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Filtering by Subject: Remote Sensing

Fire-vegetation interactions in Arctic tundra and their spatial variability

Dong Chen, Cheng Fu, Liza K. Jenkins, et al.

Published: 2022-03-15
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Plant Sciences, Remote Sensing, Terrestrial and Aquatic Ecology

Circumpolar tundra has experienced a greater increase in temperatures compared to any other biome, with a magnitude of the increase nearly three times the global average. Widespread shrubification associated with pronounced observed warming is gradually transforming the tundra ecosystem structure and function. This study confirms that a shrub-dominated fire-biomass positive feedback loop is [...]

Analyzing the uncertainty of the CORINE Land Cover time series (1990-2018) for Spain

David García-Álvarez, María Teresa Camacho Olmedo

Published: 2022-02-10
Subjects: Environmental Studies, Geographic Information Sciences, Geography, Human Geography, Nature and Society Relations, Other Geography, Physical and Environmental Geography, Remote Sensing, Spatial Science

CORINE Land Cover is one of the most relevant Land Use Cover (LUC) databases in Europe because of its degree of detail and long time series. Although some studies have assessed the uncertainty of the database for specific years and periods, no work has been found that analyses all the available CORINE time series (1990-2018). In this study, we analyze the uncertainties of the CORINE time series [...]

Structural uncertainty and uncertainty management in four common Land Use Cover Change (LUCC) model software packages. A comparison

David García-Álvarez, María Teresa Camacho Olmedo, Hedwig Van Delden, et al.

Published: 2022-02-10
Subjects: Environmental Studies, Geographic Information Sciences, Geography, Other Geography, Remote Sensing, Spatial Science

Research on the uncertainty of Land Use Cover Change (LUCC) models is still limited. Through this paper, we aim to globally characterize the structural uncertainty of four common software packages (CA_Markov, Dinamica EGO, Land Change Modeler, Metronamica) and analyse the options that they offer for uncertainty management. The models have been compared qualitatively, based on their structures [...]

Setting up a Land Use Cover Change model application for Greater Sydney. Lessons learnt and challenges ahead

David García-Álvarez, Chris Pettit, Simone Zarpelon Leao, et al.

Published: 2022-02-09
Subjects: Environmental Studies, Geographic Information Sciences, Geography, Human Geography, Nature and Society Relations, Other Geography, Remote Sensing, Spatial Science

This chapter presents a Land Use Cover Change (LUCC) model application developed for Greater Sydney. It aims to help decision making in the context of the strategic and spatial planning of Greater Sydney. To this end, the model simulates the dynamics of industrial, low density residential and medium-high density residential areas at spatial resolution of 100x100 m. A series of three Land Use [...]

Proposal for an index of roads and structures for the mapping of non-vegetated urban surfaces using OSM and Sentinel data

Eduardo Felix Justiniano, Edimilson Rodrigues Santos Junior, Breno Malheiros Melo, et al.

Published: 2022-01-28
Subjects: Remote Sensing

The use of volunteered geographic information (VGI), such as OpenStreetMap (OSM), to assist in mapping land use and coverage together with remote sensing images is relatively recent. Most studies have used OSM to assist in sample collection for image classification or aggregated vectors of buildings, transport, and land-use and coverage as ancillary data to support mapping refinements. This study [...]

A scalable framework for quantifying field-level agricultural carbon outcomes

Kaiyu Guan, Zhenong Jin, Evan H. DeLucia, et al.

Published: 2022-01-01
Subjects: Environmental Studies, Physical and Environmental Geography, Remote Sensing, Social and Behavioral Sciences

Agriculture contributes nearly a quarter of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, which is motivating interest in certain farming practices that have the potential to reduce GHG emissions or sequester carbon in soil. The related GHG emission (including N2O and CH4) and changes in soil carbon stock are defined here as “agricultural carbon outcomes”. Accurate quantification of agricultural carbon [...]

Climate change, fire return intervals and the growing risk of permanent forest loss in boreal Eurasia

Arden L Burrell, Qiaoqi Sun, Robert Baxter, et al.

Published: 2021-11-15
Subjects: Climate, Environmental Indicators and Impact Assessment, Environmental Monitoring, Other Environmental Sciences, Physical and Environmental Geography, Remote Sensing, Spatial Science

Climate change has driven an increase in the frequency and severity of fires in Eurasian boreal forests. A growing number of field studies have linked the change in fire regime to post-fire recruitment failure and permanent forest loss. In this study we used four burnt area and two forest loss datasets to calculate the landscape-scale fire return interval (FRI) and associated risk of permanent [...]

Forest data to insights and experiences using gamification

Mikko Vastaranta, Michael A. Wulder, Juho Hamari, et al.

Published: 2021-10-22
Subjects: Geographic Information Sciences, Geography, Nature and Society Relations, Remote Sensing, Social and Behavioral Sciences

The Challenge of Spatial Information Accessibility for Agricultural Policies: Case of Pakistan

Asmat Ali, Muhammad Imran

Published: 2021-10-11
Subjects: Agricultural Science, Databases and Information Systems, Geographic Information Sciences, Natural Resources Management and Policy, Remote Sensing, Spatial Science, Water Resource Management

Agriculture is directly linked to the socioeconomic development of every region. Agriculture impacts us all, whether we are seeking food security, better health or striving to conserve natural resources. Goal 2 of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) underlines the significance of agriculture as a means to achieve food security. United Nations in its recently published report titled "World [...]

