
There are 4725 Preprints listed.

Verifying pore network models of imbibition in rocks using time-resolved synchrotron imaging

Tom Bultreys, Kamaljit Singh, Ali Q. Raeini, et al.

Published: 2019-10-25
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Hydrology, Oil, Gas, and Energy, Physical Sciences and Mathematics

At the pore scale, slow invasion of a wetting fluid in porous materials is often modelled with quasi-static approximations which only consider capillary forces in the form of simple pore filling rules. The appropriateness of this approximation, often applied in pore network models, is contested in literature, reflecting the difficulty of predicting imbibition relative permeability with these [...]

Another look at the treatment of data uncertainty in Markov chain Monte Carlo inversion and other probabilistic methods

Frederik Tilmann, Hamzeh Sadeghisorkhani, Alexandra Mauerberger

Published: 2019-10-25
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Geophysics and Seismology, Physical Sciences and Mathematics

In probabilistic Bayesian inversions, data uncertainty is a crucial parameter for quantifying the uncertainties and correlations of the resulting model parameters or, in transdimensional approaches, even the complexity of the model. However, in many geophysical inference problems it is poorly known. Therefore, it is common practice to allow the data uncertainty itself to be a parameter to be [...]

On the difficulties of being rigorous in environmental geochemistry studies: some recommendations for designing an impactful paper

Olivier Pourret, BOLLINGER Jean-Claude, Eric D. van Hullebusch

Published: 2019-10-25
Subjects: Biogeochemistry, Chemistry, Earth Sciences, Environmental Chemistry, Environmental Sciences, Geochemistry, Other Environmental Sciences, Physical Sciences and Mathematics

There have been numerous environmental geochemistry studies using chemical, geological, ecological and toxicological methods but each of these fields requires more subject specialist rigour than has generally been applied so far. Field-specific terminology has been misused and the resulting interpretations rendered inaccurate. In this paper, we propose a series of suggestions, based on our [...]

Machine Learning for Inferring CO2 Fluxes: The New Metaphysics of Neural Nets

Phuong Nguyen, Milton Halem

Published: 2019-10-24
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Other Earth Sciences, Physical Sciences and Mathematics

The advent of direct high-resolution global surface measurements of CO2 from the recently launched NASA Orbiting Carbon Observatory (OCO-2) satellite offers an opportunity to improve the estimate of Net Ecosystem Exchange (NEE) over land. Long-term measurements of CO2flux obtained from eddy covariance instruments on Flux towers show large annual differences with NEE calculated by inverse methods [...]

Over 1000 rivers accountable for 80% of global riverine plastic emissions into the ocean

Lourens Meijer, Tim van Emmerik, Laurent Lebreton, et al.

Published: 2019-10-24
Subjects: Civil and Environmental Engineering, Engineering, Environmental Engineering

Plastic waste increasingly accumulates in the marine environment, but data on the distribution and quantification of riverine sources, required for development of effective mitigation, are limited. Our new model approach includes geographical distributed data on plastic waste, landuse, wind, precipitation and rivers and calculates the probability for plastic waste to reach a river and [...]


Francisco Javier Bataller-Torre

Published: 2019-10-24
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Geology, Geomorphology, Glaciology, Physical Sciences and Mathematics

The monitoring of rock glaciers is a current subject of interest because of its application as permafrost indicator and its sensitivity to climatic changes (especially temperature and precipitation). Alpine rock glaciers in the Pyrenees have been described by various authors, but to study them regionally has been a challenge since most of these studies are based on ground-based techniques. Two [...]

Inheritance of penetrative basement anisotropies by extension-oblique faults: Insights from analogue experiments

Anindita Samsu, Alexander Crudden, Nicolas E. Molnar, et al.

Published: 2019-10-24
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Geology, Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Tectonics and Structure

During rifting, pre-existing penetrative basement fabrics can affect new faults in cover rocks by a mechanism that does not appear to involve reactivation. This subtle form of inheritance can significantly impact fault network architecture in rift basins above laterally variable basement domains with geomechanical anisotropies. Here we use multi-layer, brittle-ductile, crustal-scale analogue [...]

Intermittent fluid connectivity during two-phase flow in a heterogeneous carbonate rock

Catherine Spurin, Sam Krevor, Tom Bultreys, et al.

