
Filtering by Subject: Applied Mathematics

Guidelines for Sensitivity Analyses in Process Simulations for Solid Earth Geosciences

Denise Degen, Florian Wellmann

Published: 2024-09-18
Subjects: Applied Mathematics, Earth Sciences, Education, Partial Differential Equations, Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Science and Mathematics Education, Tectonics and Structure

Numerical simulations are widely used as tools to understand processes or to make predictions about states and their evolution in time. However, in the process of a simulation setup, a multitude of choices and simplifications have to be made - beginning from the definition of the implemented physical laws, over model discretization and spatial parameterisation, to the definition of initial and [...]

A global C-staggered composite model for shallow water equations 1 with latitude-longitude grid and reductions in the polar regions

Genilson Schunck de Lima

Published: 2024-08-07
Subjects: Applied Mathematics, Oceanography and Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology, Physical Sciences and Mathematics

To develop a numerical method for global geophysical fluids, we usually need to choose a spherical grid and numerical approximations to represent the partial derivative equations. Some alternatives include the use of finite differences or finite volumes with latitude-longitude or reduced grids. Each of these cases has some advantages and also some limitations. This paper presents a comparison [...]

Modeling sediment compaction beneath ice lenses during frost heave

Aaron Grey Stubblefield, Colin R. Meyer, Alan Rempel, et al.

Published: 2024-07-13
Subjects: Applied Mathematics, Earth Sciences, Glaciology, Hydrology, Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Soil Science

Frost heave occurs when the ground swells during freezing conditions due to the growth of ice lenses in the subsurface. The mechanics of ice-infiltrated sediment, or frozen fringe, influences the formation and evolution of ice lenses. As the frozen fringe thickens during freezing, progressive unloading can result in dilation of the pore space and the formation of new ice lenses. Compaction can [...]

A study of extreme water waves using a hierarchy of models based on potential-flow theory

Junho Choi, Anna Kalogirou, Mark Kelmanson, et al.

Published: 2023-12-02
Subjects: Applied Mathematics, Oceanography, Oceanography and Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology, Partial Differential Equations, Physical Sciences and Mathematics

The formation of extreme waves arising from the interaction of three line-solitons with equal far-field amplitudes is examined through a hierarchy of water-wave models. The Kadomtsev-Petviashvili equation (KPE) is first used to prove analytically that its exact three-soliton solution has a ninefold maximum amplification that is achieved in the absence of spatial divergence. Reproducing this [...]

Progression of the surge in the Negribreen Glacier System from two years of ICESat-2 measurements

Thomas Trantow, Ute C. Herzfeld

Published: 2023-10-08
Subjects: Applied Mathematics, Earth Sciences, Physical Sciences and Mathematics

The unique measurement capabilities of ICESat-2 allow high spatiotemporal resolution of complex ice-dynamic processes that occur during a surge. Detailed and precise mapping of height changes on surge glaciers has previously escaped observations from space due to limited resolution of space-borne altimeter data and the surface characteristics of glaciers during surge such as heavy crevassing. [...]

Omnivariant Generalized Least Squares Regression: Theory, Geochronological Applications, and Making the Case for Reconciled Δ47 calibrations

Mathieu Daëron, Pieter Vermeesch

Published: 2023-09-22
Subjects: Applied Mathematics, Earth Sciences, Geochemistry

Least-squares regression methods are mathematically powerful, conceptually and computationally simple, and widely used in many fields. However, none of the commonly-used flavors of least-squares regression, such as York regression or Generalized Least Squares (GLS), take into account the full set of covariances between all observed (x,y) values. Here we describe the Omnivariant Generalized Least [...]

Linear analysis of ice-shelf topography response to basal melting and freezing

Aaron Grey Stubblefield, Colin R. Meyer, Martin Wearing

Published: 2023-04-28
Subjects: Applied Mathematics, Dynamic Systems, Earth Sciences, Fluid Dynamics, Glaciology, Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Physics

Floating ice shelves in Antarctica and Greenland limit land-ice contributions to sea level rise by resisting the flow of grounded ice. Melting at the surface and base of ice shelves can lead to destabilisation by promoting thinning and fracturing. Basal melting often results in channelised features that manifest as surface topography due to buoyancy. The assumption of hydrostatic flotation [...]

Numerical simulation of meteorite impact on basaltic lavas at Lonar Crater, India

Harshal Pohekar, Raymond Duraiswami, Satadru bhattacharya, et al.

