
Filtering by Subject: Volcanology

A radial hydraulic fracture with pressure-dependent leak-off

Evgenii Kanin, Egor Dontsov, Dmitry Garagash, et al.

Published: 2020-05-06
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Hydrology, Oil, Gas, and Energy, Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Volcanology

This paper investigates the problem of a radial (or penny-shaped) hydraulic fracture propagating in a permeable reservoir. In particular, we consider the fluid exchange between the crack and ambient porous media as a pressure-dependent process. In most of the existing models, the fluid exchange process is represented as one-dimensional pressure-independent leak-off described by Carters law. We [...]

Interferometric Processing of ScanSAR Data Using Stripmap Processor: New Insights from Coregistration

Cunren Liang, Eric Jameson Fielding

Published: 2020-04-14
Subjects: Aerospace Engineering, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Computer Engineering, Earth Sciences, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Engineering, Geology, Geophysics and Seismology, Glaciology, Hydrology, Mining Engineering, Other Earth Sciences, Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Tectonics and Structure, Volcanology

Processing scanning synthetic aperture radar (ScanSAR) data using a stripmap processor, which is called full-aperture processing, has been the choice of many researchers. ScanSAR data are known to require very high azimuth coregistration precision which is usually achieved by a geometrical coregistration followed by a spectral diversity coregistration on the ScanSAR burst. However, for [...]

Interferometry with ALOS-2 full-aperture ScanSAR data

Cunren Liang, Eric Jameson Fielding

Published: 2020-04-14
Subjects: Aerospace Engineering, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Earth Sciences, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Engineering, Geology, Geophysics and Seismology, Glaciology, Mining Engineering, Other Engineering, Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Physics, Tectonics and Structure, Volcanology

Advanced Land Observing Satellite-2 (ALOS-2) is designed to routinely acquire both scanning synthetic aperture radar (ScanSAR) and stripmap data. In this paper, we present a special multiband bandpass filter (MBF) to remove azimuth nonoverlap spectra for the interferometric processing of ALOS-2 full-aperture ScanSAR product. As required by the MBF, we estimate the important ScanSAR system [...]

InSAR Time Series Analysis of L-band Wide- Swath SAR Data Acquired by ALOS-2

Cunren Liang, Zhen Liu, Eric Jameson Fielding, et al.

Published: 2020-04-12
Subjects: Aerospace Engineering, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Earth Sciences, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Engineering, Environmental Sciences, Geology, Geomorphology, Geophysics and Seismology, Glaciology, Hydrology, Mining Engineering, Other Earth Sciences, Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Tectonics and Structure, Volcanology

Operating at L-band (~24 cm wavelength) in wide-swath modes is one of the characteristics of the new and next generation satellite synthetic aperture radar (SAR) missions. After 3 years of operation, the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency Advanced Land Observing Satellite-2 (ALOS-2) satellite has acquired a wealth of L-band wide-swath SAR data over many areas using its ScanSAR mode. We present [...]

Measuring Azimuth Deformation With L-Band ALOS-2 ScanSAR Interferometry

Cunren Liang, Eric Jameson Fielding

Published: 2020-04-06
Subjects: Aerospace Engineering, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Computational Engineering, Computer Engineering, Earth Sciences, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Engineering, Geology, Geomorphology, Geophysics and Seismology, Glaciology, Hydrology, Mining Engineering, Other Earth Sciences, Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Signal Processing, Tectonics and Structure, Volcanology

We analyze the methods for measuring azimuth deformation with the L-band Advanced Land Observing Satellite-2 (ALOS-2) scanning synthetic aperture radar (ScanSAR) interferometry. To implement the methods, we extract focused bursts from the ALOS-2 full-aperture product, which is the only product available for ScanSAR interferometry at present. The extracted bursts are properly processed to measure [...]

Estimating Azimuth Offset With Double-Difference Interferometric Phase: The Effect of Azimuth FM Rate Error in Focusing

Cunren Liang, Eric Jameson Fielding, Mong-Han Huang

Published: 2020-04-06
Subjects: Aerospace Engineering, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Earth Sciences, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Engineering, Environmental Sciences, Geology, Geomorphology, Geophysics and Seismology, Glaciology, Hydrology, Mining Engineering, Other Earth Sciences, Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Physics, Tectonics and Structure, Volcanology

Estimating azimuth offset with double-difference interferometric (DDI) phase, which is called multiple-aperture interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) or spectral diversity, is increasingly used in recent years to measure azimuth deformation or to accurately coregister a pair of InSAR images. We analyze the effect of frequency modulation (FM) rate error in focusing on the DDI phase with [...]

Ultraviolet camera measurements of passive and explosive sulphur dioxide emissions at Yasur volcano, Vanuatu

Tehnuka Ilanko, Tom D Pering, Thomas Charles Wilkes, et al.

