
There are 4713 Preprints listed.

Effect of UV radiation on chromatic parameters in serpentinites used as dimension stones.

Rafael Navarro, Lidia Catarino, Dolores Pereira, et al.

Published: 2024-01-29
Subjects: Engineering

Colour is an important parameter that must be taken into account if aesthetic homogeneity in both construction and restoration work is to be achieved. In serpentinites, the different degrees of serpentinization or carbonation can influence their final colour. Sunlight, especially ultraviolet (UV) radiation, is a common agent that can decay properties such as hue, lightness, and chroma, and can [...]

Flow dynamics and tributary mouth bar formation at river confluences with high rates of tributary sediment supply

Gelare Moradi, Colin Rennie, Romain Cardot, et al.

Published: 2024-01-29
Subjects: Engineering, Life Sciences

River confluences influence the formation of secondary circulation, bed morphology, and associated feedbacks. With distance downstream through a drainage network, it becomes likely that the flow momentum of tributaries is lower than that of the main river, creating confluences with very low momentum ratio. However, the tributary may be able to supply significant quantities of sediment, especially [...]

Natural occurrence of asbestos in serpentinite quarries from Southern Spain.

Andrea Bloise, Claudia Ricchiuti, Rafael Navarro, et al.

Published: 2024-01-29
Subjects: Civil and Environmental Engineering, Public Health

The nevado-filábride complex (NFC) (southern Spain) is well known for its widespread mining and quarrying activities. Serpentinite and metabasite rocks are extracted, processed and traded as building and ornamental stones. Due to the possible presence of natural occurrence of asbestos (NOA) in these rocks, the aim of this paper is to conduct an in-depth characterisation of fibrous minerals. To [...]

Facies models for rocky shorelines and their application to transgressed basement highs in the North Sea.

Josep Maria Puig Lopez, John Howell

Published: 2024-01-28
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Geology, Geomorphology, Sedimentology, Stratigraphy

Rocky shorelines form where basement highs are eroded and flooded during marine transgressive events. Despite the Mesozoic North Sea rift generated numerous platform margins and rotated fault blocks which acted as basement highs, rocky shoreline deposits have not been previously reported. In the rock record rocky shoreline deposits are usually represented by thin conglomerates overlying major [...]

Femtosecond laser texturing as a tool to increase the hydrophobicity of ornamental stone: The influence of lithology and texture

Ana J. López, Santiago Pozo, Alicia Moreno, et al.

Published: 2024-01-28
Subjects: Engineering, Physical Sciences and Mathematics

In the field of stone conservation, a very common direct intervention seeks to increase the water repellence of objects. By limiting the interaction between the solid and the water, the possibility of alteration due to the action of the water (liquid or solid) as well as that related to the colonisation of surfaces by organisms is reduced. To decrease wettability, chemicals are often applied to [...]

River Floodplains, Organic Carbon, and Paleoclimate: How River Dynamics Impart Biases in the Biogeochemical Climate Record of Terrestrial Landscapes

Anjali M Fernandes, Michael T Hren, Virginia B. Smith, et al.

Published: 2024-01-28
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Geochemistry, Geomorphology, Hydrology, Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Sedimentology, Stratigraphy

River floodplains can be both sources and sinks for organic carbon. In the sedimentary record, geochemical signatures of terrestrial water availability record climate and ecology along river corridors in deep time. However, paleoenvironmental reconstructions are often confounded by the complex dynamics of organic carbon residence, entrainment, and deposition in a fluvial system. As alluvial [...]

Decoding the Hysteretic Behavior of Hydraulic Variables in Lowland Rivers with Multivariate Monitoring Approaches

Marian Muste, Kyeongdong Kim, Dongsu Kim, et al.

Published: 2024-01-28
Subjects: Engineering

This paper demonstrates that the multivariate monitoring methods are capable to underpin the systematic investigation of the hysteretic behavior occurring during gradually-varied flows. For this purpose, we present simultaneous measurements of stage, index velocity, and free-surface slope acquired continuously with high-frequency sampling instruments deployed at several river gauging sites [...]

Non-target screening analysis reveals changes in the molecular composition of the Belukha Ice Core between the pre-industrial and industrial periods (1830-1980 CE)

Francois Burgay, Daniil Salionov, Thomas Singer, et al.

