
There are 4718 Preprints listed.

Tectonics is a hologram

Nicolas Coltice

Published: 2022-11-05
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Geology, Geophysics and Seismology, Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Tectonics and Structure

A hologram is an image in which each area contains almost all the information about the entire system. It is a metaphor commonly used for complex systems in which the whole is bigger than the sum of the parts because of self-organization. And also the whole is smaller than the sum of the parts, since the collective organization limits the behavior of dynamic features. The tectonic evolution of [...]

Dynamic Mode Decomposition for Analyzing Dynamics in Multi-phase Flow in Porous Media

Catherine Spurin, Steffen Berg, Ryan Armstrong, et al.

Published: 2022-11-05
Subjects: Engineering, Physical Sciences and Mathematics

For multi-phase flow through multi-scale heterogeneous porous media, such as the pore space of rocks, the interaction between multiple immiscible fluids and an intricate network of pores, creates a wide range of dynamic flow phenomena. At larger scales i.e. scales relevant for practical applications such as carbon sequestration, this interplay of dynamic phenomena is often referred to as [...]

A review of structural inheritance in rift basin formation

Anindita Samsu, Steven Micklethwaite, Jack Williams, et al.

Published: 2022-11-05
Subjects: Geology, Tectonics and Structure

In the context of rift basin formation, structural inheritance describes the influence of pre-existing basement structures on new, rift-related structures, including faults. Examples of basin features influenced by inheritance include rift localisation and segmentation at the plate scale, as well as variations in the geometries, orientations, and kinematics of individual rift-related faults. [...]

Quantifying dyke-induced graben and dyke structure using 3D seismic reflection data

Craig Magee, Victoria Love, Karima Fayez, et al.

Published: 2022-11-04
Subjects: Physical Sciences and Mathematics

During dyke intrusion, tensile stresses concentrated within the overlying rock may lead to the formation of normal faults. These faults typically form graben-bounding pairs that are sub-parallel to, and dip toward, the upper tip of their underlying dyke. Many studies use geometric properties extracted from the surface expression of such dyke-induced faults to estimate the geometry of subsurface [...]

Geochemistry and Mineralization Study of the Stream Sediments around Agunjin area Northeastern, Nigeria

Adediji Adewunmi, Peter Oluwanishola Mafimisebi

Published: 2022-11-04
Subjects: Physical Sciences and Mathematics

Agunjin lies in the Northeastern part of Kwara State, Nigeria. The study area is largely underlain by the basement complex rocks of Northeastern Nigeria. Some parts of the area had been investigated in terms of mineral deposits but stream sediment mineral potentials of the area are unknown. Eight (8) stream sediment samples were selected for the study. The stream sediments were analyzed for [...]

Paintings by Turner and Monet Depict Trends in 19th Century Air Pollution

Anna Lea Albright, Peter Huybers

Published: 2022-11-04
Subjects: Physical Sciences and Mathematics

Individual paintings by artists including Vincent van Gogh and Edvard Munch have been shown to depict specific atmospheric phenomena, raising the question whether longer-term environmental change influences stylistic trends in painting. Anthropogenic aerosol emissions increased to unprecedented levels during the 19th century as a consequence of the Industrial Revolution, particularly in Western [...]

Carbon dioxide storage resource use trajectories consistent with US climate change mitigation scenarios

Yuting Zhang, Christopher Aiden-Lee Jackson, Nihal Darraj, et al.

Published: 2022-11-03
Subjects: Engineering

To progress decarbonisation in the United States, numerous techno-economic models have been built projecting climate change mitigation scenarios that include CO2 storage deployment at annual injection rates of 0.3 – 1.7 Gt yr-1 by 2050. However, these projections do not include geological, technical, or socio-economic factors that could impede the growth of geological storage resource use. Here, [...]

The Seismic Signature of California's Earthquakes, Droughts, and Floods

Marine Denolle, Tim Clements

Published: 2022-11-03
Subjects: Geophysics and Seismology

his study investigates changes in seismic velocities in the period 1999-2021 using about 700 permanent and temporary broadband seismic stations in the state of California. We compute single-station cross-correlations of the ambient seismic noise and use the coda-wave interferometry to measure the changes in seismic velocities ({\it dv/v}) using a stretching technique. We focus on the 2-4Hz [...]

