Engineering, Engineering Science and Materials, Environmental Public Health, Environmental Sciences, Geochemistry, Geotechnical Engineering, Hydrology, Medicine and Health Sciences, Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Public Health, Soil Science

A new approach in landfill liner design which combines hydraulic containment of leachate with contaminant attenuation to improve the performance of these environmental control systems at landfills is described. The idea is to re-use readily available industrial waste residues (construction and biomass waste) as additives for natural clay liners, wherein the additives have specific properties [...]

Event-based contact angle measurements inside porous media using time-resolved micro-computed tomography

Arjen Mascini, Veerle Cnudde, Tom Bultreys

Published: 2020-01-28
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Fluid Dynamics, Hydrology, Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Physics

Hypothesis Capillary-dominated multiphase flow in porous materials is strongly affected by the pore walls’ wettability. Recent micro-computed tomography (mCT) studies found unexpectedly wide contact angle distributions measured on static fluid distributions inside the pores. We hypothesize that analysis on time-resolved mCT data of fluid invasion events may be more directly relevant to the fluid [...]

Rainfall and rainfall erosivity time series analysis of a small semi-arid watershed of the American Southwest

Meng Lu, Chris Renschler

Published: 2020-01-10
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Hydrology, Physical Sciences and Mathematics

The long-term dense precipitation records provide important information to understand rainfall erosivity and soil erosion in semi-arid rangelands. This paper investigates the temporal trends of changes in rainfall, rainfall erosivity, and the responses of runoff and sediment on the WS103 watershed, a small semiarid rangeland watershed in the Walnut gulch Experimental Watershed, Tombstone, [...]

Feedback between drought and deforestation in the Amazon

Arie Staal, Bernardo M. Flores, Ana Paula Aguiar, et al.

Published: 2020-01-09
Subjects: Atmospheric Sciences, Climate, Earth Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Hydrology, Natural Resources and Conservation, Natural Resources Management and Policy, Oceanography and Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology, Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Sustainability

Deforestation and drought are among the greatest environmental pressures on the Amazon rainforest, possibly destabilizing the forest-climate system. Deforestation in the Amazon reduces rainfall regionally, while this deforestation itself has been reported to be facilitated by droughts. Here we quantify the interactions between drought and deforestation spatially across the Amazon during the early [...]

A web application for hydrogeomorphic flood hazard mapping

Ricardo Tavares da Costa, Salvatore Manfreda, Valerio Luzzi, et al.

Published: 2020-01-09
Subjects: Civil and Environmental Engineering, Earth Sciences, Engineering, Hydraulic Engineering, Hydrology, Physical Sciences and Mathematics

A detailed delineation of flood-prone areas over large regions represents a challenge that cannot be easily solved with today’s resources. The main limitations lie in algorithms and hardware, but also costs, scarcity and sparsity of data and our incomplete knowledge of how inundation events occur in different river floodplains. We showcase the implementation of a data-driven web application for [...]

The Origin of Continental Carbonates in Andean Salars: A Multi-Tracer Geochemical Approach in Laguna Pastos Grandes (Bolivia)

Elodie Muller, Eric C. Gaucher, Christophe Durlet, et al.

Published: 2020-01-03
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Geochemistry, Hydrology, Physical Sciences and Mathematics

In continental volcanic settings, abundant carbonate precipitation can occur with atypical facies compared to marine settings. The (bio-)chemical processes responsible for their development and early diagenesis are typically complex and not fully understood. In the Bolivian Altiplano, Laguna Pastos Grandes hosts a 40-km2 carbonate platform with a great diversity of facies and provides an ideal [...]

Improved Accuracy of Watershed-Scale General Circulation Model Runoff Using Deep Neural Networks

Joshua S. Rice, Sheila M. Saia, Ryan E. Emanuel

Published: 2020-01-02
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Hydrology, Physical Sciences and Mathematics

Projecting impacts of climate change on water resources is a vital research task, and general circulation models (GCMs) are important tools for this work. However, the spatial resolution of downscaled GCMs makes them difficult to apply to non-grid conforming scales relevant to water resources management: individual watersheds. Machine learning techniques like deep neural networks (DNNs) may [...]

Plants as sensors: vegetation response to rainfall predicts subsurface water storage capacity in Mediterranean climates

David Nicholas Dralle, W Jesse Hahm, Daniella Rempe, et al.

Published: 2019-11-23
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Hydrology, Physical Sciences and Mathematics

Methods are lacking to characterize critical zone (CZ) structure at spatial scales relevant to earth system and dynamic global vegetation models. This knowledge gap results in poor quantification of CZ plant-available water storage capacity, hindering realistic prediction of the response of plants and streamflow to anticipated changes in the hydrological cycle. Here, we exploit the phase offset [...]

Effects of groundwater pumping on ground surface temperature: A regional modeling study in the North China Plain

Chen Yang, Hong-Yi Li, Yilin Fang, et al.

Published: 2019-11-23
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Hydrology, Physical Sciences and Mathematics

Over-exploitation of groundwater (GW) in the North China Plain (NCP) since the 1960s has many environmental consequences. However, understanding of the dominant mechanisms remains limited, particularly at the regional scale. In this study, the coupled ParFlow.CLM model representing subsurface and land-surface processes and their interactions was applied in the NCP at high spatio-temporal [...]


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