Published: 2019-10-24
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Geophysics and Seismology, Physical Sciences and Mathematics

Subsurface fluid flow is ubiquitous in nature, and understanding the interaction of multiple fluids as they flow within a porous medium is central to many geological, environmental, and industrial processes. It is assumed that the flow pathways of each phase are invariant when modelling subsurface flow using Darcys law extended to multiphase flow; a condition that is assumed to be valid during [...]

Network topology and rainfall controls on the variability of combined sewer overflows and loads

Gavan McGrath, Thoma Kaeseberg, Julian David Reyes Silva, et al.

Published: 2019-10-24
Subjects: Civil and Environmental Engineering, Engineering, Environmental Engineering

Water and pollutant fluxes from combined sewer overflows (CSO) have a significant impact on receiving waters. The random nature of rainfall forcing dominates the variability of sewer discharges, pollutant loads, and concentrations. An analytical model developed here, shows how sewer network topology and rainfall properties variously impact the stochasticity of CSO functioning. Probability [...]

Major-element composition of sediments in terms of weathering and provenance: Implications for crustal recycling

Alex George Lipp, Oliver Shorttle, Frank Syvret, et al.

Published: 2019-10-24
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Geochemistry, Physical Sciences and Mathematics

The elemental composition of a sediment is set by the composition of its protolith and modified by weathering, sorting, and diagenesis. An important problem is deconvolving these contributions to a sediment’s composition to arrive at information about processes that operate on the Earth’s surface. We approach this problem by developing a predictive and invertible model of sedimentary [...]

Dynamic fault parameters preprint

Zeev Reches

Published: 2019-10-24
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Tectonics and Structure

The behavior of faults under dynamic loading reflects the response of the shape and composition of the fault to the applied mechanical loading and environmental conditions. The interaction between the fault properties and the loading system is controlled by multiple variables that may generate an inherently complex behavior. The usage of multi-parametric variables can illuminate the controlling [...]

Complex Rupture of an Immature Fault Zone: A Simultaneous Kinematic Model of the 2019 Ridgecrest, CA Earthquakes

Dara E Goldberg, Diego Melgar, Amanda Thomas, et al.

Published: 2019-10-24
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Geophysics and Seismology, Physical Sciences and Mathematics

The July 4, 2019 Mw6.4 and subsequent July 6, 2019 Mw7.1 Ridgecrest Sequence earthquakes ruptured orthogonal fault planes in the Little Lake Fault Zone, a low slip rate (1 mm/yr) dextral fault zone in the area linking the Eastern California Shear Zone and Walker Lane. This region accommodates nearly one fourth of plate boundary motion and has been proposed to be an incipient transform fault [...]

Distributed normal faulting in the tip zone of the South Alkyonides Fault System, Gulf of Corinth, constrained using 36Cl exposure dating of Late-Quaternary wave-cut platforms.

Jenni Robertson, Gerald Roberts, Francesco Iezzi, et al.

Published: 2019-10-24
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Tectonics and Structure

In order to investigate the geometry, rates and kinematics of active faulting in the region close to the tip of a major crustal-scale normal fault in the Gulf of Corinth, Greece, we have mapped faults and dated their offsets using a combination of 234U/230Th coral dates and in situ 36Cl cosmogenic exposure ages for sediments and wave-cut platforms deformed by the faults. Our results show that [...]

Investigating potential icequakes at Llaima volcano, Chile

Oliver Lamb, Jonathan M Lees, Luis Franco Marin, et al.

Published: 2019-10-24
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Glaciology, Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Volcanology

Glacially- and magmatically-derived seismic events have been noted to heavily overlap in characteristics, thus there exists the potential for false-alarms or missed warnings at ice-covered volcanoes. Here we present the first study to specifically target icequakes at an ice-covered volcano in Southern Chile. Two months of broadband seismic data collected at Llaima volcano in 2015 were analyzed in [...]

Pre-breakup extension in the northern North Sea defined by complex strain partitioning and heterogeneous extension rates

Johan S Claringbould, Rebecca E. Bell, Christopher Aiden-Lee Jackson, et al.

Published: 2019-10-24
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Geology, Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Tectonics and Structure

The early stages of continental rifting are accommodated by the growth of upper-crustal normal fault systems that are distributed relatively evenly across the rift width. Numerous fault systems define fault arrays, the kinematics of which are poorly understood due to a lack of regional studies drawing on high-quality subsurface data. Here we investigate the long-term (~150 Myr) growth of a [...]


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