Salt tectonics in intracontinental sedimentary basins: Triassic – Jurassic salt movement in the Baltic sector of the North German Basin and its relation to post-Permian regional tectonics

Niklas Ahlrichs, Vera Noack, Elisabeth Seidel, et al.

Published: 2022-11-03
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Tectonics and Structure

The formation and structural evolution of complex intracontinental basins, like the North German Basin, mark fundamental earth processes. Understanding these is not only essential to basic research but also of socioeconomic importance because of the multitude of resources, potential hazards and subsurface use capability in such basins. As part of the Central European Basin System, major [...]

The forearc ophiolites of California (USA) formed during trench-parallel spreading: kinematic reconstruction of the western USA Cordillera since the Jurassic

Cemil Arkula, Nalan Lom, John Wakabayashi, et al.

Published: 2022-11-01
Subjects: Physical Sciences and Mathematics

Ophiolites, fragments of oceanic lithosphere exposed on land, are typically found as isolated klippen in intensely deformed fold-thrust belts spanning hundreds to thousands of kilometers along-strike. Ophiolites whose geochemistry indicates that they formed above subduction zones, may have been relics of larger, once-coherent, oceanic lithosphere tracts that formed the leading edge of an upper [...]

The ice dynamic and melting response of Pine Island Ice Shelf to calving

Alexander Thomas Bradley, Jan De Rydt, David T Bett, et al.

Published: 2022-10-31
Subjects: Physical Sciences and Mathematics

Sea level rise contributions from Pine Island Glacier (PIG) are strongly modulated by the backstress that its floating extension – Pine Island Ice Shelf (PIIS) – exerts on the adjoining grounded ice. The front of PIIS has recently retreated significantly via calving, and satellite and theoretical analyses have suggested further retreat is inevitable. As well as inducing an instantaneous increase [...]

Fire From Volcanic Activity: Quantifying the threat from an understudied hazard

Jia Yong Quah, Josh L Hayes, Rebecca H Fitzgerald, et al.

Published: 2022-10-30
Subjects: Risk Analysis, Volcanology

Fire from volcanic activity (FFVA) is a highly dangerous and largely understudied hazard arising from volcanic activity. FFVA can be caused by a variety of volcanic hazards and can greatly compound the damage and losses associated with volcanic activity, in addition to creating complications for event response and mitigation. In this study, we develop a FFVA ignition probability model underpinned [...]

Deep Learning-Based Super-Resolution of Digital Elevation Models in Data Poor Regions.

Ashok Dahal, Bastian Van den Bout, Cees J. van Westen, et al.

Published: 2022-10-29
Subjects: Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, Computer Engineering, Geomorphology

In order to develop reliable models, the geoscientific community requires high-resolution data sets. However, the collection of such data is a persistent challenge due to the limitations of resources. The concept of super-resolution, a method from the field of machine learning, can be used to predict a high-resolution version of a low-resolution dataset to improve usability in geoscientific [...]

Impact of Deccan Volcanism on Reorganization of the Indian plate kinematics

Amarjeet Ramesh Bhagat, S J Sangode, Ashish Dongre

Published: 2022-10-29
Subjects: Geology, Geophysics and Seismology, Tectonics and Structure

Western Indian Ocean basin shows one of the most complex signatures of the ocean floor anomalies by juxtaposition of the rapidly evolving, multiple spreading ridges, subduction systems and microcontinental slivers. This study based on ocean floor magnetic anomalies, gravity gradient map, tomographic profiles and geometrical kinematic models reports a significant westward drift of the Central [...]

Assessing the magnitude of volcanic risk to global shipping

Paul Cragg, Pete Rowley, Samuel J Mitchell

Published: 2022-10-28
Subjects: Nature and Society Relations, Volcanology

With a global economy dependent on marine traffic there has been little study or recognition of the risk posed to this industry by volcanism. Most major shipping lanes pass close to active volcanoes, or through straits and channels which can be impacted by volcanic debris. In this paper we set out the main hazards presented by volcanoes to shipping, and reflect on the magnitude of risk that these [...]


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