
There are 5269 Preprints listed.

Global Rice Paddy Inventory (GRPI): a high-resolution inventory of methane emissions from rice agriculture based on Landsat satellite inundation data

Zichong Chen, Daniel J. Jacob, Haipeng Lin, et al.

Published: 2024-10-16
Subjects: Physical Sciences and Mathematics

Rice agriculture is a major source of atmospheric methane, but current emission inventories are highly uncertain, mostly due to poor rice-specific inundation data. Inversions of atmospheric methane observations can help to better quantify rice emissions but require high-resolution prior information on the location and timing of emissions. Here we use Landsat satellite data at 30 m resolution to [...]

Emotional predictors of environmental policy support and opposition

Benedict Hignell, Zorzeta Bakaki, Elia Valentini

Published: 2024-10-15
Subjects: Environmental Studies

Understanding the affective responses to the climate and ecological emergency is essential to the development of and compliance with mitigation and adaptation policy. Empirical evidence suggests that individuals feeling negative emotions about the state of nature and the climate are more likely to show greater support for environmental policy. This is the first study investigating which among [...]

Inferring Long-Term Tectonic Uplift Patterns from Bayesian Inversion of Fluvially-Incised Landscapes

Bar Oryan, Boris Gailleton, Jean-Arthur Olive, et al.

Published: 2024-10-15
Subjects: Earth Sciences

Earth surface processes encode the combined forcing of tectonics and climate in topography. Separating their contributions is essential for using landscapes as quantitative records of crustal deformation. Here, we develop a method for inverting spatially-variable fields of long-term rock uplift and rock erodibility from fluvially-incised landscapes, while accounting for climatic variability. Our [...]

Synthetic Tests on Resolvability of Space-Time Rupture History With Isola

Natália Verkinová, Jiří Zahradník

Published: 2024-10-15
Subjects: Geophysics and Seismology

This study evaluates the limitations of the ISOLA software in estimating rupture velocity by using synthetic tests that mimic the 2023 Turkish Mw 7.8 earthquake. Two types of slip-distribution models, point-like and continuous, were used as input for synthetic seismogram generation, which were then inverted using ISOLA multiple-point-source (MPS) approach. Key parameters affecting the software [...]

The ANTICS Large-N Seismic Deployment in Albania

Hans Agurto-Detzel, Andreas Rietbrock, Frederik Tilmann, et al.

Published: 2024-10-14
Subjects: Geophysics and Seismology

Located within the active continental collision between Eurasia and the Adriatic microplate, Albania is an earthquake prone country with one of the highest seismic hazard in Europe. This came into evidence when the Mw=6.4 Durrës earthquake hit the country in 2019, causing 51 fatalities and widespread damage to infrastructure. Despite this stark reminder, the seismotectonics of Albania remains [...]

Tracking glacier surge evolution using interferometric SAR coherence — examples from Svalbard

Erik Schytt Mannerfelt, Thomas Schellenberger, Andreas Kääb

Published: 2024-10-14
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Glaciology, Physical Sciences and Mathematics

We present a practically simple methodology for tracking glacier surge onset and evolution using interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) coherence. Detecting surges early and monitoring their build-up is interesting for a multitude of scientific and safety-related aspects. We show that InSAR coherence maps allow the detection of surge-related instability on Svalbard many years before [...]

Multiobjective Optimization for Optimal Water Resource Allocation

Yajnavalkya Bandyopadhyay

Published: 2024-10-14
Subjects: Engineering, Operations Research, Systems Engineering and Industrial Engineering

This work investigates the use of multiobjective optimization (MOO) in the distribution of water resources, a crucial problem made worse by rising demand brought on by population expansion, industrialization, and climate change. Conventional unidimensional methods frequently fall short in considering the intricacies of conflicting water requirements in several domains, including domestic [...]

Single-station vehicle tracking using six-component seismic measurements: A comparative study with array-based methods

Shihao Yuan, Felix Bernauer, Joachim Wassermann, et al.

Published: 2024-10-13
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Environmental Sciences

Determining the direction of seismic waves is crucial for many applications, from monitoring natural hazards like avalanches and landslides to detecting nuclear explosions and conducting surveillance. Traditional methods rely on arrays of seismic sensors arranged in specific patterns, but deploying these arrays can be challenging or impossible in many environments, such as cities, ocean floors, [...]

