
There are 4720 Preprints listed.

Practical Reproducibility in Geography and Geosciences

Daniel Nüst, Edzer Pebesma

Published: 2022-03-28
Subjects: Computer Sciences, Earth Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Higher Education

Reproducible research is often perceived as a technological challenge, but it is rooted in the challenge to improve scholarly communication in an age of digitisation. When computers become involved and researchers want to allow other scientists to inspect, understand, evaluate, and build upon their work, they need to create a research compendium that includes the code, data, computing [...]

A state estimate of Siberian summer temperature and moisture availability during the Last Glacial Maximum combining pollen records and climate simulations

Nils Weitzel, Andreas Hense, Ulrike Herzschuh, et al.

Published: 2022-03-26
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Oceanography and Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology

The Last Glacial Maximum (LGM, ~21.000 years before present) was a period with significantly lower global mean temperature, large Northern Hemisphere ice sheets, and low CO2 concentrations. Unlike other high-latitude areas, Siberia was not covered by a terrestrial ice sheet. Climate simulations with LGM boundary conditions show large inter-model differences especially in Northern Siberia, which [...]

Advancing Hydroinformatics and Water Data Science Instruction: Community Perspectives and Online Learning Resources

Amber S Jones, Jeffery S Horsburgh, Camilo J Bastidas Pacheco, et al.

Published: 2022-03-26
Subjects: Civil and Environmental Engineering, Education, Engineering, Hydrology, Science and Mathematics Education, Water Resource Management

Hydroinformatics and water data science topics are increasingly common in university graduate settings through dedicated courses and programs as well as incorporation into traditional water science courses. The technical tools and techniques emphasized by hydroinformatics and water data science involve distinctive instructional styles, which may be facilitated by online formats and materials. In [...]

Aerosol-rainfall relationship over the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region from observations

Sagar P Parajuli

Published: 2022-03-26
Subjects: Earth Sciences

Water is an essential element of life and rainfall. The amount of rainfall directly affects the spatial and temporal distribution of water resources on the Earth. Rainfall has direct impact on agricultural production, daily life activities, and human health. Atmospheric aerosols are essential for rainfall formation; therefore, understanding how dust compositions and distributions affect the [...]

Greenland ice sheet vulnerability under diverse climatic warming scenarios

Benjamin Andrew Keisling, Joerg M. Schaefer, Robert DeConto, et al.

Published: 2022-03-26
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Glaciology, Physical Sciences and Mathematics

Sea-level rise of even one meter will have drastic global impacts. Melting the Greenland Ice Sheet (GIS) would raise sea level by 7.4 meters. There is an urgent need to improve predictions of how quickly the GIS will contribute its first meter of sea-level rise, and from where on the ice sheet that water will come. Estimating the volume of Greenland ice that was lost during past warm periods [...]

Nanogenerators: A new paradigm in blue energy-harvesting

Arpita Adhikari, Joydip Sengupta

Published: 2022-03-26
Subjects: Engineering, Physical Sciences and Mathematics

The depletion of natural energy sources demands non-conventional efficient alternatives with sustainable utility. The outstanding performance of nanomaterials resolves the energy scarcity issue through the introduction of small-scale, energy-harvesting devices, called nanogenerators. A nanogenerator is an ambient energy-harvester with exotic features of being a lightweight, sustainable and [...]

Brittle basement deformation during the Caledonian Orogeny observed by K-Ar geochronology of illite-bearing fault gouge in west-central Sweden

Bjarne Almqvist, Roelant van der Lelij, Karin Högdahl, et al.

Published: 2022-03-26
Subjects: Physical Sciences and Mathematics

This study presents K-Ar geochronology ages of illite from fault gouge in the crystalline basement in central-western Sweden. Samples of fault gouge were taken from two faults localizing brittle deformation along and within mafic dikes that intrude Paleoproterozoic granites. K-Ar ages from the ten dated fractions span from 823 Ma to 392 Ma. The older ages obtained, spanning from 823 to 477 Ma, [...]

Can fiddler crab bioturbation activity in situ modify the distribution of microplastics in sediments and the influence on their bioaccumulation?

Mariana Vellosa Capparelli, Michael Martínez-Colón, Oscar Lucas-Solis, et al.