Published: 2020-03-31
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Volcanology

Here, we present the first ultraviolet (UV) camera measurements of sulphur dioxide (SO2) flux from Yasur volcano, Vanuatu, for the period 6th – 9th July 2018. These data yield the first direct gas measurement-derived calculations of explosion gas masses at Yasur. Yasur typically exhibits persistent passive gas release interspersed with frequent strombolian explosions. We used compact forms of the [...]

International disparities in open access practices of the Earth Sciences community

Olivier Pourret, David William Hedding, Dasapta Erwin Irawan, et al.

Published: 2020-03-31
Subjects: Biogeochemistry, Cosmochemistry, Earth Sciences, Geochemistry, Geology, Geomorphology, Geophysics and Seismology, Glaciology, Hydrology, Library and Information Science, Mineral Physics, Other Earth Sciences, Paleobiology, Paleontology, Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Sedimentology, Social and Behavioral Sciences, Soil Science, Speleology, Stratigraphy, Tectonics and Structure, Volcanology

Short communication on international disparities in open access practices of the Earth Sciences community

Structural controls on the location, geometry, and longevity of an intraplate volcanic system - The Tuatara Volcanic Field, Great South Basin, New Zealand

Thomas Brian Phillips, Craig Magee

Published: 2020-03-18
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Geology, Geophysics and Seismology, Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Tectonics and Structure, Volcanology

Intraplate volcanism is widely distributed across continental interiors. Yet controls on the location, 3D geometry, and longevity of many individual intraplate volcanic systems are often poorly understood. Geophysical and geodetic data provide insights into active intraplate magma plumbing systems, particularly when coupled with petrological and chemical analyses of volcanic products, but these [...]

Magma diversity reflects recharge regime and thermal structure of the crust

Gregor Weber, Guy Simpson, Luca Caricchi

Published: 2020-03-03
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Geochemistry, Geology, Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Volcanology

The chemistry of magmas erupted by volcanoes is a message from deep within the Earth’s crust, which if decrypted, can provide essential information on magmatic processes occurring at inaccessible depths. While some volcanoes are prone to erupt magmas of a wide compositional variety, others sample rather monotonous chemistries through time. Whether such differences are a consequence of physical [...]

Mapping surface displacement using a pair of interferograms: comparative study

Stéphanie Dumont, Fernando Lopes, Freysteinn Sigmundsson, et al.

Published: 2020-02-26
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Geophysics and Seismology, Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Tectonics and Structure, Volcanology

Interferometric analysis of Synthetic Aperture Radar satellite images (InSAR) measures only one component of ground deformation, in the satellite line-of-sight direction. In order to fully resolve the three dimensional (3D) ground displacement field, InSAR images acquired with different imaging geometries are required. Despite the increase in the number of SAR missions, an area is most frequently [...]

Geodetic Evidence for a Buoyant Mantle Plume Beneath the Eifel Volcanic Area, NW Europe

Corné Kreemer, Geoffrey Blewitt, Paul M. Davis

Published: 2020-02-25
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Geophysics and Seismology, Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Tectonics and Structure, Volcanology

The volcanism of the Eifel volcanic field (EVF), in west-central Germany, is often considered an example of hotspot volcanism given its geochemical signature and the putative mantle plume imaged underneath. EVF’s setting in a stable continental area provides a rare natural laboratory to image surface deformation and test the hypothesis of there being a thermally buoyant plume. Here we use Global [...]

Did sea-level change cause the switch from fissure-type to central-type volcanism at Mount Etna, Sicily?

Iain Simpson Stewart

Published: 2020-02-12
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Volcanology

One of the most intriguing aspects of the evolution of Mount Etna (eastern Sicily) is the switch from a fissure-type shield volcano coincident with the Ionian coast to an inland cluster of nested stratovolcanoes close to the currently active centre. Previous geological studies infer that the switch reflects a tectonically-driven rearrangement of the major border faults that direct the Etnean [...]

Chalcophile elements track the fate of sulfur at Kīlauea Volcano, Hawai’i

Penny E Wieser, Frances Jenner, Marie Edmonds, et al.

Published: 2020-02-08
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Geochemistry, Geology, Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Volcanology

Chalcophile element concentrations in melt inclusions and matrix glasses may be used to investigate low pressure degassing processes, as well as sulfide saturation during crustal fractionation, and mantle melting. Erupted products from Kīlauea Volcano, Hawaiʻi, record three stages of sulfide saturation (in the mantle, crust, and within lava lakes), separated by episodes of sulfide resorption [...]

Fault rupture during the December 26, 2018, Mw 4.9 Fleri earthquake (Mt. Etna): surface faulting in a volcano-tectonic environment

domenico bella, Franz A. Livio, Maria Francesca Ferrario, et al.

Published: 2020-02-04
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Tectonics and Structure, Volcanology

On December 26, 2018, the largest instrumental earthquake ever recorded in Mt. Etna (Sicily, southern Italy) shook the eastern flank of the volcano, with epicenter near the Fleri village along the right-lateral Fiandaca Fault (focal depth less than 1 km, Mw 4.9). The mainshock was accompanied by widespread surface faulting. We surveyed and mapped the coseismic ground ruptures and collected [...]


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