
There are 4725 Preprints listed.

Comments on “On the reported magnetic precursor of the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake” by J.N. Thomas, J.J. Love, and M.J.S. Johnston

Simon Klemperer, Anthony Fraser-Smith, Paul McGill, et al.

Published: 2021-01-05
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Geophysics and Seismology, Physical Sciences and Mathematics

Thomas et al. (2009) (hereafter TLJ09) attempt to cast doubt upon the report by FraserSmith et al. (1990) (hereafter FS90) of unusual large-amplitude ultra-low frequency (ULF; f < 10 Hz) magnetic fields preceding the M ~7 Loma Prieta earthquake. TLJ09 suggest there are instrumental problems with FS90’s data that we, the designers, builders and long-term operators of the equipment, are presumed to [...]

2-D P-SV and SH spectral element modelling of seismic wave propagation in non-linear media with pore-pressure effects

Elif Oral, Celine Gelis, Luis Fabian Bonilla

Published: 2021-01-05
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Engineering, Geophysics and Seismology, Geotechnical Engineering

It has long been recognized that the effects of superficial geological layers, or site effects, can play a major role on the seismic ground motion at the free surface. In this study, we compute wave propagation in a 2-D asymmetrical basin considering both soil non-linearity and pore- pressure effects. Equations of elastodynamics of wave propagation are solved using the spectral element method [...]

Spectral element modelling of seismic wave propagation in visco-elastoplastic media including excess-pore pressure development

Elif Oral, Celine Gelis, Luis Fabian Bonilla

Published: 2021-01-05
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Engineering, Geophysics and Seismology, Geotechnical Engineering

Numerical modelling of seismic wave propagation, considering soil nonlinearity, has become a major topic in seismic hazard studies when strong shaking is involved under particular soil conditions. Indeed, when strong ground motion propagates in saturated soils, pore pressure is another important parameter to take into account when successive phases of contractive and dilatant soil behaviour are [...]

Evaluation of the Grillo sensor, a low-cost accelerometer for IoT-based Real-time seismology

Vaclav Matej Kuna, Diego Melgar, Andres Meira

Published: 2021-01-02
Subjects: Geophysics and Seismology

Micro-Electro-Mechanical (MEMS) accelerometers are useful for real-time seismology due to their ability to record strong, unsaturated seismic signals. Recent advances in MEMS technologies enable design of instruments with improved capabilities that also allow recording of small signals. As a result, MEMS can be useful across a broad dynamic range and for both major earthquakes and smaller [...]

Joint event location and 3D Poisson’s ratio tomography for downhole microseismic monitoring

Congcong Yuan, Jie Zhang

Published: 2021-01-02
Subjects: Geophysics and Seismology, Physical Sciences and Mathematics

Passive seismic tomography plays a significant role in monitoring subsurface structures and properties during hydraulic fracturing. In this study, we develop a new passive seismic tomography approach to jointly invert for event locations, 3D P-wave velocity (Vp), and Poisson’s ratio models, for downhole microseimic monitoring The method enables to directly obtain the 3D Poisson’s ratio or Vp/Vs [...]

Global rates of soil production independent of soil depth

Emma Jayne Harrison, Jane Willenbring, Gilles Brocard

Published: 2021-01-02
Subjects: Physical Sciences and Mathematics

Accelerated rates of soil erosion threaten the stability of ecosystems1, nutrient cycles2, and global food supplies3 if the processes that produce soil cannot keep pace. Over millennial timescales, the rate of soil production is thought to keep pace with the rate of surface erosion through negative feedbacks between soil thickness and the rate at which soil is produced from the underlying mineral [...]

Identifying shale sweet spots by 3D microseismic imaging

Congcong Yuan, Xiong Zhang, Jie Zhang

Published: 2021-01-02
Subjects: Geophysics and Seismology, Physical Sciences and Mathematics

Several studies suggest that shale sweet spots are likely associated with low Poisson’s ratio in the shale layer. Compared with conventional geophysical techniques with active seismic data, it is straightforward and cost effective to delineate the distribution of 3D Poisson’s ratio using microseismic data. In this study, we develop a method for determining microseismic event locations, 3D P-wave [...]

