
There are 4725 Preprints listed.

Fault Throw and Regional Uplift Histories from Drainage Analysis: Evolution of Southern Italy

Jennifer Quye-Sawyer, Alexander C Whittaker, Gareth G Roberts, et al.

Published: 2021-01-25
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Geology, Geomorphology, Tectonics and Structure

Landscapes can record elevation changes caused by multiple tectonic processes. Here we show how coeval histories of spatially coincident normal faulting and regional uplift can be deconvolved from river networks. We focus on Calabria, a tectonically active region incised by rivers containing knickpoints and knickzones. Marine fauna indicate that Calabria has been uplifted by >1 km since [...]

Towards underwater plastic monitoring using echo sounding

Sophie Broere, Tim van Emmerik, Daniel González-Fernández, et al.

Published: 2021-01-25
Subjects: Environmental Monitoring, Fresh Water Studies, Hydrology

Plastics originating from land are mainly transported to the oceans by rivers. The total plastic transport from land to seas remains uncertain because of difficulties in measuring and the lack of standard observation techniques. A large focus in observations is on plastics floating on the water surface. However, an increasing number of observations suggest that large quantities of plastics are [...]

Observational estimates of dynamic topography through space and time

Mark James Hoggard, Jacqueline Austermann, Cody Randel, et al.

Published: 2021-01-24
Subjects: Biogeochemistry, Cosmochemistry, Earth Sciences, Geochemistry, Geology, Geomorphology, Geophysics and Seismology, Paleobiology, Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Sedimentology, Stratigraphy, Tectonics and Structure, Volcanology

Earth's mantle undergoes convection on million-year timescales as heat is transferred from depth to the surface. Whilst this flow has long been linked to the large-scale horizontal forces that drive plate tectonics and supercontinent cycles, geologists are increasingly recognising the signature of convection through transient vertical motions in the rock record, known as "dynamic topography". A [...]

Deciphering paleogeography from orogenic architecture: constructing orogens in a future supercontinent as thought experiment

Douwe J.J. van Hinsbergen, Thomas L.A. Schouten

Published: 2021-01-24
Subjects: Physical Sciences and Mathematics

Orogens that form at convergent plate boundaries typically consist of accreted rock units that form an incomplete archive of subducted oceanic and continental lithosphere, as well as of deformed crust of the former upper plate. Reading the construction of orogenic architecture forms the key to decipher the paleogeographic distribution of oceans and continents, as well as bathymetric and [...]

The joint sets on the Lilstock Benches, UK. Observations based on mapping a full resolution UAV-based image

Martijn Passchier, Cees Passchier, Christopher Weismüller, et al.

Published: 2021-01-24
Subjects: Geology

Outcrop studies of fracture networks are important to understand fractured reservoirs in the subsurface, but complete maps of all fractures in large outcrops are rare due to limitations of outcrop and image resolution. We manually mapped the first full-resolution UAV-based, Gigapixel dataset and DEM of the wave-cut Lilstock Benches in the southern Bristol Channel basin, a classic outcrop of [...]

Vertical fluxes conditioned on vorticity and strain reveal submesoscale ventilation

Dhruv Balwada, Qiyu Xiao, Shafer Smith, et al.

Published: 2021-01-24
Subjects: Oceanography, Oceanography and Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology

It has been hypothesized that submesoscale flows play an important role in the vertical transport of climatically important tracers, due to their strong associated vertical velocities. However, the multi-scale, non-linear and Lagrangian nature of transport makes it challenging to attribute proportions of the tracer fluxes to certain processes, scales, regions or features. Here we show that [...]

A review of last interglacial sea-level proxies in the eastern Mediterranean coastal region

Barbara Mauz, Noureddine ELMEJDOUB

Published: 2021-01-23
Subjects: Physical Sciences and Mathematics

Mediterranean ‘raised beaches’ were subject to Quaternary research since the early years of the 20th century. The uniqueness of a warm-loving molluscs fauna immigrating into the Mediterranean made the coastline a prime interest for studying Quaternary sea-level changes. Today, we have a detailed picture of this historically important coastline characterised by tectonically dormant coastal zone [...]