Classification of Multi-temporal Images using Machine Learning

Simranjit Singh Pabla, Mandeep Singh Mandla, Hardik Narendra, et al.

Published: 2021-10-05
Subjects: Remote Sensing

In past, there has been a lot of research related to the image-based technique in remote sensing from which object-based classification is giving great results among all the techniques. This paper presents a new approach where we have mixed both OBIA (Object-Based Image Analysis) & supervised classification. And with this novel approach, our team aims to do classification as well as analysis for [...]

Hydroclimatic adaptation critical to the resilience of tropical forests

Chandrakant Singh, Ruud van der Ent, Lan Wang-Erlandsson, et al.

Published: 2021-09-17
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Forest Biology, Hydrology, Remote Sensing

Forest and savanna ecosystems naturally exist as alternative stable states. The maximum capacity of these ecosystems to absorb perturbations without transitioning to the other alternative stable state is referred to as ‘resilience’. Previous studies have determined the resilience of terrestrial ecosystems to hydroclimatic changes predominantly based on space-for-time substitution. This [...]

Safety and Belonging in the Field: A Checklist for Educators

Sarah E Greene, Gawain T. Antell, Jake Atterby, et al.

Published: 2021-08-19
Subjects: Atmospheric Sciences, Biogeochemistry, Climate, Cosmochemistry, Earth Sciences, Education, Environmental Education, Environmental Health and Protection, Environmental Indicators and Impact Assessment, Environmental Monitoring, Environmental Sciences, Environmental Studies, Fresh Water Studies, Geochemistry, Geographic Information Sciences, Geography, Geology, Geomorphology, Geophysics and Seismology, Glaciology, Higher Education, Human Geography, Hydrology, Life Sciences, Meteorology, Mineral Physics, Natural Resource Economics, Natural Resources and Conservation, Natural Resources Management and Policy, Nature and Society Relations, Oceanography, Oceanography and Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology, Oil, Gas, and Energy, Other Earth Sciences, Other Environmental Sciences, Other Geography, Other Oceanography and Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology, Other Planetary Sciences, Outdoor Education, Paleobiology, Paleontology, Physical and Environmental Geography, Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Planetary Biogeochemistry, Planetary Geochemistry, Planetary Geology, Planetary Geomorphology, Planetary Geophysics and Seismology, Planetary Glaciology, Planetary Hydrology, Planetary Mineral Physics, Planetary Sciences, Planetary Sedimentology, Remote Sensing, Sedimentology, Social and Behavioral Sciences, Soil Science, Spatial Science, Speleology, Stratigraphy, Sustainability, Tectonics and Structure, Volcanology, Water Resource Management

Ensuring taught fieldwork is a positive, generative, collective, and valuable experience for all participants requires considerations beyond course content. To guarantee safety and belonging, participants’ identities (backgrounds and protected characteristics) must be considered as a part of fieldwork planning and implementation. Furthermore, getting fieldwork right is an important step in [...]

Airborne methane surveys pay for themselves: An economic case study of increased revenue from emissions control

Forrest Johnson, Andrew Wlazlo, Ryan Keys, et al.

Published: 2021-07-15
Subjects: Environmental Monitoring, Natural Resource Economics, Oil, Gas, and Energy, Remote Sensing

We present an economic analysis of an emissions monitoring and capture program for a mid-sized Permian Basin operator, Triple Crown Resources (“Triple Crown”). Data from this campaign was gathered using repeat airborne surveys provided by Kairos Aerospace (“Kairos”). Key findings include: - The total volume of detected emissions from Triple Crown operations decreased by 70% from the first to the [...]

Agricultural Sandbox NL: A national-scale database of parcel-level, processed Sentinel-1 SAR data

Vineet Kumar, Manuel Huber, Bjorn Rommen, et al.

Published: 2021-07-15
Subjects: Databases and Information Systems, Geographic Information Sciences, Remote Sensing, Spatial Science

Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data handling, processing, and interpretation are barriers preventing a rapid uptake of SAR data by application specialists and non-expert domain users in the field of agricultural monitoring. To improve the accessibility of Sentinel-1 data, we have generated a reduced-volume, multi-year Sentinel-1 SAR database. It includes mean and standard deviation of VV, VH and [...]

A field guide for monitoring riverine macroplastic entrapment in water hyacinths

Louise Schreyers, Tim van Emmerik, Thanh Luan Nguyen, et al.

Published: 2021-06-01
Subjects: Environmental Monitoring, Fresh Water Studies, Hydrology, Remote Sensing

River plastic pollution is an environmental challenge of growing concern. However, there are still many unknowns related to the principal drivers of river plastic transport. Floating aquatic vegetation, such as water hyacinths, have been found to aggregate and carry large amounts of plastic debris in tropical river systems. Monitoring the entrapment of plastics in hyacinths is therefore crucial [...]


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