
There are 4720 Preprints listed.

Rising hazard of storm surge is consistent with sea level trend and caused by intensification and widening of tropical cyclone in Japan

Md. Rezuanul Islam, Masaki Satoh, Yohei Sawada, et al.

Published: 2022-08-23
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Oceanography and Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology, Risk Analysis

Variability in storminess, storm surge, and mean sea level (MSL) can substantially alter coastal hazards associated with extreme sea levels (ESL). However, detection and attribution of past changes in tropical cyclone (TC) and related storm surge activity are hampered by inhomogeneous TC records due to changes in observational capabilities. Here we investigate spatiotemporal changes in storm [...]

Köppen meets Neural Network: Revision of the Köppen Climate Classification by Neural Networks

Ji Luo

Published: 2022-08-23
Subjects: Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, Categorical Data Analysis, Climate, Earth Sciences, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Environmental Indicators and Impact Assessment, Environmental Monitoring, Multivariate Analysis

Climate change and development of data-oriented methods are appealing for new climate classification schemes. Based on the most widely used Köppen-Geiger scheme, this article proposes a neural network based climate classification method from a data science perspective. In conventional schemes, empirically handcrafted rules are used to divide climate data into climate types, resulting in certain [...]

A Machine Learning Approach to Finding Factors that Lead to Environmental Friendliness

Sucheer Maddury

Published: 2022-08-21
Subjects: Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, Databases and Information Systems, Environmental Sciences, Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing

To maintain a sustainable society, environmental friendliness is necessary, an effort that all countries must take part in. The effort must be pioneered by developed nations with the resources to enact sustainable policies, reduce emissions and conserve energy, from which developing nations will follow the eroded path. Recognizing the factors that promote environmental friendliness is necessary [...]

Fog as unconventional water resource: mapping fog occurrence and fog collection potential for food security in Southern Bolivia

Giulio Castelli, Aida Cuni Sanchez, Aixa Mestrallet, et al.

Published: 2022-08-21
Subjects: Engineering, Life Sciences

“Valles Cruceños” rural region, Bolivia, is characterized by an intrinsic water scarcity and an increasing pressure for food production by the neighboring and fast-sprawling city of Santa Cruz de la Sierra. Here, orographic fog is a daily phenomenon occurring all the year round, representing a sustainable water source for improving farmers’ resilience to dry spells and for promoting food security [...]

Recent rapid increase of cover crop adoption across the U.S. Midwest detected by fusing multi-source satellite data

Qu Zhou, Kaiyu Guan, Sheng Wang, et al.

Published: 2022-08-21
Subjects: Engineering

Cover crops have critical significance for agroecosystem sustainability and have been long promoted in the U.S. Midwest. Knowledge of the variations of cover cropping and the impacts of government policies remains very limited. We developed an accurate and cost-effective approach utilizing multi-source satellite fusion data, environmental variables, and machine learning to quantify cover cropping [...]

Drift velocity partitioning indicates anomalous high westward drift component for the Indian plate during ~65 ± 2 Ma

Amarjeet Ramesh Bhagat, S J Sangode, Ashish Dongre

Published: 2022-08-17
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Geology, Tectonics and Structure

Rapid northward drift of the Indian plate after 130 Ma has also recorded significant plate rotations due to the torques resulting from multiple vector force components. Seismic tomography of the Indian Ocean and palaeomagnetic database of the Deccan Traps are used here to constrain drift velocities at different temporal snapshots, resulting into estimates of 263.2 to 255.7 mmyr-1 latitudinal [...]

Comparing the Efficacy of First and Second Generation Biofuels and Analyzing Future Trends in the Field

Jay Nimbalkar, Lauren Southwell, Pooja Narasimhan

Published: 2022-08-17
Subjects: Environmental Studies

Biofuels are widely touted as a strong alternative for alleviating the harmful effects of conventional fossil fuels. Existing data on biofuel CO2 emissions, net emissions, land area and land type required, fuel yield, and energy efficiency metrics for both existing biofuels and biofuels in the research phase is compiled and a critical analytical review is conducted. Our analysis clearly shows the [...]

