
There are 4720 Preprints listed.

High-resolution Ge-Si-Fe, Cr isotope and Th-U data for the Neoarchean Temagami BIF, Canada, suggest primary origin of BIF bands and oxidative terrestrial weathering 2.7 Ga ago

Michael Bau, Robert Frei, Dieter Garbe-Schoenberg, et al.

Published: 2022-03-01
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Geochemistry, Physical Sciences and Mathematics

ABSTRACT Unique deposits that formed in the Precambrian oceans are the Banded Iron-Formations (BIFs) which are chemical sediments comprised of alternating layers of iron- and silica-dominated precipitates. The origin of this enigmatic banding is still debated, with most favoring a primary sedimentary and a few others arguing for a secondary diagenetic origin. We here used a high-resolution [...]

Heralds of a Future Eruption? Swarms of Microseismicity beneath the submarine Kolumbo Volcano indicate Opening of near-vertical Fractures exploited by ascending Melts

Florian Schmid, Gesa Petersen, Emilie Hooft, et al.

Published: 2022-02-28
Subjects: Geophysics and Seismology

The Kolumbo submarine volcano in the southern Aegean (Greece) is associated with repeated seismic unrest since at least two decades and the causes of this unrest are still hardly understood. We present a ten-month long microseismicity dataset for the period 2006-2007. The majority of earthquakes clusters in a cone-shaped portion of the crust below Kolumbo. The tip of this cone coincides with a [...]

Origin and kinematics of a basin-scale, non-polygonal, layer-bound normal fault system in the Levant Basin, eastern Mediterranean

Amir Joffe, Christopher Aiden-Lee Jackson, Josh Steinberg, et al.

Published: 2022-02-28
Subjects: Geology, Tectonics and Structure

Polygonal, layer-bound normal faults can extend over very large areas (>2,000,000 km2) of sedimentary basins. Best developed in very fine-grained rocks, these faults are thought to form during early burial in response to a range of diagenetic processes, including compaction and water expulsion. Local deviations from this idealised polygonal pattern are common; however, basin-scale, layer-bound [...]

Place-level urban-rural indices for the United States from 1930 to 2018

Johannes H. Uhl, Lori M. Hunter, Stefan Leyk, et al.

Published: 2022-02-28
Subjects: Applied Statistics, Geographic Information Sciences, Geography, Human Geography, Longitudinal Data Analysis and Time Series, Social and Behavioral Sciences, Spatial Science

Rural-urban classifications are essential for analyzing geographic, demographic, environmental, and social processes across the rural-urban continuum. Most existing classifications are, however, only available at relatively aggregated spatial scales, such as at the county scale in the United States. The absence of rurality or urbanness measures at high spatial resolution poses significant [...]

Landslide susceptibility maps of Italy: lesson learnt from dealing with multiple landslide classes and the uneven spatial distribution of the national inventory

Marco Loche, Massimiliano Alvioli, Ivan Marchesini, et al.

Published: 2022-02-25
Subjects: Physical Sciences and Mathematics

Landslide susceptibility corresponds to the probability of landslide occurrence across a given geographic space. This probability is usually estimated by using a binary classifier which is informed of landslide presence/absence data and associated landscape characteristics. Here, we consider the Italian national landslide inventory to prepare slope-unit based landslide susceptibility maps. [...]

Interannual variability of the Australian summer monsoon sustained through internal processes: wind-evaporation feedback, dynamical air-sea interaction and soil moisture memory

Shion Sekizawa, Hisashi Nakamura, Yu Kosaka

Published: 2022-02-25
Subjects: Climate, Oceanography and Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology

In northern Australia (NAUS), mean rainfall during the Australian summer monsoon (AUSM) season exhibits distinct interannual variability despite weak influence from tropical sea surface temperature (SST) variability. The present study investigates mechanisms for the strong and persistent rainfall anomalies throughout the AUSM season. When the AUSM is stronger than normal, the low-level monsoonal [...]

Fault slip-rates and Coulomb stress interactions in the intersection zone of the Hope, Kelly and Alpine Faults, South Island, New Zealand

Jessie L. Vermeer, Mark Quigley, Rob Langridge, et al.

Published: 2022-02-25
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Geology, Geomorphology, Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Tectonics and Structure

The Hope Fault is a major strike-slip plate boundary fault in the Marlborough Fault Zone of New Zealand’s South Island that transfers slip between the Alpine Fault and Hikurangi subduction zone. We use lidar-based geomorphic and fault mapping, and optically stimulated luminescence (OSL; quartz) and infrared stimulated luminescence (IRSL; feldspar) dating of fault-proximal sedimentary deposits to [...]

Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar

Pablo J. González

Published: 2022-02-25
Subjects: Physical Sciences and Mathematics

Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) has catapulted our ability to detect, quantify and characterize bio- and geophysical processes (e.g., aquifer dynamics, tectonic, and magmatic processes, etc.). During the last four decades, InSAR has imaged the complete Earth’s surface and transformed our understanding of how Earth works. Such revolution has been underpinned by a relentless [...]

Constrained 1.5-Layer Hamiltonian Toy Models for Stratospheric Dynamics

Onno Bokhove, Theodore G Shepherd

Published: 2022-02-25
Subjects: Physical Sciences and Mathematics

A two-layer Hamiltonian toy model consisting of two isentropic stratospheric layers is simplified using perturbation analysis while preserving the Hamiltonian structure. These two layers are neutrally and stably stratified. The first approximation applies when the Froude number of the upper isentropic layer is small, such that the upper surface is approximately rigid, and this upper layer is much [...]

Along-Dip Segmentation of the Slip Behavior and Rheology of the Copiapó Ridge Subducted in North-Central Chile

Francisco Pasten-Araya, Bertrand Potin, Kellen Azua, et al.

Published: 2022-02-24
Subjects: Geology, Geophysics and Seismology, Tectonics and Structure

We studied the along-dip influence of the Copiapó ridge subduction in the Atacama region, North-Central Chile by building a new seismicity catalog, including similar events and non-volcanic tremors (NVTs). We also obtained a 3-D tomographic model for P- and S-waves velocity (and the implied Vp/Vs ratio). We identify down-dip segmentation involving 4 distinct segments: a locked seismogenic zone [...]

Uncertainty and sensitivity analysis for probabilistic weather and climate risk modelling: an implementation in CLIMADA v.3.1.

Chahan M. Kropf, Alessio Ciullo, Laura Otth, et al.

Published: 2022-02-23
Subjects: Applied Statistics, Climate, Design of Experiments and Sample Surveys, Earth Sciences, Environmental Studies, Natural Resources Management and Policy, Nature and Society Relations, Numerical Analysis and Computation, Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing, Risk Analysis, Statistical Methodology

Modelling the risk of natural hazards for society, ecosystems, and the economy is subject to strong uncertainties, even more so in the context of a changing climate, evolving societies, growing economies, and declining ecosystems. Here we present a new feature of the climate risk modelling platform CLIMADA which allows to carry out global uncertainty and sensitivity analysis. CLIMADA underpins [...]

Accurate chronological construction for two young stalagmites from the tropical South Pacific

Mohammadali Faraji, Silvia Frisia, Quan Hua, et al.

Published: 2022-02-23
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Environmental Sciences

Modern to Holocene tropical Pacific stalagmites are commonly difficult to date with the U-series, the most commonly used dating method for speleothems. When U-series does not provide robust age models, due to multiple sources of 230Th or little U, radiocarbon is, potentially, the best alternative. The 14C content of two stalagmites (Pu17 and Nu16) collected from Pouatea and Nurau caves in the [...]

psvWave: elastic wave propagation in 2d for Python and C++

Lars Gebraad, Andreas Fichtner

Published: 2022-02-22
Subjects: Geophysics and Seismology

We present `psvWave', a basic numerical finite difference solver for Python and C++, specifically targeted at seismologists. The solver is based on the well-established staggered grid approaches developed for the P-SV elastic wave equation. Although its functionality is limited (solely moment tensor sources, only Ricker wavelets source time functions), it does possess the ability to perform [...]

The south-verging Isortoq Nappe of Baffin Island, Canada: implications on the framework of the northeastern Trans-Hudson Orogen

Benoit M Saumur, Stephen T Johnston, Diane R Skipton, et al.

Published: 2022-02-22
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Physical Sciences and Mathematics

The Isortoq Shear Zone (ISZ), a 100km-scale structure in northern Baffin Island, was originally identified through the interpretation of regional geophysical surveys. In the field the ISZ is cryptic, and its significance ambiguous with respect to the regional structural framework of northern Baffin Island. Mapping along the ISZ and within the spatially associated Archean Isortoq and Eqe Bay [...]

Differences in running velocity and boldness between male and female Atlantic sand fiddler crab (Leptuca pugilator)

David Adrian Ortiz

Published: 2022-02-19
Subjects: Animal Sciences, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Marine Biology

Atlantic sand fiddler crabs (Leptuca pugilator) exhibit an extreme case of sexual dimorphism with the male crabs wielding an enlarged dominate claw that can account up to 40% of an individual’s total body mass. The salt pans found in marine marshes are commonly colonized by fiddler crabs and have limited coverage from avian predators, making the ability to quickly run back their burrows, an [...]


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