
There are 5347 Preprints listed.

Littoral activity in the lava deltas of 2021 eruption on Cumbre Vieja Volcanic Rift, La Palma (Canary Islands): constraints on explosive water-magma interaction

Juan Jesus Coello-Bravo, Raquel Herrera, Álvaro Márquez, et al.

Published: 2024-07-01
Subjects: Earth Sciences

Tephra jets are a characteristic explosive phenomenon of lava deltas built by pāhoehoe or ‘a‘ā lava flows. Field observations made during the growth of the 2021 South Lava Delta (La Palma island), emplaced under a 100–150 m high marine cliff, show tephra jets driven by penetration of seawater through the external lava breccia into the interior of ‘a‘ā lava flows entering the ocean. However, this [...]

A scalable monitoring framework for leaf area index and green area index using 30°-tilted cameras

chongya Jiang, Kaiyu Guan, Hongliang Fang, et al.

Published: 2024-07-01
Subjects: Terrestrial and Aquatic Ecology

• Leaf area index (LAI) and green area index (GAI) are fundamental plant traits. However, there is a lack of ground observation network for LAI/GAI due to technical limitations. Here we present a new method to achieve continuous LAI/GAI monitoring using ordinary cameras. • By tilting ordinary cameras by 30°, images can cover a large view zenith angle range to measure multi-angular gap fractions [...]

Machine Learning-based Hydrological Models for Flash Floods: A Systematic Literature Review

Leonardo Santos, Luiz Fernando Satolo, Ricardo Oyarzabal, et al.

Published: 2024-07-01
Subjects: Hydrology

Background: flash flood modeling faces many challenges since physically-based hydrological models are unsuitable for a small 23 spatiotemporal scale. With the increased availability of hydrological observed data, an alternative approach is to use machine 24 learning (ML) techniques. This work conducts a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) to enhance our comprehension of the research 25 landscape [...]

A global open-source dataset of monthly irrigated and rainfed cropped areas (MIRCA-OS) for the 21st century

Endalkachew Abebe Kebede, Kevin Ong’are Oluoch, Stefan Siebert, et al.

Published: 2024-07-01
Subjects: Agriculture

Crop production is among the most extensive human activities on the planet – with critical importance for global food security, land use, environmental burden, and climate. Yet despite the key role that croplands play in global land use and Earth systems, there remains little understanding of how spatial patterns of global crop cultivation have recently evolved and which crops have contributed [...]

Food trade disruption after global catastrophes

Florian Ulrich Jehn, Łukasz G. Gajewski, Johanna Hedlund, et al.

Published: 2024-06-29
Subjects: Agriculture, Human Geography, International and Area Studies, Nature and Society Relations, Other Geography

The global food trade system is resilient to minor disruptions but vulnerable to major ones. Major shocks can arise from global catastrophic risks, such as abrupt sunlight reduction scenarios (e.g., nuclear war) or global catastrophic infrastructure loss (e.g., due to severe geomagnetic storms or a global pandemic). We use a network model to examine how these two scenarios could impact global [...]

A Range of Management Strategies for Planted Pine Systems Yields Net Climate Benefits

Sarah J. Puls, Rachel L. Cook, Justin S. Baker, et al.

Published: 2024-06-29
Subjects: Forest Sciences

Managed forests, including plantation systems, play a vital and often underappreciated role in contributing to the global carbon sink and mitigating climate change, and determining the most effective mitigation strategies requires accounting methods that accurately assess the climate effects of forests. We use a dynamic life cycle assessment methodology to compare the climate effects of [...]

Mantle avalanches in a Venus-like stagnant lid planet

Madeleine Kerr, Dave Stegman

Published: 2024-06-29
Subjects: Planetary Geophysics and Seismology, Planetary Mineral Physics, Planetary Sciences

Stagnant lid planets are characterized by a globe-encircling, conducting lid that is thick and strong, which leads to reduced global surface heat flows. Consequently, the mantles of such planets can have warmer interiors than Earth, and interestingly, a pyrolitic mantle composition under warmer conditions is predicted to have a distinctly different mantle transition zone compared to the [...]

