
Search for indonesia (60 results)

The historical impact of anthropogenic air-borne sulphur on the Pleistocene rock art of Sulawesi

Michael Gagan, Halmar Halide, Raden Permana, et al.

Published: 2022-05-31
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Environmental Indicators and Impact Assessment, Environmental Sciences, Geochemistry, Natural Resources and Conservation

The Maros-Pangkep karst in southwest Sulawesi, Indonesia, contains some of the world’s oldest rock art. However, the Pleistocene images survive only as weathered patches of pigment on exfoliated limestone surfaces. Salt efflorescence underneath the case-hardened limestone substrate causes spall-flaking, and it has been proposed that the loss of artwork has accelerated over recent decades. Here, [...]

A univariate extreme value analysis and change point detection of monthly discharge in Kali Kupang, Central Java, Indonesia

Sandy Hardian Susanto Herho

Published: 2022-05-19
Subjects: Applied Statistics, Hydrology, Probability, Water Resource Management

This study presents how Extreme Value Analysis (EVA) can be used to predict future extreme hydrological events and how dynamic-programming based change point detection algorithm can be used to detect the abrupt transition in discharge events variability in Kali Kupang, Central Java, Indonesia. By using the annual block maxima, we can predict the upper extreme discharge probability from the Gumbel [...]

Potential Health and Economic Impacts of Shifting Manufacturing from China to Indonesia or India

Qi Ran, Shao-Yi Lee, Duofan Zheng, et al.

Published: 2022-04-26
Subjects: Physical Sciences and Mathematics

The diversification or decoupling of production chains from China to alternative Asian countries such as India or Indonesia would impact the spatial distribution of anthropogenic emissions, with corresponding economic impacts due to mortality associated with particulate matter exposure. We evaluated these changes using the Community Earth System Model, the Integrated Exposure-Response (IER) model [...]

A one-million-year isotope record from siderites formed in modern ferruginous sediments

Aurèle Vuillemin, Christoph Mayr, Jan A. Schuessler, et al.

Published: 2022-02-17
Subjects: Biogeochemistry, Other Environmental Sciences, Sedimentology, Stratigraphy

Ancient iron formations hold important records of environmental conditions during the Precambrian Eons. Reconstructions of past oceanic systems require investigating modern ferruginous analogs to disentangle water column and diagenetic signals recorded in iron-bearing minerals. We analyzed oxygen, iron, and carbon isotopes in siderite, a ferrous carbonate phase commonly used as an environmental [...]

Time-series analysis and statistical forecasting of daily rainfall in Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia: a pilot study

Sandy Hardian Susanto Herho, Gisma Aminurah Firdaus

Published: 2022-01-06
Subjects: Oceanography and Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology, Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Statistics and Probability

This pilot study presents a novel statistical time-series approach for analyzing daily rainfall data in Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. By using the piecewise cubic hermite interpolation algorithm, we succeeded in filling in the null values in the daily rainfall time series. We then analyzed the monthly average and its pattern using the continuous wavelet transform (CWT) algorithm, which [...]

Downward-propagating eruption following vent unloading implies no direct magmatic trigger for the 2018 lateral collapse of Anak Krakatau

Kyra S. Cutler, Sebastian Watt, Mike Cassidy, et al.

Published: 2021-12-18
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Stratigraphy, Volcanology

The lateral collapse of Anak Krakatau volcano, Indonesia, in December 2018 highlighted the potentially devastating impacts of volcanic edifice instability. Nonetheless, the trigger for the Anak Krakatau collapse remains obscure. The volcano had been erupting for the previous six months, and although failure was followed by intense explosive activity, it is the period immediately prior to collapse [...]

Geographically-resolved social cost of anthropogenic emissions accounting for both direct and climate-mediated effects

Jennifer Burney, Geeta G Persad, Jonathan Proctor, et al.

Published: 2021-11-17
Subjects: Atmospheric Sciences, Climate, Environmental Sciences, Physical and Environmental Geography, Sustainability

The magnitude and distribution of physical and societal impacts from long-lived greenhouse gases are insensitive to the emission source location; the same is not true for major co-emitted short-lived pollutants like aerosols. Here we combine novel global climate model simulations with established response functions to show that identical aerosols emitted from different regions (Brazil, China, [...]

