
There are 4724 Preprints listed.

Multivariate statistical appraisal of regional susceptibility to induced seismicity: application to the Permian Basin, SW United States

Stephen Paul Hicks, Saskia Goes, Alexander C Whittaker, et al.

Published: 2021-07-13
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Geophysics and Seismology, Physical Sciences and Mathematics

Induced earthquake sequences are typically interpreted through causal triggering mechanisms. However, studies of causality rarely consider large regions and why some regions experiencing similar anthropogenic activities remain largely aseismic. Therefore, it can be difficult to forecast seismic hazard at a regional scale. In contrast, multivariate statistical methods allow us to find the [...]

The effect of lateral variations in Earth structure on Last Interglacial sea level

Jacqueline Austermann, Mark James Hoggard, Konstantin Latychev, et al.

Published: 2021-07-12
Subjects: Physical Sciences and Mathematics

It is generally agreed that the Last Interglacial (LIG; 130 – 115 ka)was a time when global average temperatures and global mean sea level were higher than they are today. However, the exact timing, magnitude, and spatial pattern of ice melt is much debated. One difficulty in extracting past global mean sea level from local observations is that their elevations need to be corrected for glacial [...]

Energetics and mixing of stratified, rotating flow over abyssal hills

Varvara E Zemskova, Nicolas Grisouard

Published: 2021-07-12
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Oceanography, Oceanography and Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology, Physical Sciences and Mathematics

One of the proposed mechanisms for energy loss in the ocean is through dissipation of internal waves, in particular above rough topography where internal lee waves are generated. Rates of dissipation and diapycnal mixing are often estimated using linear theory and a constant value for mixing efficiency. However, previous oceanographic measurements found that non-linear dynamics may be important [...]

A convolutional neural network approach to estimate earthquake kinematic parameters from back-projection images

Marina Corradini, Ian W. McBrearty, Claudio Satriano, et al.

Published: 2021-07-09
Subjects: Physical Sciences and Mathematics

The retrieval of earthquake finite-fault kinematic parameters after the occurrence of an earthquake is a crucial task in observational seismology. Routinely-used source inversion techniques are challenged by limited data coverage and computational effort, and are subject to a variety of assumptions and constraints that restrict the range of possible solutions. Back-projection (BP) imaging [...]

Created by the Monte Peron rock avalanche: Lago di Vedana (Dolomites, Italy) and its sediment record of landscape evolution after a mass wasting event

Bernd Zolitschka, Irene Sophie Polgar, Hermann Behling

Published: 2021-07-09
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Geochemistry, Geology, Geomorphology

The timing of the Monte Peron Landslide is revised to 2890 cal. BP based on a radiocarbon-dated sediment stratigraphy of Lago di Vedana. This age fosters the importance of hydroclimatic triggers in the light of accelerating global warming with a predicted increase of precipitation enhancing the regional predisposition to large landslides. Moreover, a layer enriched in allochthonous organic and [...]

The origin and 3D architecture of a km-scale deep-water scour-fill: example from the Skoorsteenberg Fm., Karoo Basin, South Africa

Larissa Hansen, Rachel Healy, Luz Gomis Cartesio, et al.

Published: 2021-07-08
Subjects: Physical Sciences and Mathematics

Scours, and scour fields, are common features on the modern seafloor of deep-marine systems, particularly downstream of submarine channels, and in channel-lobe-transitions-zones. High-resolution images of the seafloor have improved the documentation of the large scale, coalescence, and distribution of these scours in deep-marine systems. However, their scale and high aspect ratio mean they can be [...]

Impact of igneous intrusion and associated ground deformation on the stratigraphic record

Emilia Dobb, Craig Magee, Christopher Aiden-Lee Jackson, et al.

Published: 2021-07-08
Subjects: Physical Sciences and Mathematics

The geomorphology and sediment systems of volcanic areas can be influenced by uplift (forced folding) related to subsurface migration and accumulation of magma. Seismic geomorphological analysis presents a unique tool to study how surface morphology and subsurface magma dynamics relate, given seismic reflection data can image buried landscapes and underlying intrusions in 3D at resolutions of [...]

Channel incision into a submarine landslide: an exhumed Carboniferous example from the Paganzo Basin, San Juan, Argentina

David Hodgson, Jeff Peakall, Charlotte Allen, et al.

Published: 2021-07-08
Subjects: Physical Sciences and Mathematics

Emplacement of submarine landslides, or mass transport deposits, can radically reshape the physiography of continental margins, and strongly influence subsequent sedimentary processes and dispersal patterns. The irregular relief they generate creates obstacles that force reorganisation of sediment transport systems. Subsurface and seabed examples show that channels can incise directly into [...]