Developing luminescence analysis of Icelandic volcanic glass: a case study using the Þórsmörk Ignimbrite

Stephen J Roberts, David C. W. Sanderson, Andrew J. Dugmore

Published: 2021-01-22
Subjects: Physical Sciences and Mathematics

Large volcanic eruptions from Iceland can produce significant volumes of glass-rich rhyolitic tephra, which are then deposited across NW Europe and the North Atlantic-Arctic region, forming time-parallel marker horizons useful to palaeoenvironmental studies. Here we investigate new ways of improving the tephrochronological record of Iceland using (thermo)luminescence analysis of rhyolitic [...]

Arctic soil patterns analogous to fluid instabilities

Rachel C Glade, Michael Fratkin, Mehdi Pouragha, et al.

Published: 2021-01-22
Subjects: Physical Sciences and Mathematics

Slow-moving arctic soils commonly organize into striking large-scale spatial patterns called solifluction terraces and lobes. Though these features impact hillslope stability, carbon storage and release, and landscape response to climate change, no mechanistic explanation exists for their formation. Everyday fluids—such as paint dripping down walls—produce markedly similar fingering patterns [...]

High precision estimation of modeled aerosol direct radiative forcing

Fei Luo, Adam Monahan, Knut von Salzen

Published: 2021-01-22
Subjects: Physical Sciences and Mathematics

Aerosol radiative forcing can be difficult to quantify both accurately and precisely in global climate models. Long climate model integrations are often required and levels of statistical uncertainty can be substantial for some of the diagnostic methods and diagnosed forcings. Instantaneous estimates of sulfate aerosol direct radiative forcings in the present-day climate are compared to forcings [...]

Carbon dioxide removal through enhanced weathering of basalt on agricultural land –Assessing the potential in Austria

Thomas Rinder, Christoph von Hagke

Published: 2021-01-22
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Environmental Sciences

Enhanced weathering through basalt application on agricultural land represents a proposed strategy for the removal of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. It has been shown that enhanced weathering is principally feasible on a global scale, but it remains unclear whether it can be implemented on a local level. This information is however vital, to evaluate, if enhanced weathering should be further [...]

New Technologies can Cost-effectively Reduce Oil and Gas Methane Emissions, but Policies will Require Careful Design to Establish Mitigation Equivalence

Chandler Kemp, Arvind P Ravikumar

Published: 2021-01-22
Subjects: Oil, Gas, and Energy

Reducing methane emissions from oil and gas systems is a central component of US and international climate policy. Leak detection and repair (LDAR) programs using optical gas imaging (OGI) based surveys are routinely used to mitigate fugitive emissions or leaks. Recently, new technologies and platforms such as planes, drones, and satellites promise more cost-effective methane mitigation than [...]

Cosmic Relationships: Comets, Human Behavior and New Discoveries on Easter Island

candace gossen

Published: 2021-01-22
Subjects: Other Astrophysics and Astronomy, Other Earth Sciences

Humans have recorded celestial events for as long as we have been able to draw and write. Pictographs, petroglyphs and even standing stones mark moments in time on the landscape to remember changing seasons and repeating cycles. Some merge together to form cosmic relationships where great civilization collapse is ushered in by a supernova and stamped onto a rock with a hand print. This historical [...]

An idealized 1.5-layer isentropic model with convection and precipitation for satellite data assimilation research. Part II: model derivation

Onno Bokhove, Luca Cantarello, Steven Tobias

Published: 2021-01-22
Subjects: Applied Mathematics, Oceanography and Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology, Physical Sciences and Mathematics

In this part II paper we present the analytical derivation of the isentropic 1.5-layer shallow water model described and used in part I of this study. The mathematical derivation presented here is based on a combined asymptotic and slaved Hamiltonian analysis. The scaling assumptions throughout the paper are supported by real observations based on radiosonde data. Eventually, a fully consistent [...]

An idealized 1.5-layer isentropic model with convection and precipitationfor satellite data assimilation research. Part I: model dynamics

Luca Cantarello, Onno Bokhove, Steven Tobias

Published: 2021-01-22
Subjects: Applied Mathematics, Oceanography and Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology, Physical Sciences and Mathematics

An isentropic 1.5-layer model based on modified shallow water equations is presented, including terms mimicking convection and precipitation. This model is an updated version of the isopycnal single-layer modified shallow water model presented in Kent et al. (2017). The clearer link between fluid temperature and model variables together with a double-layer structure make this revised, isentropic [...]


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