There are 5347 Preprints listed.
Bayesian estimation of nonlinear centroid moment tensors using multiple seismic data sets
Published: 2023-03-28
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Geophysics and Seismology
Centroid moment tensor (CMT) parameters of earthquakes are routinely estimated to gain information on structures and regional tectonics. However, for small earthquakes (M<4), it is still challenging to determine CMTs due to the lack of high-quality waveform data. In this study, we propose to improve solutions for small earthquakes by incorporating multiple seismic data types in Bayesian joint [...]
Linking the core heat content to Earth's accretion history
Published: 2023-03-26
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Geochemistry, Geophysics and Seismology, Planetary Geochemistry, Planetary Geophysics and Seismology
In this study we use a parameterized model of differentiation in a magma ocean setting, in which the magma ocean depth evolves during accretion, to predict the composition of the primordial core. We couple this chemical model to a thermal evolution model of the accreting metal to estimate the Earth's core heat content at the end of its formation. We find geochemically consistent models. All these [...]
N-S versus E-W extension in the Tibetan plateau: Are they driven by the same dynamics?
Published: 2023-03-25
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Physical Sciences and Mathematics
The tectonic history of the Himalaya-Tibet Mountain Range records two important extensional tectonic events: 1) N-S extension in the Himalaya-Tibet transition zone, and 2) E-W extension in the southern and central Tibet, manifested in the form of east-west and north-south striking normal faults, respectively. The N-S extensional event (~22 Ma) started to commence earlier than the E-W extension [...]
Crop Yield Prediction based on Reanalysis and Crop Phenology Data in the Agroclimatic Zones
Published: 2023-03-25
Subjects: Agriculture, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Environmental Engineering
Crop yield and phenological stages are remarkably sensitive to not only environmental factors like atmospheric conditions and physical properties of soils but also agricultural activities. Accurate crop yield prediction plays a crucial role in food security and agricultural sustainability. There are several approaches that a wide range of researchers have tried to predict crop yield at different [...]
Viscosity of anhydrous and hydrous peridotite melts
Published: 2023-03-24
Subjects: Physical Sciences and Mathematics
The melt viscosity (η) of anhydrous and hydrous peridotite was investigated using a multipronged approach combining micropenetration viscometry, conventional DSC, flash DSC and Brillouin spectroscopy. Raman spectroscopy measurements were used to verify the absence of crystallization and/or degassing during high-temperature measurements of these extremely reactive glasses and melts, ensuring that [...]
“you just look at rocks, and have beards” Perceptions of geology from the UK: a qualitative analysis from an online survey.
Published: 2023-03-24
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Higher Education
In the last few decades, Geology courses, particularly in the Global North have seen a decline in student enrolment. Geologists have linked this downturn to a lack of exposure to the subject at school and college level. This work seeks to understand the public’s relationship with Geology and draws on over 5000 open-ended question responses to a survey disseminated in 2021. The survey asked both [...]
Continental configuration controls the base-state water vapor greenhouse effect: lessons from half-land, half-water planets
Published: 2023-03-24
Subjects: Physical Sciences and Mathematics
The distribution of land and ocean on Earth’s surface shapes the global atmospheric circulation and climate by modulating fluxes of water and energy between the surface and the atmosphere. Here we rearranged land in an idealized climate model to explore the effect of eight simplified continental configurations on global climate, finding several counterintuitive results. The limited capacity of [...]
Sea ice concentration satellite retrievals influenced by surface changes due to warm air intrusions: A case study from the MOSAiC expedition.
Published: 2023-03-24
Subjects: Oceanography and Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology, Physical Sciences and Mathematics
Warm air intrusions over Arctic sea ice can rapidly change the snow and ice surface conditions and can alter sea ice concentration (SIC) estimates derived from satellite- based microwave radiometry without altering the true SIC. Here we focus on two warm moist air intrusions that produced surface glazing during the Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate [...]
Can homogeneous nucleation resolve the inner core nucleation paradox?
Published: 2023-03-24
Subjects: Condensed Matter Physics, Earth Sciences, Geophysics and Seismology, Mineral Physics, Planetary Geophysics and Seismology, Planetary Mineral Physics
Rice residue burning trajectories in Eastern India: Current realities, scenarios of change, and implications for air quality
Published: 2023-03-24
Subjects: Life Sciences
In 2019, the Government of India launched the National Clean Air Program (NCAP) to address the pervasive problem of poor air quality and the adverse effect on public health. Coordinated efforts to prevent agricultural burning of crop residues in Northwestern IGP (Indo-Gangetic Plain) have been implemented, but the practice is rapidly expanding into the populous Eastern IGP states, including [...]
Stochastic properties of coastal flooding events -- Part 2: Probabilistic analysis
Published: 2023-03-23
Subjects: Civil and Environmental Engineering, Earth Sciences, Engineering
Low-intensity but high-frequency coastal flooding, also known as nuisance flooding, can negatively affect low-lying coastal communities with potentially large socioeconomic effects. Partially driven by wave runup, this type of flooding is difficult to predict due to the complexity of the processes involved. Here, we present the results of a probabilistic analysis of flooding events measured on an [...]
Stochastic properties of coastal flooding events -- Part 1: CNN-based semantic segmentation for water detection
Published: 2023-03-23
Subjects: Engineering
The frequency and intensity of coastal flooding is expected to accelerate in low-elevation coastal areas due to sea level rise. Coastal flooding due to wave overtopping affects coastal communities and infrastructure; however, it can be difficult to monitor in remote and vulnerable areas. Here we use a camera-based system to measure beach and back-beach flooding as part of the after-storm recovery [...]
Greenhouse gas intensity of geologic hydrogen produced from subsurface deposits
Published: 2023-03-23
Subjects: Environmental Engineering, Environmental Indicators and Impact Assessment, Oil, Gas, and Energy
Geologic hydrogen (H2) deposits could be a source of climate friendly energy. In this work, we perform a prospective life cycle assessment of a generic geologic hydrogen production and processing system. While it is still too early in the development cycle to estimate precise life-cycle carbon intensities (CI) we can use fundamental engineering physics and chemistry to estimate CI. Our baseline [...]
The Effect of Preferential Nucleation Sites on the Distribution of Secondary Mineral Precipitates
Published: 2023-03-22
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Environmental Sciences
In the process of mineral nucleation and growth, substrate surface properties and substrate types introduce favorable areas where nucleation events are more likely to occur. The preferential sites for mineral nucleation exist because of the lower interfacial free energy between the precipitating phase and the substrate. In this work, we used a pore-scale Lattice Boltzmann (LB)-based reactive [...]
Stream Thermalscape Scenarios for British Columbia, Canada
Published: 2023-03-22
Subjects: Fresh Water Studies, Hydrology, Natural Resources and Conservation, Water Resource Management
Water temperature is a key feature of freshwater ecosystems but comprehensive datasets are severely lacking, a limiting factor in research and management of freshwater species and habitats. An existing statistical stream temperature model developed for British Columbia, Canada, was refit to predict August mean stream temperatures, a common index of stream thermal regime also used in thermalscapes [...]