
There are 4718 Preprints listed.

Calling for a National Model Benchmarking Facility

Benjamin Lyle Ruddell, Martyn Clark, Jessica M Driscoll, et al.

Published: 2023-04-14
Subjects: Biology, Computer Sciences, Earth Sciences, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Environmental Sciences, Life Sciences, Oceanography and Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology, Other Life Sciences, Physical and Environmental Geography, Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Planetary Sciences, Systems Biology

The modern world uses predictive computer models for many important purposes, including weather predictions, epidemic management, flood forecasting and warnings, and economic policymaking. We need to know how much we can trust the projections of these models, not only to achieve more accurate projections for systems, but also to undertake scientific learning about systems by incrementally testing [...]

Impact of Climate Change on Mangrove Dependent Livelihoods through Climate Justice Lens in Lamu County, Kenya

SOLOMON NJENGA (Mr)., Dan Olago, Evans Kituyi, et al.

Published: 2023-04-14
Subjects: Oceanography and Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology

Majority of Lamu people depend on mangrove and fishery for trade and livelihood. However, their livelihood is now threatened by climate change which is increasingly becoming a local threat in the region. Due to destructive impacts of climate change on mangroves ecosystem, most of mangrove traders and fisherfolk in Lamu Kenya have seen their source of livelihood shrinking day by day. The study [...]

Matrix-based Methods for Regionalized Life Cycle Assessment

Chris Mutel, Stefanie Hellweg

Published: 2023-04-14
Subjects: Sustainability

We develop a comprehensive computational framework for matrix-based regionalized life cycle assessment (LCA). When life cycle inventories and impact assessment methods have different spatial scales, spatial allocation is needed to map inventory locations to impact assessment spatial units. We review spatial allocation based on intersected areas and existing background emissions, and propose using [...]

Intercomparison of global foliar trait maps reveals fundamental differences and limitations of upscaling approaches

Benjamin Dechant, Jens Kattge, Ryan Pavlick, et al.

Published: 2023-04-14
Subjects: Life Sciences

Foliar traits such as specific leaf area (SLA), leaf nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) concentrations play an important role in plant economic strategies and ecosystem functioning. Various global maps of these foliar traits have been generated using statistical upscaling approaches based on in-situ trait observations. Here, we intercompare such global upscaled foliar trait maps at 0.5° spatial [...]

Assessment of simulations of a polar low with the Canadian Regional Climate Model

Marta Moreno Ibáñez, René Laprise, Philippe Gachon

Published: 2023-04-14
Subjects: Atmospheric Sciences, Meteorology

Polar lows (PLs), which are intense maritime polar mesoscale cyclones, are associated with severe weather conditions. Due to their small size and rapid development, PL forecasting remains a challenge. Convection-permitting models are adequate to forecast PLs since, compared to coarser models, they provide a better representation of convection as well as surface and near-surface processes. A PL [...]

On the use of explainable AI for susceptibility modeling: examining the spatial pattern of SHAP values

Nan Wang, Hongyan Zhang, Ashok Dahal, et al.

Published: 2023-04-13
Subjects: Other Earth Sciences

Hydro-morphological processes (HMP, any natural phenomenon contained within the spectrum defined between debris flows and flash floods) are globally occurring natural hazards which pose great threats to our society, leading to fatalities and economical losses. For this reason, understanding the dynamics behind HMPs is needed to aid in hazard and risk assessment. In this work, we take [...]

Rifting a crustal mosaic – The influence of basement rheology and lithology on rift physiography in the Great South Basin, New Zealand

Thomas Brian Phillips, Ken McCaffrey

Published: 2023-04-13
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Geology, Tectonics and Structure

The make-up of continental crust reflects its past tectonic history, containing a multitude of different lithological units and pre-existing structures that vary in strength with crustal properties typically varying across short distances. These variations exist across a range of scales and exert a great control over multiple aspects of rift physiography, including rift structural style, fault [...]

