
There are 4725 Preprints listed.

Polygenetic mélange in the retrowedge foredeep of an active arc-continent collision, Coastal Range of eastern Taiwan (accepted manuscript)

Larry Syu-Heng Lai, Rebecca Dorsey, Chorng-Shern Horng, et al.

Published: 2021-03-17
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Geology, Sedimentology, Stratigraphy, Tectonics and Structure

The Plio-Pleistocene Lichi Mélange in the Coastal Range of eastern Taiwan offers an excellent opportunity to study processes of mélange development at the continent-ocean interface of an active arc-continent collision. This paper presents new results of detailed geologic mapping, lithofacies analysis, magneto-biostratigraphy, paleocurrent, and paleoslope analyses in the southern Coastal Range to [...]

Phosphorus mineral evolution and prebiotic chemistry: from minerals to microbes

Craig Robert Walton, Oliver Shorttle, Frances Jenner, et al.

Published: 2021-03-17
Subjects: Physical Sciences and Mathematics

Minerals are known to control the availability of non-volatile and bio-essential elements at Earth’s surface, e.g., phosphorus (P). Therefore, the role of minerals in prebiotic chemistry is a focal point of research into the origins of life. However, the mineralogical diversity of earliest Earth is not definitively known. This uncertainty is owed both to progressive change in the Earth system and [...]

Formation of continental microplates through rift linkage: Numerical modelling and its application to the Flemish Cap and Sao Paulo Plateau

Derek Neuharth, Sascha Brune, Anne C Glerum, et al.

Published: 2021-03-17
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Physical Sciences and Mathematics

Continental microplates are enigmatic plate boundary features, which can occur in extensional and compressional regimes. Here we focus on microplate formation and their temporal evolution in continental rift settings. To this aim, we employ the geodynamic finite element software ASPECT to conduct 3D lithospheric-scale numerical models from rift inception to continental breakup. We find that [...]

Controls on the spatio-temporal patterns of induced seismicity in Groningen constrained by physics-based modeling with Ensemble-Smoother data assimilation

Thibault Candela, Maarten Maarten Pluymaekers, Jean Paul Ampuero, et al.

Published: 2021-03-17
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Oil, Gas, and Energy

The induced seismicity in the Groningen gas field, The Netherlands, presents contrasted spatio-temporal patterns between the central area and the south west area. Understanding the origin of this contrast requires a thorough assessment of two factors: (1) the stress development on the Groningen faults, and (2) the frictional response of the faults to induced stresses. Both factors have large [...]

Reducing variability in OSL rock surface dating profiles.

Joanne Elkadi, Georgina King, Benjamin Lehmann, et al.

Published: 2021-03-17
Subjects: Physical Sciences and Mathematics

In recent years, rock surface dating has seen the emergence of a technique based on optically stimulated luminescence (OSL). This application translates the depth of OSL signal bleaching within a rock surface into an exposure age or erosion rate at 1-10000 a timescales. Considerable effort has been undertaken to improve our understanding of OSL rock surface dating, yet a large amount of [...]

Can hydrocarbon extraction from the crust enhance or inhibit seismicity in tectonically active regions? A statistical study in Italy

Alexander Garcia, Licia Faenza, Andrea Morelli, et al.

Published: 2021-03-17
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Statistics and Probability

A number of oil- and gas-producing leases have been operating in Italy in the last decades, many of which are located in the surroundings of tectonically active regions. Identifying human-induced seismicity in areas with high levels of natural seismicity is a difficult task for which virtually any result can be a source of controversy. We implemented a large-scale analysis aiming at tracking [...]

Long-term evolution of Earth's continental surface elevation

Shanan E Peters, David B Rowley

Published: 2021-03-17
Subjects: Geology, Geomorphology

Determining the timescale over which continental surface elevation (hypsometry) evolves is difficult because it reflects a combination of isostasy and dynamic topography operating in concert with erosion and deposition. Here, we use 252 million year old and younger shallow marine sediments exposed at the surface as tracers of net change in continental surface elevation over time. In aggregate, we [...]

Multi-scale and multi-parametric analysis of Late Quaternary event deposits within the active Corinth Rift (Greece)

Gino de Gelder, Mai-Linh Doan, Christian Beck, et al.

Published: 2021-03-17
Subjects: Earth Sciences

A major challenge in subaqueous paleoseismology is to understand the relationship between an earthquake/tsunami and a sedimentary event deposit recorded in drillcores. Expedition 381 of the International Ocean Discovery Program was dedicated to understanding the development of the Corinth Rift, Greece. Its drilled cores provide a potentially important resource to better understand depositional [...]