A Simple Method for Designing Infiltration Low Impact Development Techniques Considering Effects of Urbanization and Climate Change

Marcus N. Gomes Jr., Cesar A. F. do Lago, Eduardo M. Mendiondo

Published: 2024-10-11
Subjects: Civil Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Hydraulic Engineering

Infiltration low-impact development (LID) techniques allow the slow infiltration of surface water, reducing peak volumes and flows. Their design consists of specifying the surface area and a maximum ponding depth to guarantee the minimum volume required to combat the effect of excessive urbanization. Arbitrary specifications of the design height (i.e., the maximum ponding depth) of these LIDs can [...]

Viability of video imaging spectro-radiometry (VISR) for quantifying flare combustion efficiency

Kyle Daun, Alireza Kaveh, Jennifer Spinti, et al.

Published: 2024-10-11
Subjects: Engineering

Video imaging spectro-radiometry (VISR) has been proposed as a means to quantify the combustion efficiency (CE) of flares. This work presents a numerical assessment of VISR using computational fluid dynamics simulations of a steam-assisted industrial flare, with a focus on three aspects: how approximations in the radiometric model impact the local “pixel-wise” CE, the validity of the approach [...]

Unlocking DAS amplitude information through coherency coupling quantification

Thomas Samuel Hudson, Anna Stork, Jack Broderick Muir, et al.

Published: 2024-10-11
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Geophysics and Seismology, Geotechnical Engineering

Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) allows one to measure strain at metre-resolution along a fibreoptic cable, increasing spatial sampling of a seismic wavefield compared to conventional instrumentation. However, the challenge of measuring DAS-derived strain amplitude currently limits applications of this technology. Absolute amplitude measurements are required for estimating earthquake [...]

Definitional confusion and collateral damage due to new deforestation-free trade policies

Meine van Noordwijk, Sonya Dewi, Peter Akon Minang, et al.

Published: 2024-10-11
Subjects: Environmental Studies

1. New policies for deforestation-free trade policies, such as the European Deforestation Regulation (EUDR), critically depend on the definition of forest, as mappable land cover and/or as rights-related land use type. Areas with a high tree cover combined with agricultural use and agroforestry are excluded from the official forest definition but are not separately mapped. Based on the [...]

Prediction of the daily spatial variation of stem water potential in cherry orchards using weather and Sentinel-2 data

Francisco Zambrano, Abel Herrera, Mauricio Olguín, et al.

Published: 2024-10-11
Subjects: Environmental Engineering, Environmental Monitoring, Environmental Sciences, Water Resource Management

The common practice for irrigation management is to apply the water lost by evapotranspiration. However, we could manage the irrigation by monitoring the plant's water status by measuring the stem water potential (Ψs), which is currently costly and time-consuming. The primary goal of this work is to predict the daily spatial variation of Ψs using machine learning models. We measured Ψs in two [...]

Clay Stabilisation using Modified Anionic Bitumen Emulsion and Waste Glass

Chetan Keshav Bhuckory, Raj Kumar Dreepaul, Slobodan B Mickovski

Published: 2024-10-11
Subjects: Engineering

Clay (black cotton soil) is among the most difficult soils to stabilise against land movement. This study explores the possibility of mixing binders with the soil to increase its internal properties and stabilise clay from landslide prone areas. A modified anionic bitumen emulsion was mixed with the soil at different percentages and tested for angle of friction and cohesion. It was found that an [...]

Preserved eolian bedforms control reservoir heterogeneity: characterization and modeling workflow for the Avilé Member, Neuquén Basin, Argentina

Agustin Arguello Scotti, Matias Mortaloni, Luis Martino, et al.

Published: 2024-10-11
Subjects: Physical Sciences and Mathematics

Under certain conditions, most commonly abrupt flooding events, entire eolian bedforms can be incorporated into the geological record. Sediment that was essentially ‘in transport’ within these bedforms at the time of preservation has a distinct sedimentary architecture compared to that of sensu stricto accumulated intervals. Despite this, while the preservation of bedforms has been readily [...]


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