An Initial Approach of Multiple Linear Regression in CO2-water Relative Permeability Prediction for Carbon Storage Projects

Ying Yu

Published: 2024-06-28
Subjects: Earth Sciences

This work discusses the feasibility of multiple linear regression in predicting water/CO2 relative permeability using training and testing datasets from two nearby wells, separately, of the Lower Cretaceous Lakota Sandstone, Jurassic Hulett Sandstone, and Pennsylvanian Minnelusa Formation at the Dry Fork Station site. The outcome is promising as the predicted and measured relative permeability [...]

Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical Modeling of Geothermal Energy Systems in Deep Mines: Uncertainty Quantification and Design Optimization

Le Zhang, Anne-Catherine Dieudonné, Alexandros Daniilidis, et al.

Published: 2024-06-28
Subjects: Earth Sciences

Exploiting geothermal energy using existing deep mining systems streamlines the development of geothermal systems while addressing the cooling needs of deep mines. However, the combined effects of low-temperature and high-pressure injection during geothermal operations adversely impact the stability of deep mine drifts. This makes it crucial to reliably assess the stability of the drifts and [...]

Dynamic Rupture Modeling in a Complex Fault Zone with Distributed and Localized Damage

Chunhui Zhao, Md Shumon Mia, Ahmed Elbanna, et al.

Published: 2024-06-28
Subjects: Physical Sciences and Mathematics

Active fault zones have complex structural and geometric features that are expected to affect earthquake nucleation, rupture propagation with shear and volumetric deformation, and arrest. Earthquakes, in turn, dynamically activate co-seismic off-fault damage that may be both distributed and localized, affecting fault zone geometry and rheology, and further influencing post-seismic deformation and [...]

Exploration of Climate Data and Temperature Forecasting using Machine Learning

Eman AlBalawi

Published: 2024-06-28
Subjects: Life Sciences, Physical Sciences and Mathematics

In this short communication, a concept has been presented to model geographical data to predict future temperature of Tabuk, region. Machine learning has been applied to the weather station data to develop a prediction model. The preliminary results are promising and encouraging and are envisaging to further this research towards the determination of unknown temperature rise in the region. This [...]

Win, lose, or draw: evaluating dynamic thermal niches of northeast Pacific groundfish

Eric Ward, Sean C. Anderson, Lewis Barnett, et al.

Published: 2024-06-27
Subjects: Marine Biology

Understanding the dynamic relationship between marine species and their changing environments is critical for ecosystem based management, particularly as coastal ecosystems experience rapid change (e.g., general warming, marine heat waves). In this paper, we present a novel statistical approach to robustly estimate and track the thermal niches of 30 marine fishes along the west coast of North [...]

Regional differences in soil stable isotopes and vibrational features at depth in three California Grasslands

Leila Maria Wahab, Stephany Chacon, Sora Kim, et al.

Published: 2024-06-27
Subjects: Life Sciences

There are major gaps in our understanding of how Mediterranean ecosystems will respond to anticipated changes in precipitation. In particular, limited data exists on the response of deep soil carbon dynamics to changes in climate. In this study we wanted to examine carbon and nitrogen dynamics between topsoils and subsoils along a precipitation gradient of California grasslands. We focused on [...]

Increasing precipitation will partially offset the impact of warming air temperatures on glacier loss in the monsoon-influenced Himalaya until 2100 CE

Ann Rowan, Anya M Schlich-Davies, Andrew N Ross, et al.

Published: 2024-06-27
Subjects: Glaciology

Himalayan glaciers are projected to shrink by 53% to 70% during this century due to global climate change. However, the impact of future precipitation change on glacier change remains uncertain because mesoscale meteorology is not represented in current glacier models. We explore the effects of future changes in air temperature and precipitation by simulating the evolution of a benchmark glacier [...]

Regionally Developed Giant Sand Injection Complexes in the Northern North Sea

Oluwatobi Olobayo, Mads Huuse, Christopher Aiden-Lee Jackson

Published: 2024-06-26
Subjects: Education

The Northern North Sea (NNS) is an archetype Giant Injected Sand Province (GISP). Previous studies have documented individual stratigraphically-bound injectite complexes in the North Sea and beyond. Despite two decades of continuous studies, there are still speculations in terms of parent sand identification, visible pathways, fluid source, overpressure generation mechanisms and triggers. This [...]


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