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Filtering by Subject: Outdoor Education

Field Report No. 3 - Tabor Tree Project Summary Report 2021

candace gossen

Published: 2023-10-10
Subjects: Adult and Continuing Education, Earth Sciences, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Environmental Sciences, Environmental Studies, Outdoor Education, Physical Sciences and Mathematics

“The Friends of Mt. Tabor Park (FMTP) was organized as a non-profit group* in 2000. Our pur- pose is to improve and help maintain Mt. Tabor Park for the benefit of individuals, organizations and the Park Bureau; to identify and help solve problems; and to participate in park planning projects.”(FMTP) During the winter of 2021 with covid closures of the Visitor Center, Tree Medicine hikes were [...]

Field Report No. 2 - Tabor Tree Project: Citizen Scientists Training

candace gossen

Published: 2023-10-10
Subjects: Adult and Continuing Education, Earth Sciences, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Environmental Sciences, Outdoor Education, Physical Sciences and Mathematics

“NASA’s citizen science projects are collaborations between scientists and interested members of the public. Through these collaborations, volunteers (known as citizen scientists) have helped make thou- sands of important scientific discoveries.” (NASA) In January 2021, using the GLOBE Observer app, the Mt. Tabor community joined this global network of scientists, students, teachers, hikers, and [...]

Strategies for making geoscience PhD recruitment more equitable

Benjamin Fernando, Natasha Joanne Dowey, Catherine Souch, et al.

Published: 2022-10-28
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Education, Outdoor Education, Physical Sciences and Mathematics

Doctoral study is a crucial part of the academic pipeline, but discriminatory admissions procedures disproportionately impact students from ethnic minority backgrounds. We examine how doctoral recruitment policies contribute to inequity in the geosciences and propose improvements for change.

Safety and Belonging in the Field: A Checklist for Educators

Sarah E Greene, Gawain T. Antell, Jake Atterby, et al.

Published: 2021-08-19
Subjects: Atmospheric Sciences, Biogeochemistry, Climate, Cosmochemistry, Earth Sciences, Education, Environmental Education, Environmental Health and Protection, Environmental Indicators and Impact Assessment, Environmental Monitoring, Environmental Sciences, Environmental Studies, Fresh Water Studies, Geochemistry, Geographic Information Sciences, Geography, Geology, Geomorphology, Geophysics and Seismology, Glaciology, Higher Education, Human Geography, Hydrology, Life Sciences, Meteorology, Mineral Physics, Natural Resource Economics, Natural Resources and Conservation, Natural Resources Management and Policy, Nature and Society Relations, Oceanography, Oceanography and Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology, Oil, Gas, and Energy, Other Earth Sciences, Other Environmental Sciences, Other Geography, Other Oceanography and Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology, Other Planetary Sciences, Outdoor Education, Paleobiology, Paleontology, Physical and Environmental Geography, Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Planetary Biogeochemistry, Planetary Geochemistry, Planetary Geology, Planetary Geomorphology, Planetary Geophysics and Seismology, Planetary Glaciology, Planetary Hydrology, Planetary Mineral Physics, Planetary Sciences, Planetary Sedimentology, Remote Sensing, Sedimentology, Social and Behavioral Sciences, Soil Science, Spatial Science, Speleology, Stratigraphy, Sustainability, Tectonics and Structure, Volcanology, Water Resource Management

Ensuring taught fieldwork is a positive, generative, collective, and valuable experience for all participants requires considerations beyond course content. To guarantee safety and belonging, participants’ identities (backgrounds and protected characteristics) must be considered as a part of fieldwork planning and implementation. Furthermore, getting fieldwork right is an important step in [...]

The True Cost of Field Education is a Barrier to Diversifying Geosciences

Antoinette Abeyta, Anjali M Fernandes, Robert Clyde Mahon, et al.

Published: 2021-02-19
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Education, Environmental Sciences, Geology, Higher Education, Outdoor Education, Science and Mathematics Education

Fieldwork is considered critical to developing technical skills in geoscience education, and typical undergraduate degrees require >30 days in the field. Tuition costs of enrolling in field camp are acknowledged as a barrier to participation in geosciences; however, the cost of participation in field activities may also include the cost of personal field gear (hiking boots, backpacks, etc.), [...]

Sedimentary Ripple marks from pavements of forts in Jaipur, Rajasthan. India

Srikanth Guruswamy

Published: 2020-03-18
Subjects: Education, Outdoor Education

Prolific occurrence of a variety of ripple trains in popular forts of Jaipur are observed. The occurrence of extensive Geological sample within man-made buildings form a valuable record for a variety of teaching and research needs. Random samples from these rippled sandstone slabs are classified to highlight their variability. Few standard measures are made on a sample pointing to quantitative [...]

Unfolding Veined Fold Limbs to Deduce a Basins Prefolding Stress State

Koen Van Noten, Manuel Sintubin

Published: 2019-03-06
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Education, Outdoor Education, Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Tectonics and Structure

Tectonic structures that developed prior to folding, such as pre- and early-kinematic veins, hold valuable information on the stress state of the paleobasin in which these early structures formed. To derive the parental orientation of these prefolding brittle structures, folds need to “unfold.” A fold restoration methodology is presented in which fold limbs, and the structures they contain, are [...]

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