Filtering by Subject: Applied Mathematics
An analytical solution to the Navier–Stokes equation for incompressible flow around a solid sphere
Published: 2020-08-25
Subjects: Applied Mathematics, Earth Sciences, Engineering, Fluid Dynamics, Mechanical Engineering, Other Mechanical Engineering, Partial Differential Equations, Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Physics, Special Functions
This paper is concerned with obtaining a formulation for the flow past a sphere in a viscous and incompressible fluid, building upon previously obtained well-known solutions that were limited to small Reynolds numbers. Using a method based on a summation of separation of variables, we develop a general analytical solution to the Navier--Stokes equation for the special case of axially symmetric [...]
Robust Q estimation using surface seismic data
Published: 2020-07-30
Subjects: Applied Mathematics, Computational Engineering, Earth Sciences, Engineering, Geophysics and Seismology, Numerical Analysis and Computation, Physical Sciences and Mathematics
Direct wave arrivals are the most robust signals to determine velocity and consequently they have been used for almost a century in hydrocarbon exploration. The reason is simple as the arrivaltime is explicitly available and provide a direct measurement of the average velocity of the sub-surface ray-path. These signals have not been extensively used to estimate attenuation or Q. One reason may [...]
Modelling an energetic tidal strait: investigating implications of common numerical configuration choices
Published: 2020-07-16
Subjects: Applied Mathematics, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Civil Engineering, Engineering, Numerical Analysis and Computation, Oceanography, Oceanography and Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology, Physical Sciences and Mathematics
Characterising tidal hydrodynamics in the vicinity of submerged features can be demanding given the hostility of the marine environment. Logistical challenges in the measurement of such flows has promoted research on wake studies through physical and numerical modelling. In this study, site measurements and modelled data are combined to provide an insight into the regional hydrodynamics within a [...]
Adjoint-based sensitivity analysis for a numerical storm surge model
Published: 2020-06-29
Subjects: Applied Mathematics, Numerical Analysis and Computation, Oceanography, Oceanography and Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology, Physical Sciences and Mathematics
Numerical storm surge models are essential to forecasting coastal flood hazard and informing the design of coastal defences. However, such models rely on a variety of inputs, many of which will carry uncertainty, and an awareness and understanding of the sensitivity of the model outputs with respect to those uncertain inputs is necessary when interpreting model results. Here, we use an [...]
A comparison of Bayesian inference and gradient-based approaches for friction parameter estimation
Published: 2020-06-29
Subjects: Applied Mathematics, Numerical Analysis and Computation, Oceanography, Oceanography and Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology, Physical Sciences and Mathematics
Numerical tidal models are essential to the study of a variety of coastal ocean processes, but typically rely on uncertain inputs, including a bottom friction parameter which can in principle be spatially varying. Here we employ an adjoint-capable numerical ocean model, Thetis, and apply it to the Bristol Channel and Severn Estuary, using a spatially varying Manning coefficient within the bottom [...]
Seasonal impact-based mapping of compound hazards
Published: 2020-06-17
Subjects: Applied Mathematics, Atmospheric Sciences, Climate, Earth Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Hydrology, Mathematics, Multivariate Analysis, Oceanography and Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology, Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Statistics and Probability
Impact-based, seasonal mapping of compound hazards is proposed. It is pragmatic, identifies phenomena to drive the research agenda, produces outputs relevant to stakeholders, and could be applied to many hazards globally. Illustratively, flooding and wind damage can co-occur, worsening their joint impact, yet where wet and windy seasons combine has not yet been systematically mapped. Here, [...]
Description of the continuous nature of organic matter in models of soil carbon dynamics
Published: 2020-05-29
Subjects: Applied Mathematics, Earth Sciences, Environmental Microbiology and Microbial Ecology Life Sciences, Geochemistry, Life Sciences, Microbiology, Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Soil Science
The understanding of soil organic matter (SOM) dynamics has considerably advanced in recent years. It was previously assumed that most SOM consisted of recalcitrant compounds, whereas the emerging view considers SOM as a range of polymers continuously processed into smaller molecules by decomposer enzymes. Mainstreaming these new insights in current models is challenging because of their [...]