Published: 2024-01-28
Subjects: Chemistry, Environmental Sciences, Physical Sciences and Mathematics

Ice cores are environmental archives that are used to reconstruct past changes in the atmospheric aerosol composition. Most ice-core studies have focused mainly on inorganic species and a few dozen organic molecules. However, organic compounds can account for up to 90% of the aerosol composition, meaning that only a fraction of the organic constituents has been studied, limiting our understanding [...]


Rafael Navarro, Dolores Pereira, Elena Fernández de Arévalo, et al.

Published: 2024-01-25
Subjects: Engineering

This paper presents a thorough study of the main features and the decay causes and mechanisms of serpentinites both freshly quarried and after centuries exposure at the main façade of the sixteenth century Royal Chancery (Granada, Spain). In particular, the process of in situ formation of calcium and magnesium sulfates has been studied. Several decay factors are identified, all of them acting [...]

Potentially toxic elements (PTEs) associated with asbestos chrysotile, tremolite and actinolite in the Calabria region (Italy)

Andrea Bloise, Claudia Richiutti, Rosalda Punturo, et al.

Published: 2024-01-24
Subjects: Engineering, Medicine and Health Sciences

Potentially toxic elements (PTEs) host in asbestos elongate mineral particles is one of the factors which have been invoked to explain their toxicity/pathogenicity effects. This study quantifies and compares these elements in terms of major, minor and trace element concentrations (Si, Mg, Ca, Al, Fe, Mn, Cr, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Be, V, As, Rb, Sb, Ba, Pb, Sr) in various types of asbestos using micro [...]

Assessing the climate and health impacts of energy consumption in European Union countries

Gen Pei, Jonathan Buonocore, Parichehr Salimifard, et al.

Published: 2024-01-24
Subjects: Environmental Public Health

Burning fossil fuels for energy generation emits greenhouse gases (GHGs) that are the major driver of global climate change and its cascading health impacts. Combusting these fuels also generates air pollutants that pose an immediate health burden. Carbon and GHG emissions are routinely counted in climate policies and energy-efficiency standards and targets, yet the health burden of air pollution [...]

Deployment-invariant probability of detection characterization for aerial LiDAR methane detection

Michael J. Thorpe, Aaron Krietinger, Dominic Altamura, et al.

Published: 2024-01-24
Subjects: Environmental Monitoring, Environmental Sciences

Accurate detection sensitivity characterization of remote methane monitoring technologies is critical for designing, implementing, and auditing effective emissions monitoring and mitigation programs. Several research groups have developed test methods based on single/double-blind controlled release protocols and regression-based data analysis techniques to create probability of detection (PoD) [...]

Unsupervised Structural Damage Assessment from Space using the Segment Anything Model (USDA-SAM): A Case Study of the 2023 Türkiye Earthquake

Sudharshan Balaji, Oktay Karakus

Published: 2024-01-23
Subjects: Computer Sciences, Earth Sciences, Engineering, Environmental Sciences

This paper explores advanced deep learning methods, specifically utilising the Segment Anything Model (SAM) along with image processing techniques, to evaluate the structural damages caused by the devastating earthquake that occurred in Turkey on February 6, 2023. Leveraging exceptionally high-resolution pre- and post-disaster imagery provided by Maxar Technologies, this paper showcases the [...]

Land Processes Can Substantially Impact the Mean Climate State

Claire Marie Zarakas, Daniel Kennedy, Katherine Dagon, et al.

Published: 2024-01-23
Subjects: Climate

Terrestrial processes influence the atmosphere by controlling land-to-atmosphere fluxes of energy, water, and carbon. Prior research has demonstrated that parameter uncertainty drives uncertainty in land surface fluxes. However, the influence of land process uncertainty on the climate system remains underexplored. Here, we quantify how assumptions about land processes impact climate using a [...]

2023 record marine heat waves: Coral Bleaching HotSpot maps reveal global sea surface temperature extremes, coral mortality, and ocean circulation change

Tom Goreau, Raymond L Hayes

Published: 2024-01-22
Subjects: Life Sciences

2023 was the hottest year in recorded history on land and in the sea, with dramatic and unexpected temperature increases (Cheng et al., 2024, Hausfather, 2024). 2023 Coral Bleaching HotSpot maps provide unique insight into global ocean circulation changes in response to greenhouse gas (GHG) forcing that caused dramatic global temperature rises. The highest excess daily air temperatures recorded [...]


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