There are 5347 Preprints listed.
An inventory of phreatomagmatic volcanoes in the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt
Published: 2024-03-20
Subjects: Physical Sciences and Mathematics
The formation of phreatomagmatic volcanoes (PVs) usually involves small volumes of magma but also very violent eruptive activity. Along the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt (TMVB) the basic conditions that favor water-magma interaction are provided by the presence of frequent small-volume monogenetic volcanism and several inter-montane lacustrine basins. The TMVB is a Plio-Quaternary continental [...]
Sink of eddy energy by submesoscale sea surface temperature variability in a coupled regional model
Published: 2024-03-20
Subjects: Oceanography and Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology, Physical Sciences and Mathematics
Air-sea interaction impacts ocean energetics via modifications to the exchange of momentum and buoyancy. Prior work at the submesoscale has largely focused on mechanisms related to the eddy kinetic energy (EKE), such as the current feedback on stress, which generates negative wind work, or variations in sea surface temperature (SST) that modify surface winds. However, less is known about the [...]
Tracing Andean Origins: A Machine Learning Framework for Lead Isotopes
Published: 2024-03-19
Subjects: Physical Sciences and Mathematics
This study uses machine learning techniques to facilitate the geolocation of Andean lead isotopes, a novel approach in this geographical context. Two predictive models for latitude and longitude were developed based on the compilation of a database of the lead isotope ratios 206Pb/204Pb, 207Pb/204Pb, and 208Pb/204Pb from multiple Andean provinces. These models were cross-validated using [...]
HydroRTC: A Web-Based Data Transfer and Communication Library for Collaborative Data Processing and Sharing in the Hydrological Domain
Published: 2024-03-19
Subjects: Education, Engineering
The exponential growth in data generated by satellites, radars, sensors, and analysis and reanalysis from model outputs for the hydrological domain requires efficient real-time data management and distribution mechanisms. This paper introduces HydroRTC, a web-based data transfer and communication library designed to accelerate large-scale data sharing and analysis. Leveraging next-generation web [...]
AxiSEM3D - an introduction to using the code and its applications
Published: 2024-03-19
Subjects: Geophysics and Seismology, Planetary Geophysics and Seismology
Welcome to the wonderful world of AxiSEM3D, a flexible, high-performance computational method for solving the elastodynamic wave equation in three-dimensional, hetereogeneous media. It has been used in seismology for the Earth, the Sun, the Moon, and many of other rocky planets and moons of the Solar System. In this manual, we will explore the practicalities of using this code, touching on the [...]
The effect of different meteorological factors on the concentrations of air pollutants.
Published: 2024-03-19
Subjects: Environmental Sciences
The concentration of harmful air pollutants is increasing and one of the reasons is meteorological factors. It is necessary to identify how much influence factors like wind speed, atmospheric pressure, temperatures, and humidity have on the spread of air pollutants. Here we review studies that show a correlation between meteorological factors and synthesize how such factors influence the [...]
Field geology under the sea with a remotely operated vehicle: Mona Rift, Puerto Rico
Published: 2024-03-19
Subjects: Earth Sciences
We implemented concepts of field geology at great ocean depths by constructing virtual outcrops from a string of overlapping video frames collected by remotely operated vehicles (ROV). This lower cost alternative to drilling boreholes allows stratigraphic extension into the offshore and for regional interpretation of marine seismic profiles. The imagery was collected along a dive transect on the [...]
A review on how Big Data can help to monitor the environment and to mitigate risks due to climate change
Published: 2024-03-18
Subjects: Physical Sciences and Mathematics
Climate change triggers a wide range of hydrometeorological, glaciological and geophysical processes that span across vast spatiotemporal scales. With the advances in technology and analytics, a multitude of remote sensing, geodetic and in situ instruments have been developed to effectively monitor and help comprehend the Earth's system including its climate variability and the recent anomalies [...]
Coral Ba/Ca reflected the past earthquake and tsunami on Kikai Island in 1911
Published: 2024-03-18
Subjects: Geochemistry
Natural disasters like earthquakes and tsunamis significantly affect coral reefs and marine ecosystems. The Ryukyu Islands, including Kikai Island and the surrounding coral reefs, face the potential risk of experiencing a significant earthquake with Mw > 8. While historical records offer insights into past tsunami occurrences, there is scarce observation or quantitative data on the impacts of [...]
Spatiotemporal forecast of extreme events in a chaotic dynamical model of slow slip events
Published: 2024-03-18
Subjects: Earth Sciences
Seismic and aseismic slip events result from episodic slips on faults and are often chaotic due to stress heterogeneity. Their predictability in nature is a widely open question. In this study, we forecast extreme events in a numerical model. The model, which consists of a single fault governed by rate-and-state friction, produces realistic sequences of slow events with a wide range of magnitudes [...]
Reconciling ultra-emitter detections from two aerial hyperspectral imaging surveys in the Permian Basin
Published: 2024-03-16
Subjects: Engineering
Reducing methane emissions from oil and gas operations is key to minimizing the climate impact of fossil fuels. Two comprehensive aerial studies in 2019 in the Permian Basin revealed excess emissions compared to official estimates. Although both studies suggested high emissions, the estimates from the two aerial surveys seemed to differ greatly: one study measured 153 (+12/-10, 95% CI) metric [...]
On evaporation kinetics of multicomponent aerosols: Characteristic times and implications for volatility measurements.
Published: 2024-03-16
Subjects: Environmental Engineering, Environmental Sciences, Transport Phenomena
This paper presents a theoretical analysis of the evaporation of individual compounds from an aerosol in vapor-free conditions, demonstrating that the evaporation of mixture components is interconnected via the ratio of their characteristic times. These characteristic times are proportional to the square of the initial particle diameter and inversely proportional to the compound saturation vapor [...]
ND70 Series Basaltic Glass Reference Materials for Volatile Element (H2O, CO2, S, Cl, F) Measurement and the C Ionisation Efficiency Suppression Effect of Water in Silicate Glasses in SIMS
Published: 2024-03-16
Subjects: Physical Sciences and Mathematics
We present a new set of reference materials, the ND70-series, for in situ measurement of volatile elements (H2O, CO2, S, Cl, F) in silicate glass of basaltic composition. The materials were synthesised in piston cylinders at pressures of 1 to 1.5 GPa under volatile-undersaturated conditions. They span mass fractions from 0 to 6% m/m H2O, from 0 to 1.6% m/m CO2 and from 0 to 1% m/m S, Cl and F. [...]
Executive Summary: The Anthropocene Epoch and Crawfordian Age: proposals by the Anthropocene Working Group
Published: 2024-03-15
Subjects: Physical Sciences and Mathematics
This is the Executive Summary of a report produced by the membership of the Anthropocene Working Group as part of a submission to the Subcommission on Quaternary Stratigraphy to seek formalisation of the Anthropocene as an epoch of geological time. It summarises the content of two reports and their associated appendices which provide a background to: the history of usage of the term Anthropocene, [...]
Brittle origin of off-fault fractures during the 2019 Ridgecrest earthquake sequence
Published: 2024-03-15
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Geophysics and Seismology, Tectonics and Structure
According to the classical Mohr-Coulomb-Anderson theory, faults form at an angle from the largest regional compressive stress that is approximately 30° for most rocks. However, real settings are more complex and faults often present orientations inconsistent with the angles predicted by the classical theory applied to the present-day regional stress field. The Ridgecrest region hosts a young [...]