Stress Recovery for the Particle-in-cell Finite Element Method
Published: 2020-05-26
Subjects: Applied Mathematics, Computer Sciences, Earth Sciences, Geophysics and Seismology, Mathematics, Numerical Analysis and Computation, Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing, Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Tectonics and Structure
The interelement stress in the Finite Element Method is not continuous in nature, and stress projections from quadrature points to mesh nodes often causes oscillations. The widely used particle-in-cell method cannot avoid this issue and produces worse results when there are mixing materials of large strength (e.g., viscosity in Stokes problems) contrast in one element. The post-processing methods [...]
Quantification and interpretation of the climate variability record
Published: 2020-05-25
Subjects: Applied Mathematics, Earth Sciences, Oceanography and Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology, Physical Sciences and Mathematics
This paper is currently in review for Global and Planetary Change. \\ The spectral view of variability is a compelling and adaptable tool for understanding variability of the climate. In the Mitchell (1976) seminal paper, it was used to express, on one graph with log scales, a very wide range of climate variations from millions of years to days. The spectral approach is particularly useful for [...]
A mixed $RT_0 - P_0$ Raviart-Thomas finite element implementation of Darcy Equation in GNU Octave
Published: 2020-04-14
Subjects: Applied Mathematics, Bioresource and Agricultural Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Computational Engineering, Earth Sciences, Engineering, Environmental Sciences, Hydrology, Numerical Analysis and Computation, Partial Differential Equations, Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Water Resource Management
In this paper we shall describe mixed formulations -differential and variational- of Darcys flow equation, an important model of elliptic problem. We describe * Galerkin method with finite dimensional spaces; * Local matrices and assembling; * Raviart-Thomas $RT_0 - P_0$ elements; * Edge basis and local matrices for $RT_0 - P_0$ FEM; * Model problem with corresponding local matrices, right hand [...]
SymAE: an autoencoder with embedded physical symmetries for passive time-lapse monitoring
Published: 2020-04-13
Subjects: Applied Mathematics, Computer Sciences, Earth Sciences, Geophysics and Seismology, Physical Sciences and Mathematics
We introduce SymAE, an auto-encoder architecture that learns to separate multichannel passive-seismic datasets into qualitatively interpretable components: one component corresponds to path-specific effects associated with subsurface properties while the other component corresponds to the spectral signature of the passive sources. This information is represented by two latent codes produced by [...]
Global Sensitivity Analysis to Optimize Basin-Scale Conductive Model Calibration – A Case Study From the Upper Rhine Graben
Published: 2020-04-01
Subjects: Applied Mathematics, Earth Sciences, Physical Sciences and Mathematics
Calibrating geothermal simulations is a critical step, both in scientific and industrial contexts, with suitable model parameterizations being optimised to reduce discrepancies between simulated and measured temperatures. Here we present a methodology to identify unaccounted physical processes in the process and overcome the problem of measurement sparsity. With an application to the Upper Rhine [...]
Hydro-morphodynamics 2D modelling using a discontinuous Galerkin discretisation
Published: 2020-01-09
Subjects: Applied Mathematics, Computer Sciences, Earth Sciences, Geomorphology, Numerical Analysis and Computation, Partial Differential Equations, Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Sedimentology
The development of morphodynamic models to simulate sediment transport accurately is a challenging process that is becoming ever more important because of our increasing exploitation of the coastal zone, as well as sea-level rise and the potential increase in strength and frequency of storms due to a changing climate. Morphodynamic models are highly complex given the non-linear and coupled nature [...]
Goal-Oriented Error Estimation and Mesh Adaptation for Shallow Water Modelling
Published: 2019-12-31
Subjects: Applied Mathematics, Computer Sciences, Engineering, Non-linear Dynamics, Numerical Analysis and Computation, Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing, Partial Differential Equations, Physical Sciences and Mathematics
Numerical modelling frequently involves a diagnostic quantity of interest (QoI) - often of greater importance than the PDE solution - which we seek to accurately approximate. In the case of coastal ocean modelling the power output of a tidal turbine farm is one such example. Goal-oriented error estimation and mesh adaptation can be used to provide meshes which are well-suited to achieving this [...]
Redshift of Earthquakes via Focused Blind Deconvolution of Teleseisms
Published: 2019-10-13
Subjects: Applied Mathematics, Earth Sciences, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Engineering, Geophysics and Seismology, Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Signal Processing
We present a robust factorization of the teleseismic waveforms resulting from an earthquake source into signals that originate from the source and signals that characterize the path effects. The extracted source signals represent the earthquake spectrum and its variation with azimuth. Unlike most prior work on source extraction, our method is data-driven, and it does not depend on any [...]