Silurian carbonate high-energy deposits of potential tsunami origin: distinguishing lateral redeposition and time averaging using carbon isotope chemostratigraphy

Emilia Jarochowska, Axel Munnecke

Published: 2021-03-17
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Geochemistry, Geology, Sedimentology, Stratigraphy

Stable carbon isotope curves are used as a precise stratigraphic tool in the Paleozoic, even though they are commonly based on shallow-water carbonate record, characterized by low stratigraphic completeness. Identification of episodes of large-scale redeposition and erosion may improve δ13Ccarb-based correlations. Here, a series of at least three episodes of high-energy onshore redeposition are [...]

The Sidi Ifni transect across the rifted margin of Morocco (Central Atlantic): Vertical movements constrained by low-temperature thermochronology

Rémi Charton, Giovanni Bertotti, Angel Arantegui, et al.

Published: 2021-03-17
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Geology, Geomorphology, Paleontology, Sedimentology, Stratigraphy, Tectonics and Structure

The occurrence of km-scale exhumations during syn- and post-rift stages has been documented along Atlantic continental margins, which are also characterised by basins undergoing substantial subsidence. The relationship between the exhuming and subsiding domains is poorly understood. In this study, we reconstruct the evolution of a 50 km long transect across the Moroccan rifted margin from the [...]

Prototyping a collaborative data curation service for coastal science

Evan B Goldstein, Anna E Braswell, Caitlin M Mc Shane

Published: 2021-03-16
Subjects: Environmental Sciences, Geomorphology, Physical Sciences and Mathematics

The growing push for open data has resulted in an abundance of data for coastal researchers, which can lead to problems for individual researchers related to discoverability of relevant data. One solution is to explicitly develop services for coastal researchers to help curate data for discovery, hosting discussions around reuse, community building, and finding collaborators. To develop the idea [...]

Pre-salt rift morphology controls salt tectonics in the Campos Basin, offshore SE Brazil

Francyne Bochi do Amarante, Christopher Aiden-Lee Jackson, Leonardo Muniz Pichel, et al.

Published: 2021-03-14
Subjects: Physical Sciences and Mathematics

Classic models of gravity-driven salt tectonics commonly depict kinematically-linked zones of overburden deformation, characterised by updip extension and downdip contraction, separated by a weakly deformed zone associated with downdip translation above a relatively smooth base-salt surface. We use 2D and 3D seismic reflection and borehole data from the south-central Campos Basin to show that [...]

Lithologic Controls on Silicate Weathering Regimes of Temperate Planets

Kaustubh Hakim, Dan James Bower, Meng Tian, et al.

Published: 2021-03-12
Subjects: Astrophysics and Astronomy, Earth Sciences, Geochemistry, Planetary Geochemistry, Planetary Sciences

Weathering of silicate rocks at a planetary surface can draw down CO2 from the atmosphere for eventual burial and long-term storage in the planetary interior. This process is thought to provide essential negative feedback to the carbonate-silicate cycle (carbon cycle) to maintain clement climates on Earth and potentially similar temperate exoplanets. We implement thermodynamics to determine [...]

High resolution, annual maps of field boundaries for smallholder-dominated croplands at national scales

Lyndon D Estes, Su Ye, Lei Song, et al.

Published: 2021-03-12
Subjects: Agriculture, Environmental Monitoring, Environmental Sciences, Geographic Information Sciences, Geography, Life Sciences, Natural Resources and Conservation, Physical and Environmental Geography, Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Remote Sensing, Spatial Science, Sustainability

Mapping the characteristics of Africa's smallholder-dominated croplands, including the sizes and numbers of fields, can provide critical insights into food security and a range of other socioeconomic and environmental concerns. However, accurately mapping these systems is difficult because there is 1) a spatial and temporal mismatch between satellite sensors and smallholder fields, and 2) a lack [...]

Large-scale natural fracture network patterns: Insights from automated mapping in the Lilstock (Bristol Channel) limestone outcrops

Rahul Prabhakaran, Janos L Urai, Giovanni Bertotti, et al.

Published: 2021-03-12
Subjects: Earth Sciences

The Lilstock outcrop in the southern Bristol Channel provides exceptional outcrop of several limestone layers with stratabound fracture networks, providing the opportunity to create a very large, complete, and ground-truthed fracture model. Here we present the result of automated fracture extraction of high-resolution photogrammetric images (0.9 cm/pixel) of the full outcrop, obtained using an [...]


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