Thermal forcing expected to modulate convection in a mechanically forced stationary wave

William R. Boos, Salvatore Pascale

Published: 2022-08-16
Subjects: Atmospheric Sciences, Climate, Earth Sciences, Physical Sciences and Mathematics

This is a reply to the comment by Lofverstrom and Thirumalai on our publication in Nature. That comment and this reply underwent peer review at Nature, and Nature declined to publish the exchange

Fighting symptom or root cause? - The need for shifting the focus in climate politics from greenhouse gases to environmental protection

Thomas Rinder, Frederike Neuber, Christoph von Hagke

Published: 2022-08-16
Subjects: Environmental Sciences, Natural Resources and Conservation, Natural Resources Management and Policy, Social and Behavioral Sciences, Sustainability

Addressing the environmental crisis requires a substantial change of our current lifestyle. Yet, in media coverage and political communication, climate change has taken the lead over other aspects such as biodiversity loss and one may sometimes get the impression that reducing greenhouse gas emissions is fighting the root cause itself. The atmosphere, however, does not respond linearly to our [...]

Total factor productivity in the INTA Chinandega rice variety

C. A. Zúniga-Gonzalez

Published: 2022-08-16
Subjects: Agriculture

The study focused on measuring the impact of the INTA-Chinandega rice variety on the rate of production increase in 40 farms in the North Pacific region of Nicaragua. Data from INTA Pacific North was used and covered the 7 production cycles. The DEA approach was used as a non-parametric programming method to calculate the Malmquist productivity indices. The results showed that the INTA Chinandega [...]

Consumption Ozone-Depleting Substances Impact in Central American GDAP: An Input Oriented Malmquist DEA Index

C. A. Zúniga-Gonzalez

Published: 2022-08-15
Subjects: Life Sciences, Social and Behavioral Sciences

This study measures the impact of consumption Ozone-Depleting Substances (ODS) on the Gross Domestic Agricultural Product (GDAP) of the Central American Countries. The methodology used is a non-parametric program under Data Envelopment Analyze (DEA) with the Malmquist indices methods. The DEA methodology permits defining the technology bound or performance. It discomposes the total factor [...]

Distinct roles of cyclones and anticyclones in setting the midwinter minimum of the North Pacific eddy activity. Part II: Eulerian eddy statistics and energetics

Satoru Okajima, Hisashi Nakamura, Yohai Kaspi

Published: 2022-08-14
Subjects: Atmospheric Sciences

The characteristics and dynamics of midlatitude storm-tracks have been long investigated. Nevertheless, our understandings of the storm-tracks, especially the midwinter minimum of the North Pacific storm-track activity, are still limited, partly because Eulerian eddy statistics are incapable of separating cyclonic and anticyclonic contributions. Here we investigate the detailed seasonal evolution [...]

Data mining by watching old documentary TV programs to learn about the relationships between people’s lives and the landscape in Sakha in the perestroika era at the end of the 1980s

Shin Nagai, Ayumi Kotani, Yasuyuki Maruya, et al.

Published: 2022-08-14
Subjects: Geography

To accurately evaluate the spatiotemporal variability of ecosystem functions and services, as well as biodiversity, under a rapidly changing climate and shifting anthropogenic activities, it is an important but challenging task to retrieve information about past relationships among society, people’s lives, and the landscape. We watched documentary TV programs broadcast by the Japanese public [...]

DNA sequencing, microbial sensors, and the discovery of buried mineral resources

rachel simister, Bianca Patrizia Iulianella Phillips, Andrew P Wickham, et al.

Published: 2022-08-14
Subjects: Life Sciences

New mineral resources are critical to both sustaining human population growth and technological improvements that will enable global decarbonization. New and innovative exploration technologies that enable detection of deeply buried mineralization and host rocks are required to meet these demands. Here we show that DNA amplicon sequencing of soil microbial communities resolves anomalies in [...]

Algorithm theoretical basis document for GEDI footprint aboveground biomass density

James Kellner, John Armston, Laura Duncanson

Published: 2022-08-14
Subjects: Engineering, Physical Sciences and Mathematics

The Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation (GEDI) lidar is a multibeam laser altimeter on the International Space Station (ISS). GEDI is the first spaceborne instrument designed to measure vegetation height and to quantify aboveground carbon stocks in temperate and tropical forests and woodlands. This document describes the algorithm theoretical basis underpinning the development of the GEDI [...]


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