Carbonate polymorphism controlled by microbial iron redox dynamics at a natural CO2 leakage site (Crystal Geyser, Utah)

Julie Cosmidis, Shane O'Reilly, Eric T. Ellison, et al.

Published: 2021-07-07
Subjects: Geochemistry, Geology, Sedimentology

Crystal Geyser (Utah, USA) is a CO2-rich low-temperature geyser that is studied as a natural analog for CO2 leakage from carbon capture and storage (CCS) sites. In order to better constrain the biogeochemical processes influencing CaCO3 precipitation at geological CO2 escape sites, we characterized fast-forming iron-rich calcium carbonate pisoids and travertines precipitating from the fluids [...]

Mass loss of the Greenland ice sheet until the year 3000 under a sustained late-21st-century climate

Ralf Greve, Christopher Robert Scott Chambers

Published: 2021-07-07
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Environmental Sciences

We conduct extended versions of the ISMIP6 future climate experiments for the Greenland ice sheet until the year 3000 with the model SICOPOLIS. Beyond 2100, the climate forcing is kept fixed at late-21st-century conditions. For the unabated warming pathway RCP8.5/SSP5-8.5, the ice sheet suffers a severe mass loss, which amounts to ~ 1.8 m SLE (sea-level equivalent) for the twelve-experiment mean, [...]

A reappraisal of active tectonics along the Fethiye-Burdur trend, southwestern Turkey

Edwin Nissen, Mussaver Didem Cambaz, Élyse Gaudreau, et al.

Published: 2021-07-07
Subjects: Geophysics and Seismology, Tectonics and Structure

We investigate active tectonics in southwestern Turkey along the trend between Fethiye, near the eastern end of the Hellenic subduction zone, and Burdur, on the Anatolian plateau. Previously, regional GPS velocity data have been used to propose either (1) a NE-trending zone of strike-slip faulting coined the Fethiye-Burdur Fault Zone, or (2) a mix of uniaxial and radial extension accommodated by [...]

Melting temperature changes during slip across subglacial cavities drive basal mass exchange

Alan Rempel, Colin R. Meyer, Kiya Riverman

Published: 2021-07-07
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Glaciology, Physical Sciences and Mathematics

The importance of glacier sliding has motivated a rich literature describing the thermomechanical interactions between ice, liquid water, and bed materials. Early recognition of the gradient in melting temperature across small bed obstacles led to focussed studies of regelation. An appreciation for the limits on ice deformation rates downstream of larger obstacles highlighted a role for [...]

Water flow through sediments and at the ice-sediment interface beneath Sermeq Kujalleq (Store Glacier), Greenland

Samuel Huckerby Doyle, Bryn Hubbard, Poul Christoffersen, et al.

Published: 2021-07-05
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Glaciology

Subglacial hydrology modulates basal motion but remains poorly constrained, particularly for soft-bedded Greenlandic outlet glaciers. Here, we report detailed measurements of the response of subglacial water pressure to the connection and drainage of adjacent water-filled boreholes drilled through kilometre-thick ice on Sermeq Kujalleq (Store Glacier). These measurements provide evidence for gap [...]

Cosmogenic 3He in terrestrial rocks: a review

Pierre-Henri BLARD

Published: 2021-07-05
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Geochemistry, Geology, Geomorphology, Glaciology, Other Earth Sciences

This review article summarizes the state of the art of cosmogenic 3He (3Hec), with a focus on the most efficient methods and strategies for measuring this cosmogenic noble gas in the terrestrial minerals. Our ability to accurately and precisely measure cosmogenic 3He in minerals is mainly constrained by the level of the non-cosmogenic 3He background (i.e., magmatic, radiogenic, nucleogenic, and [...]

Machine learning thermobarometry and chemometry using amphibole and clinopyroxene: a window into the roots of an arc volcano (Mount Liamuiga, Saint Kitts)

Oliver John Higgins, Tom Sheldrake, Luca Caricchi

Published: 2021-07-04
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Geochemistry, Mineral Physics, Stratigraphy, Volcanology

The physical and chemical properties of magma govern the eruptive style and behaviour of volcanoes. Many of these parameters are linked to the storage pressure and temperature of the erupted magma, and melt chemistry. However, reliable single-phase thermobarometers and chemometers which can recover this information, particularly using amphibole chemistry, remain elusive. We present a suite of [...]


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