Does ENSO significantly affect rice production in Indonesia? A preliminary study using computational time-series approach

Sandy Hardian Susanto Herho, Ferio Brahmana, Katarina Evelyn Permata Herho, et al.

Published: 2021-08-15
Subjects: Climate, Environmental Sciences, Physical Sciences and Mathematics

ENSO is a phenomenon that is suspected to influence rice production in Indonesia. In this study, we try to find a direct correlation between ENSO and rice production in this region by using various latest computational time series methods, such as Dynamic Time Warping, Wavelet Coherence, and Bayesian Structural Time Series to quantify the statistical relationship between the Multivariate ENSO [...]

The hazards of unconfined pyroclastic density currents: a new synthesis and classification according to their deposits, dynamics, and thermal and impact characteristics

Geoffrey A Lerner, Susanna F Jenkins, Sylvain J Charbonnier, et al.

Published: 2021-06-08
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Volcanology

Pyroclastic density currents (PDCs) that escape their confining channels are among the most dangerous of volcanic hazards. These unconfined PDCs are capable of inundating inhabited areas that may be unprepared for these hazards, resulting in significant loss of life and damage to infrastructure. Despite their ability to cause serious impacts, unconfined PDCs have previously only been described [...]

Application of Probabilistic Machine Learning to the prediction of Remotely Sensed Vegetation Health

Ahmed T. Hammad

Published: 2021-05-28
Subjects: Environmental Studies

Every prediction of the future carries some level of uncertainty; making this explicit is challenging. This paper introduces a Probabilistic Machine Learning algorithm, namely the Natural Gradient Boosting algorithm, as a modelling tool for predicting the Vegetation Health Index, a proxy for monitoring vegetation stress in response to changing weather conditions. It then elaborates on the time [...]

A numerical study of SMART Cables potential in marine hazard early warning for the Sumatra and Java regions

Amir Salaree, Bruce M Howe, Yihe Huang, et al.

Published: 2021-05-04
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Geophysics and Seismology, Other Earth Sciences

We present results from a series of exploratory numerical experiments based on ocean bottom pressure and seismic data from a simulated linear array of SMART cable stations off the trench in the Sumatra-Java region. We use six rupture scenarios to calculate tsunami propagation using hydrodynamic simulations. Through these experiments we show that such an addition would result in up to several [...]

Plastic pollution research in Indonesia: state of science and future research directions to reduce impacts

Paul Vriend, H. Hidayat, Judith van Leeuwen, et al.

Published: 2021-04-09
Subjects: Environmental Sciences

Several studies have suggested Indonesia to be among the top plastic polluting countries globally. Data on the presence and amounts of plastic pollution are required to help design effective plastic reduction and mitigation strategies. Research quantifying plastic pollution in Indonesia has picked up in recent years. However, a lack of central coordination in this research has led to research [...]

Long-term hydrometeorological time-series analysis over the central highlands of West Papua

Sandy Hardian Susanto Herho

Published: 2021-04-06
Subjects: Physical Sciences and Mathematics

This article introduces an innovative data-driven approach to examining the long-term temporal rainfall patterns in the central highlands of West Papua, Indonesia. Through the utilization of wavelet transforms, we identified signs of a negative temporal correlation between the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and the 12-month Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI-12). Building upon this [...]

New insight into post-seismic landslide evolution processes in the tropics

Hakan Tanyas, Dalia Kirschbaum, Tolga Gorum, et al.

Published: 2021-03-05
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Geomorphology, Geophysics and Seismology, Hydrology

Earthquakes do not only trigger landslides in co-seismic phases but also elevate post-seismic landslide susceptibility either by causing a strength reduction in hillslope materials or by producing co-seismic landslide deposits, which are prone to further remobilization under the external forces generated by subsequent rainfall events. However, we still have limited observations regarding the [...]

Hydro-Meteorological Aspects of the 2021 South Kalimantan Flood: Topography, Tides, and Precipitation

Munawir Bintang Pratama, Rafida Multazima Withono, Ismail Naufal Azkiarizqi

Published: 2021-03-01
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Hydrology, Meteorology

The 2021 South Kalimantan flood was recorded as the most serious ever to have taken place in the province. It occurred due to high-intensity rain during the period 10-19 January, accompanied by a spring tide. This study provides an overview of the disaster, with reference to the hydro-meteorological conditions (topography, tides, and precipitation). The method used was the analysis of the [...]


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