Published: 2023-01-28
Subjects: Applied Mathematics, Astrophysics and Astronomy, Planetary Sciences

Lonar lake is a hypervelocity impact crater formed in a basaltic terrain of Deccan Traps in the state of Maharashtra, India. The crater has an approximate radius of 915 m and an average depth of about 137 m. Here we report the results of our numerical investigations aimed to elucidate the physical characteristics of incoming asteroid. For realistic simulation, we not only consider [...]

Estimating the Occurrence of Slow Slip Events and Earthquakes with an Ensemble Kalman Filter

Hamed Ali Diab-Montero, Meng Li, Ylona van Dinther, et al.

Published: 2022-08-07
Subjects: Applied Mathematics, Earth Sciences, Physical Sciences and Mathematics

Our ability to forecast earthquakes and slow slip events is hampered by limited information on the current state of stress on faults. Ensemble data assimilation methods permit estimating the state by combining physics-based models and observations, while considering their uncertainties. We employ an Ensemble Kalman Filter (EnKF) to estimate shear stresses, slip rates, and the state theta acting [...]

A High-order Accurate Summation-by-Parts Finite Difference Method for Fully-dynamic Earthquake Sequence Simulations within Sedimentary Basins

Tobias Harvey, Brittany Angela Erickson, Jeremy Edward Kozdon

Published: 2022-08-06
Subjects: Applied Mathematics, Earth Sciences, Physical Sciences and Mathematics

We present a computationally efficient numerical method for earthquake sequences that incorporates wave propagation during rupture. A vertical strike-slip fault governed by rate-and-state friction is embedded in a heterogeneous elastic half-space discretized using a high-order accurate Summation-by-Parts finite difference method. We develop a two solver approach: Adaptive time-stepping is [...]

A computational framework for time dependent deformation in viscoelastic magmatic systems

Cody Rucker, Brittany Angela Erickson, Leif Karlstrom, et al.

Published: 2022-04-01
Subjects: Applied Mathematics, Computer Sciences, Earth Sciences, Mathematics

Time-dependent ground deformation is a key observable in active magmatic systems, but is challenging to characterize. Here we present a numerical framework for modeling transient deformation and stress around a subsurface, spheroidal pressurized magma reservoir within a viscoelastic half-space with variable material coefficients, utilizing a high-order finite-element method and explicit [...]

Multilevel multifidelity Monte Carlo methods for assessing coastal flood risk

Mariana C A Clare, Tim Leijnse, Robert McCall, et al.

Published: 2022-03-14
Subjects: Applied Mathematics, Earth Sciences, Hydrology, Risk Analysis, Statistical Methodology, Statistics and Probability

When choosing an appropriate hydrodynamic model, there is always a compromise between accuracy and computational cost, with high fidelity models being more expensive than low fidelity ones. However, when assessing uncertainty, we can use a multifidelity approach to take advantage of the accuracy of high fidelity models and the computational efficiency of low fidelity models. Here, we apply the [...]

Diapycnal Displacement, Diffusion, and Distortion of Tracers in the Ocean

Henri Francois Drake, Xiaozhou Ruan, Raffaele Ferrari

Published: 2022-01-07
Subjects: Applied Mathematics, Fluid Dynamics, Non-linear Dynamics, Oceanography, Oceanography and Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology, Physical Sciences and Mathematics

Small-scale mixing drives the diabatic upwelling that closes the abyssal ocean overturning circulation. Indirect microstructure measurements of in situ turbulence suggest that mixing is bottom enhanced over rough topography, implying downwelling in the interior and stronger upwelling in a sloping bottom boundary layer. Tracer release experiments (TREs), in which inert tracers are purposefully [...]

Dynamics of Eddying Abyssal Mixing Layers over Sloping Rough Topography

Henri Francois Drake, Xiaozhou Ruan, Raffaele Ferrari, et al.

Published: 2022-01-07
Subjects: Applied Mathematics, Earth Sciences, Oceanography and Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology, Physical Sciences and Mathematics

The abyssal overturning circulation is thought to be primarily driven by small-scale turbulent mixing. Diagnosed water-mass transformations are dominated by rough topography “hotspots,” where the bottom enhancement of mixing causes the diffusive buoyancy flux to diverge, driving widespread downwelling in the interior—only to be overwhelmed by an even stronger upwelling in a thin bottom boundary [...]

A review of model-based scenario analysis of poverty for informing sustainability

QI LIU, Zhaoxia Guo, Lei Gao, et al.

Published: 2021-11-22
Subjects: Applied Mathematics, Dynamic Systems, Environmental Sciences, Natural Resources Management and Policy, Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Sustainability

Ending poverty in all its forms everywhere is the first goal being targeted by the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Poverty eradication is a long-term process that faces the challenges of many uncertainties and complex interactions with other Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In order to better understand poverty and contribute to addressing poverty in a sustainable [...]


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