Vertical slowness constrained joint VTI parameters and event locations inversion for microseismic monitoring

Congcong Yuan, Song Han, Jie Zhang

Published: 2020-12-31
Subjects: Physical Sciences and Mathematics

The construction of accurate anisotropic velocity models for the monitoring region plays a very important role in microseismic monitoring. Due to ignorance of anisotropy, serious distortions may happen in the results of microseismic location and interpretation. Several effective methods have been developed to invert for VTI parameters and event locations using microseismic traveltime, while the [...]

Automatic microseismic stacking location with a multi-cross-correlation imaging condition

Congcong Yuan, Wei Zhang, Jie Zhang

Published: 2020-12-31
Subjects: Physical Sciences and Mathematics

Source scanning algorithm (SSA) has been recognized as a valid technique to automatically detect and locate passive seismic events. The imaging condition of this algorithm is the linear stack of the amplitudes along the traveltime curve from trial locations. However, the linear stacking condition may cause the location uncertainty due to the polarity reversal and low signal-to-noise ratio of the [...]

A study of nowcast of Indian Monsoon Rainfall over Mumbai using Rainymotion

Kunal Anil Rustagi, Vipul Gote, Mahesh Mote, et al.

Published: 2020-12-31
Subjects: Atmospheric Sciences, Meteorology, Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing

Since ages, we know that rainfall is a very important factor in deciding the fate of a country. In an agrarian country like India where more than 70% of rural households are dependent on agriculture, agriculture contributes to nearly 17% GDP of the country and is directly dependent on rainfall. Excessive rainfall can lead to floods, landslides, soil erosion and no rainfall can lead to [...]

Samples, Symmetries and Extensions: Exploring Parameter Space in Nonlinear Problems

Andrew Curtis

Published: 2020-12-31
Subjects: Physical Sciences and Mathematics

Many scientific and technological advances require the values of a set of parameters to be constrained or estimated using recorded data. It is often possible to model data that would be recorded for particular parameter values using a computable and in general nonlinear function, where its inverse is unknown and does not exist as a unique-valued mapping. The space of parameter values must then be [...]

NIRvP: a robust structural proxy for sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence and photosynthesis across scales

Benjamin Dechant, Youngryel Ryu, Grayson Badgley, et al.

Published: 2020-12-31
Subjects: Agriculture, Biology, Environmental Monitoring, Environmental Sciences, Plant Sciences

Sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF) is a promising new tool for remotely estimating photosynthesis. However, the degree to which incoming sunlight and the structure of the canopy rather than leaf physiology contribute to SIF variations is still not well characterized. Here we demonstrate that the canopy structure-related near-infrared reflectance of vegetation multiplied by incoming [...]

Bayesian Seismic Tomography using Normalizing Flows

Xuebin Zhao, Andrew Curtis, Xin Zhang

Published: 2020-12-27
Subjects: Geophysics and Seismology, Physical Sciences and Mathematics

We test a fully non-linear method to solve seismic tomographic problems using data consisting of observed travel times of first-arriving waves. We use variational inference to calculate the posterior probability distribution which describes the solution to the Bayesian tomographic inverse problem. The variational method is an efficient alternate to Monte Carlo methods, which seeks the best [...]

Half a century of glacier mass balance at Cordilleras Blanca and Huaytapallana, Peruvian Andes

David Clark, Nicholas Barrand

Published: 2020-12-23
Subjects: Glaciology

The glaciers of the tropical Andes have been observed to be losing mass for much of the last century. These changes are both driven by, and an indicator of global climate change. These glaciers are important as they represent a crucial water source for downstream communities, supplying agriculture, urban usage, industry, mining and hydropower. This study aims to quantify glacial mass loss for the [...]

Climate as a Stratigraphic Tool for Basin Margin Deposition in Intracontinental Basins

Amy Gough, Stuart M Clarke, Philip C Richards

Published: 2020-12-23
Subjects: Physical Sciences and Mathematics

In intracontinental basins stratigraphic packages are not as predictable as those deposited in marine settings, namely due to a lack over an overriding control on deposition. Deposition in intracontinental basins is controlled by tectonics, climatic variations, and sediment supply. Complexity is added as deposition is affected by both autocyclic localised variations (e.g., lobe switching) and [...]


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