Filtering by Subject: Engineering
Differential effects of climate change on average and peak demand for heating and cooling across the contiguous United States
Published: 2023-07-07
Subjects: Engineering
While most electricity systems are designed to handle peak demand during summer months, pathways to deep decarbonization generally electrify building heating, thus increasing electricity demand during winter. A key question is how climate variability and change will affect peak heating and cooling demand in an electrified future. We conduct a spatially explicit analysis of trends in [...]
Forecasting Weather using Deep Learning from the Meteorological Stations Data : A Study of Different Meteorological Stations in Kaski District, Nepal
Published: 2023-07-02
Subjects: Engineering
Contemporarily, one of the most pressing concerns is reliable and rapid weather forecasting. In Nepal, the Department of Hydrology and Meteorological uses a numerical modeling approach to forecast the weather, which is tardy and requires high end equipment to process the information so deep learning approach will be best alternative. This project aims to forecast the next 2-hour Precipitation and [...]
Geochemical Insights: Unraveling the Influence on Kerogen and Organic-rich Mudrocks
Published: 2023-06-30
Subjects: Engineering
The examination of geochemical factors and their impact on kerogen and organic-rich mudrocks holds significant implications for reservoir characterization, hydrocarbon exploration, and production strategies. The understanding of the geochemical environment empowers reservoir engineers and geoscientists to gain valuable insights into the distribution, quality, and producibility of hydrocarbons [...]
Engaging the Earth Science and Engineering Communities in Developing a River Morphology Information System (RIMORPHIS)
Published: 2023-06-29
Subjects: Engineering, Physical Sciences and Mathematics
ABSTRACT: River morphology data are critical for understanding and studying river processes and for managing rivers for multiple socio-economic uses. While such data have been acquired extensively over time, several issues hinder their use for river morphology studies such as data accessibility, variety of data formats, lack of data models for data storage, and lack of processing tools to [...]
Exploring the Complexity of Kerogen: A Comprehensive Review
Published: 2023-06-26
Subjects: Engineering
Kerogen, a naturally occurring organic material, is vital in petroleum geology and the formation of hydrocarbon reserves. This review provides an overview of its composition, classification, structural characteristics, thermal behavior, and applications. It explores advancements in analytical techniques and computational modeling, shedding light on kerogen's nature. Additionally, the review [...]
Technological Maturity of Aircraft-Based Methane Sensing for Greenhouse Gas Mitigation
Published: 2023-06-22
Subjects: Engineering, Environmental Monitoring, Oil, Gas, and Energy
Methane is a major contributor to anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions. Identifying large sources of methane, particularly from the oil and gas sector, will be essential for mitigating climate change. Aircraft-based methane sensing platforms can rapidly detect and quantify methane point-source emissions across large geographic regions, playing an increasingly important role in industrial [...]
Global Inventory of Dissolved CO2 Sequestration Potential in Geothermal Systems
Published: 2023-06-20
Subjects: Engineering, Other Engineering
Geothermal electricity generation has low carbon emissions compared to hydrocarbon alternatives. Nevertheless, recent attention on emissions of magmatic CO2 and other non-condensable gases (NCG) has prompted interest in their capture and reinjection. The geothermal industry is uniquely placed to effect CO2 sequestration due to existing reinjection infrastructure (e.g., wells, pipes, pumps) and [...]
HydroCompute: An Open-Source Web-Based Computational Library for Hydrology and Environmental Sciences
Published: 2023-06-19
Subjects: Engineering
We present HydroCompute, a high-performance client-side computational library specifically designed for web-based hydrological and environmental science applications. Leveraging state-of-the-art technologies in web-based scientific computing, the library facilitates both sequential and parallel simulations, optimizing computational efficiency. Employing multithreading via web workers, [...]
A framework for the estimation of uncertainties and spectral error correlation in Sentinel-2 Level-2A data products
Published: 2023-06-16
Subjects: Engineering, Environmental Monitoring
The Copernicus Sentinel-2 (S2) satellite mission acquires high spatial resolution optical imagery over land and coastal areas. Delivering uncertainty estimates and spectral error correlation alongside S2 data products facilitates the constrain of retrieval algorithms, propagates further downstream the retrieval uncertainty, and fifinally makes informed decisions to end-users. This study [...]
Better Localized Predictions with Out-of-Scope Information and Explainable AI: One-Shot SAR Backscatter Nowcast Framework with Data from Neighboring Region
Published: 2023-06-10
Subjects: Civil Engineering, Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Hydraulic Engineering
Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) provides 10-m weather-independent global Earth surface observations for various tasks such as land cover land use mapping, water body delineation, and vegetation change monitoring. However, the application of SAR imagery has been limited to retrospective tasks by a “first event then observation” rule. Recent studies have proven the feasibility of a one-shot forecast [...]
Multivariate Analysis and Anomaly Detection of U.S. Reservoir Sedimentation Dataset
Published: 2023-06-07
Subjects: Engineering
Sedimentation processes in reservoirs can jeopardize their functionality and compromise dam safety. Climate change and associated hydrologic uncertainty are introducing additional stressors to US reservoirs, and data-driven indicators of climate impacts on upstream soil erosion and reservoir’s sedimentation processes are crucial to evaluate their aggradation and life expectancy. The US Army Corps [...]
Non-structural Flood Mitigation Optimization at Community Scale: Middle Cedar Case Study
Published: 2023-06-07
Subjects: Civil and Environmental Engineering, Civil Engineering, Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Risk Analysis
Flooding is the leading natural hazard in Iowa and has resulted in billions of dollars of damage to properties and critical infrastructure over the past couple of decades. Land alterations, urbanization, and changing precipitation regimes increase the magnitude and frequency of flood events. Considering the increasing risk, flood mitigation efforts are significant to reduce future losses. In this [...]
Considerations for Regional Simulations of Seaweed Carbon Dioxide Removal
Published: 2023-06-01
Subjects: Engineering, Life Sciences, Physical Sciences and Mathematics
There is a growing interest in sequestering carbon dioxide via cultivation and sinking of seaweed in the ocean. Robust quantification of the viability of this marine carbon dioxide removal (mCDR) strategy requires deployment and interrogation of computer simulations that resolve coupling between turbulent oceanic circulation, biogeochemical fluxes, and cultivated seaweed with regional [...]
Artificial Energy General Intelligence AEGI
Published: 2023-06-01
Subjects: Engineering, Life Sciences, Physical Sciences and Mathematics
Artificial Energy General Intelligence (AEGI) is a natural progression of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) that caters to the energy industry. It is crucial to optimize the entire value chain involved in generating, transporting, and storing energy for the betterment of humanity, the environment, industry, and the scientific community. Most research efforts focus on a specific area of the [...]
Mind the gap: will slow progress on CO2 storage undermine net zero by 2050?
Published: 2023-05-19
Subjects: Engineering
A global path to net zero requires the permanent storage of carbon dioxide to reduce and remove atmospheric greenhouse gas emissions. We present an analysis of the gap between the CO2 storage required to meet net zero targets and the slow maturation of regional storage resources. We estimate that European storage rates need to increase 30-to-100x by 2030 to meet net zero by 2050. China and North [...]