SilicH2O: a graphical user interface for processing silicate glass Raman spectra and quantifying H2O

Thomas Daniel van Gerve, Olivier Namur

Published: 2023-04-13
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Geology, Volcanology

H2O contents of magmas strongly impact the explosivity of volcanic eruptions, as well as their rheological properties and crystallisation behaviour. Accurate analyses of H2O in magmatic liquids are therefore vital for our understanding of the dynamics of magmatic processes and eruptions. Raman spectroscopy provides an accessible, affordable and high spatial resolution technique for [...]

Single-Blind Detection, Localization, and Quantification of Methane Emissions Using Continuous Path-Integrated Column Measurements

Nathan Blume, Timothy G. Pernini, Jeremy T. Dobler, et al.

Published: 2023-04-13
Subjects: Environmental Monitoring, Oil, Gas, and Energy

Path-integrated column measurements with a laser absorption-based measurement system have been used to detect, locate, and quantify methane emissions from a series of single-blind controlled releases with no prior knowledge of timing, locations, or release rates. System performance was evaluated against metrics defined in the Continuous Monitoring Protocol established by the Colorado State [...]

Mapping Soil Erodibility over India

Ravi Raj, Manabendra Saharia, Sumedha Chakma

Published: 2023-04-13
Subjects: Civil and Environmental Engineering, Engineering

Soil erosion is a major environmental problem worldwide, and almost half of India’s total geographical area is susceptible to it. The Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) has been widely used globally to estimate soil erosion, and Soil erodibility factor, denoted by K-factor, is an essential component of RUSLE. Although previous studies have assessed soil erodibility in India, they have [...]

Locating tectonic tremors with uncertainty estimates: Time- and amplitude-difference optimization, wave propagation-based quality control, and Bayesian inversion

Takeshi Akuhara, Yusuke Yamashita, Hiroko Sugioka, et al.

Published: 2023-04-11
Subjects: Geophysics and Seismology

The accurate location of tectonic tremors helps improve understanding of their underlying physical processes. However, current location methods often do not statistically evaluate uncertainties to a satisfactory degree and do not account for potential biases due to subsurface structures not included in the model. To address these issues, we propose a novel three-step process for locating tectonic [...]

Plastic as a Sediment – A Universal and Objective practical solution to growing ambiguity in plastic litter classification schemes

Catherine Ellen Russell, Florian Pohl, Roberto Fernández

Published: 2023-04-10
Subjects: Physical Sciences and Mathematics

There is a universal and growing challenge of ambiguity in plastic classification schemes, which affects the predictability of plastic accumulation in all environments world-wide. Plastic pollution is an ever-growing global issue, and understanding plastic items and their sedimentological relationship is a solution to this increasing concern. Definitions of micro- meso- and macro- plastic is [...]

Consolidated Geothermal Database UK (CGD-UK): A digital open license database for temperature and thermal conductivity in the UK.

Alex Dickinson, Mark Ireland

Published: 2023-04-08
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Geology, Geophysics and Seismology, Natural Resource Economics, Oil, Gas, and Energy, Other Earth Sciences, Tectonics and Structure

Variations in subsurface heat flow within the upper crust control the distribution of geothermal resources. Development of a robust understanding of these variations requires reliable measurements of temperature and thermal conductivity. To date, measurements of temperature and conductivity onshore the UK have been unavailable in an accessible, clearly structured digital format. Here, we rectify [...]

Settlement and anthropization of the Azores Islands

Valentí Rull

Published: 2023-04-07
Subjects: Life Sciences

The landscape of the Azores Islands is one of the most deeply transformed among oceanic islands, as most of their original forests have been replaced by other vegetation types introduced from elsewhere. This has been considered a large-scale unintentional ecological and biogeographical experiment on the assembly of island biotas and ecosystems. These transformations are known to have been caused [...]

A high-resolution temporal framework to understand the reach-scale controls on wood budgeting

Borbála Hortobágyi, Stéphane Petit, Baptiste Marteau, et al.

Published: 2023-04-07
Subjects: Environmental Monitoring, Geomorphology, Hydrology, Physical and Environmental Geography, Remote Sensing

Large active channels usually store more wood than channels with a narrow flow because of the availability of large unvegetated bars for wood deposition and inner functioning that usually supplies more wood through channel shifting. However, the dynamics of the wood supply (wood input, output, or stability) can vary substantially over time and the drivers are largely unknown. To explore them, we [...]


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