Published: 2022-03-25
Subjects: Life Sciences

Fiddler crabs are known as “eco-engineers” who maintain habitat health through sediment bioturbation, being able to interact with microplastics (MP) due to their daily contact with the sediment. Here, we evaluated MP contamination in mangrove substrates in Isla del Carmen, southern Gulf of Mexico, comparing MP content between burrows and pellets resulting from bioturbation and MP bioaccumulation [...]

The long-run welfare impact of hydrological extremes in sub-Saharan Africa

Ahmed T. Hammad, Giacomo Falchetta

Published: 2022-03-25
Subjects: Environmental Studies, Human Geography, Hydrology

The economic impact of dry and wet spells is increasingly investigated, also relative to anthropogenic climate change. Combining high-resolution wealth estimates and long-run (1901-2018) hydrological records for nearly one million settlements , here we empirically estimate the long-run welfare impact of hydrological events in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). To achieve causal identification, we adopt a [...]

Structural relationships in and around the Rheasilvia basin on Vesta

Hiu Ching Jupiter Cheng, Christian Klimczak

Published: 2022-03-25
Subjects: Physical Sciences and Mathematics

The Rheasilvia basin is an impact structure occupying most of Vesta’s southern hemisphere. Divalia Fossae, a set of circum-equatorial troughs, were previously proposed to be concentric around the basin, which is widely regarded as evidence that the Rheasilvia impact directly caused the formation of the troughs. Here, we produce a structural map of Rheasilvia that allows for geologic [...]

Unexpected space weather causing the reentry of 38 Starlink satellites in February 2022

RYUHO KATAOKA, Daikou Shiota, Hitoshi Fujiwara, et al.

Published: 2022-03-25
Subjects: Physical Sciences and Mathematics

The accidental reentry of 38 Starlink satellites occurred in early February, 2022, associated with the occurrence of moderate magnetic storms. Poorly understood structure of coronal mass ejections (CMEs) caused the magnetic storms at unexpected timing. Better understanding of minor CME structures is therefore necessary for modern space weather forecast. The "up to 50%" enhancement of air drag [...]

Controls on surface warming by winter Arctic moist intrusions in idealized large-eddy simulations

Antonios Dimitrelos, Rodrigo Caballero, Annica Ekman

Published: 2022-03-25
Subjects: Oceanography and Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology, Physical Sciences and Mathematics

The main energy input to the polar regions in winter is the advection of warm, moist air from lower latitudes. This makes the polar climate sensitive to the temperature and moisture of extra-polar air. Here, we study this sensitivity from an air-mass transformation perspective. We perform simulations of an idealized maritime air mass brought into contact with sea ice employing a three-dimensional [...]

A consistent mass-conserving C-staggered method for shallow water equations on global reduced grids

Genilson Schunck de Lima, Pedro da Silva Peixoto

Published: 2022-03-25
Subjects: Numerical Analysis and Computation

The increasing number of cores in modern supercomputers motivated the search for methods with better scalability to model the atmospheric dynamics in global weather forecasting and climate simulations. This objective renewed the interest in grid-point schemes with quasi-uniform spherical grids, with each alternative providing some good properties and some disadvantages. Here, we target reduced [...]

CCC - integrated multiscale study of salt cavern abandonment in the Netherlands

Tobias S. Baumann, Pierre Bérest, Benoit Brouard, et al.

Published: 2022-03-24
Subjects: Geology, Geophysics and Seismology, Materials Science and Engineering, Mineral Physics, Mining Engineering, Other Earth Sciences, Tectonics and Structure

The KEM-17 project of the Dutch State Supervision of Mines presented a critical review of concepts of cavern abandonment and related science. It recommended that analyses of cavern abandonment are done as an integrated project, addressing (i) micro-scale physical processes, (ii) cavern scale models based on field scale experiments and numerical models, (iii) the salt dome scale, to model the far [...]

Geochronology and formal stratigraphy of the Sturtian Glaciation in the Adelaide Superbasin

Jarred Cain Lloyd, Wolfgang V Preiss, Alan S. Collins, et al.

Published: 2022-03-24
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Geochemistry, Geology, Sedimentology, Stratigraphy

The glaciogenic nature of the Yudnamutana Subgroup was first identified over a century ago, and its global significance was recognised shortly after, eventually culminating with the global Sturtian Glaciation and Snowball Earth theory. Much debate on the origin and timing of these rocks, locally and globally, has ensued in the years since. A significant corpus of research on the lithology, [...]


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